Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Justify Your Reason ❯ A Chat With a Chibi ( Chapter 3 )
Justify Your Reason
I dun own Trigun!! I sorta wish I lived there but I don't. So I can only dream!!
^^; I wish I could really fall in love with Vash!
--Author's Note-
Marina: Well, here we are again!! I still don't have very many reviews ^^; I got three. I was sure that this story would at least get a few more visits. The people that have read it were some close friends. I send a thanks out to: Katrina, the one friend I have that still talks to me; Quartz, who seems to not have a social life like me but is a good friend; and a few others that I can't seem to remember at the moment. ^^;
Vash and Wolfwood in unison: WE READ YOUR STORY TOO!!
Marina: ::sweatdrop:: Yeah. You did. ^^; Thanks!
Wolfwood: That's better.
Marina: I'm glad you think so... -_-;;
Vash: ::pats her shoulder:: Don't worry. At least you know the story is good.
Marina: ::is stary-eyed:: Yeah your right. ::thinks:: `He touched me. He's never touched me before. Oi! I wanna grab him and never let go! ::keeps herself restrained and sighs:: On with the story...
Chibi Quartz who has been watching the entire display: Yay!! I'm in this one!!
A Chat With a Chibi
Jewell lay in a huge comfortable armchair, both feet hanging over one of the arms of the chair. She wore stonewashed blue jeans that were ripped at the bottem, a big baggy tyedye t-shirt that had a black cross in a circle on the front, below the cross was written PEACE in big black letters, the last thing written was a verse from the Bible that was wrttien in small unclear letters.
"I dunno. I wasn't going to live if he hadn't found me. I think that was a lucky thing," she commented idly, her voice quiet, she rested her head cocked sideways on the back of her chair. The woman was looking at a little chibi kitsune, who was sitting in another chair half-way across the room, then reverted her eyes to Vash who was asleep on one of the large beds in this room.
The chibi with dark red eyes and unkempt brown hair, Quartz, sat there for a moment staring at the wall behind Jewell's chair.
His kitsune tail sat promptly on the arm of his chair, an ear twitched as the chibi nodded. "Makes sense," he said, obviously trying to sound mature.
Jewell smiled looking back at him. "Yeah." She looked at his tail for a moment then remember that she still had her illusion spell on her tail and released it. The fuzzy orange, black striped tail poked it's way under her hand. "You have a mind of your own," she sighed quietly to herself, rubbing her tail.
The chibi laughed and watching her tail, "That's always funny to me."
Jewell smiled. "I know. But it does have a little mind of its own. It's my on'y connection with my Tiger, Witteress."
The chibi nodded, "Tell me the story of her again, please Miss Jewell?"
"But i've told you the story a hundren times. Lil' Chibiness," she said, calling him by the nickname she had given him. "But, if you really want to hear it again then fine." She sighed and motioned for him to come sit with her.
The chibi hopped off his seat and sat on her lap looking up at her happily, "Yay!"
"Shhh!" she said, putting a finger to her lips. "Listen," the whisper was small like her small smile.
The kitsune smiled and nodded, listening hard. There; a sound like a snore, or growl. "If your too loud the `monster' in the bed over there with wake up. You don't want him to eat you, do you?"
"Monster, where?" he says excitedly as he hops around and walks off into Vash's room, shouting "I FOUND HIM!"
She blinked as her charge bounced over to the sleeping Vash. Another snore/growl could be heard after Quartz shouted. `So your awake and playing along?' she asked telepathically. Another growl came from him as he sat up with he eyes still closed, looking rather Frankenstein like in his brown-black jumpsuit. `Yes' Came his reply with enthusiastic delight.
The chibi grabbed vash's leg. "Hewwo!"
Jewell stood there and watched as Vash picked up the lil' kitsune by a foot. He grunted, trying to sound mean and scary.
Quartz struggled out of Vash's grip, hopped off and hid behind Jewell's leg, sniffling and quivering his lip. Vash opened his eyes with an incoherent and confused sound.
Jewell couldn't hold in her laugh looking down at Quartz. "What's wrong?"
Quartz sniffled, "He scawes me..."
Vash smiled with his eyes closed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "A little too scary, huh?" he asked looking down at Quartz.
She shrugged a little, knelt and pulled the chibi unto her knee. "It's okay, Lil' Chibiness. He's not really mean. Remember he rescued me and brought me back her to you."
The chibi sniffled and shook nervously, "Weally?"
The woman nodded and hugged him. She stood yup holding him and sat down next to Vash.
The kitsune cowered slightly and closed his eyes, burying his face onto Jewell's arm.
The gunman gently patted Quartz on the back. "I'm sorry for scaring you."
Jewell smiled.
Quartz looked at him and flashed a sudden smile, hopping out of Jewell's arms and landing on Vash's lap, "Whats your name?"
Earlier when they came in Quartz had been asleep, in which time Vash had decided to take a nap and the kitsune never talked to the gunman.
"I'm Vash. It's nice to finally meet you...Quartz," he replied, having to think for a moment for what Jewell had said he name was.
The chibi nodded and climbed up onto his shoulders, "You awe tall, Mistaw Vash!"
Vash chuckled. "Yeah, people tell me that alot."
The chibi smiled and covered Vash's eyes. "Hmm?" He then smiled again and gently pryed the little hands off his eyes. "You're hyper, aren't you?" he asked.
Jewell was watching the two interact and noticed something. "Hey, Vash?"
"I thought you brought some extra clothes to sleep in."
"Actually, I forgot to, because you had said that you wanted to go before the suns set so I just brought a few things that I always carry."
"Oh, okay."
Quartz smiled and hugged Vash's head, "I like you, awe you going to stay wif us?"
Vash smiled sadly and shook his head, "I can't not until I get something done first, to repay a promise to a long lost friend..."
"Rem," Jewell's whispered made Vash look at her. "You're talking about her aren't you?"
Chibi Quartz seemed confused, "Who?"
"A person-"
"No one," Vash interupted quickly.
"Vash," Jewell said, looking at him with a confused and worried look.
Quartz made a confused grunt, "Uhhh?"
Vash shook his head, grabbing Quartz and petting his head, smiling. "Don't worry about it, it doesn't really involve you."
Quartz tugged on Vash's sleeve, "Pweeeaze tell me???"
He shook his head looking sad. Jewell looked around, desperately trying to think of a something to change the subject when her eyes fell upon her knife, Theory. The woman picked it up and unsheathed it.
"Quartzy," she drawled, rotating the blade in her hand. "Do you remember what was special about this blade?"
Quartz nodded hapily, "It onwy huwts bad people! the ones that scawe us!"
"What do you mean?" asked Vash, inwardly glad Jewell had changed what they were talking about. Now he looked curiously at the blade in her hand.
"This blade can cut its master without giving pain, but will not cut those who are pure," she told him.
The chibi on his shoulder smiled widely and nodded.
"Oh. That is sort of wierd," the outlaw commented, scratching his head.
Jewell poked her finger on the very sharp tip of Theory and a bead of blood ran down her hand. "No pain what so ever. That's why it's special."
Then she pressed the flat of the blade to her little cut and it disappeared.
Vash openly stared in disbelief. "Wow," he whispered.
Quartz loved watching this, so he clapped his hands. Jewell, smiling, stood up and bowed. "Thank you. Now, I would like to have a volunteer, please," she said, and as if she was staring at a crowd looked around.
Quartz hopped up and down, "Ooh Me me me me!"
She nodded and motioned for him to come over to her. Vash was watching with a brow raised and a smile on his face.
Jewell bent down to the chibi and whispered, "Do you remember what to do?"
Quartz nodded slightly and whispered, "Yesh."
"OK," Jewell said aloud. "Are you ready?"
Vash's smile grew smaller for some reason while he waited and watched.
The chibi nodded again. The woman nodded once and raised the knife as if to stab him.
That's what she did, she `stabbed' him in the shoulder.
Quartz screamed in pain and fell over, holding his shoulder and having random spasms from pain.
She smirked with a fake evil sence at the horrified look on Vash face; behind the the evil look Jewell felt her heart beat slightly uncomfortibly. Then she pulled the knife up to show, what should have a bloodied blade, but was really spotless and gleaming.
Quartz sat up giggling, ran over and hopped into Vash's legs.
Jewell raised a hand to her lips trying to cover the real smirk on them. "I'm sorry, Vash, that really wasn't something I should've done to you. It's a joke about the knife I do alot," she said sounding alittle sad.
Vash put a hand over his eyes with a sigh. "It's okay. Just....don't do that again, please."
The kitsune pouted and hugged Vash's arm, "I'm sowweh..."
Vash patted him on the back. "It's okay."
Jewell yawned and sat down.
"Tired?" asked the outlaw. Jewell nodded as she resheathed Theory.
Chibi Quartz sighed tiredly and curled up in Vash's lap; he smiled and laid back. "Let's get some sleep then," he whispered.
Jewell nodded, laying back with a sigh. "I didn't notice until now how much those silver bullets had hurt me."
A long silence stretched then she whispered, "Goodnight, Vash."
"Gewd night..." a tiny voice could be heard trailing as Quartz drifted to sleep.
~~~Author's Note~~~
Marina: That thing with the knife. Just sprang out of nowhere.
Vash: You scared the crap outta me you know!!
Wolfwood: Ah, come on, Vash. That little disply scared you?
Vash: Yes, it did, thank you very much!
Marina: ::pats Vash on the back:: It's ok, I told ya I was sorry and I am.
Vash: ::sighs:: It's ok. ^^
Marina: ^^
Wolfwood: -_-;;
Chibi Quartz: O.o;;