Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Justify Your Reason ❯ To Travel ( Chapter 4 )
Justify Your Reason
~~Author's Note~~
Marina: ::smiles a little:: Well. Here we are again!! Now, sorry to keep you waiting but I've been stumped and I've been moving things around in my house. Now that I'm moved into my new room I can type, watch tv, eat, listen to music, and think at the same time!! XD
Vash: ::raises a brow with a grin:: Multi-tasking! Can't we all do it?! I know I can. What about you, Knives? Wolfwood?
Knives doesn't answer, just sits here with his arms crossed and a slightly disgusted look on his face, his eyes closed.
Wolfwood: ::shrugs:: Yeah but to type, watch, think, eat and listen would take a while to learn to do.
Marina: Yeah I know but I do it alot. Oh!! ::looks at the non-chibi Quartz that's just sitting there:: What about you, Quartz?
Quartz: ::silence, is asleep::
Marina, Knives, Vash and Wolfwood: ::big sweatdrops::
Marina: Well, okay. Now on with the story!!
To Travel
Jewell gently shook Vash awake.
"Hmm...what?" He looked up at her with a tired gaze.
"It's time to go. We've been asleep for a long while anyway," she whispered.
"Ok." He sat up and looked around, "Where's Quartz?"
"I want to leave him here, he's in his room right now." She walked to the door where Vash's coat hung on a rack. The woman tossed it to him.
Vash caught the coat and quickly slipped it on. "Okay," he whispered.
Walking out of the room, Jewell grabbed her pack and Titan.
With Titan strapped to her back she pulled the pack up unto her shoulder and began walking up the flights of stairs.
Vash followed after Jewell, making sure not to drop his pack again.
When on the top two flights of stairs she began hopping two steps at a time, picking up the pace.
Vash strained himself to follow after her, nearly tripping.
She stopped at the top. Pressed a button and waited for the door to open, panting for air.
"Sorry for the fast pace but if I want to get out of here while that little fox is awake I have to get out and lock the door."
The door slid open the suns' light flooded the hall. Jewel had to shut her eyes tight at first.
Vash yawned, "So I guess we're walking it?"
"Yeah, I haven't finished rebuilding my Hummer after I destroyed it stopping a land-slide."
She walked out and to one side. When Vash was out in the open she drew Theory and pressed it into the crack in the stone. The swordsman turned it to the right four times.
Gears clanked, the door slid shut, more clanking, then silence.
"There," she sighed.
Vash could feel a rustling in the bag he was carrying, "What's that?"
Jewell blinked. "Is there something in your bag..alive....?" she asked.
Quartz hopped out gasping for air, "I couldn't breathe!"
"EHHH!!! Damnit you little fox!" She gabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I told you I didn't want you to come!!"
The chibi teared up, sad at her tone and that she cussed at him.
"Don't pull that with me. You know that you'll get hurt if you come with me!"
Vash stepped forward and picked the chibi from her grip, looking at Jewell, "Be easy on the tyke, he just wants to be with us."
Jewell let out a frustrated groan, rubbing her face with her hands. "I don't want him with us. Not this time because..." She looked up at him. "Because..."
Quartz pouted, quivering his lower lip, as Vash responded, "Why?"
She sighed. "Okay. He can come. I don't care." She waved her hand in a dismissing way then began to walk.
Quartz hopped out of Vash's arms and jumped after Jewell. "Tank youuuu!!!!"
She raised a brow, looking at him. "Oooh, you're lucky this time but next time you stay. Got that?"
Quartz smiled and continured to follow as Vash caught up with them.
"Okay," the chibi kitsune replied.
Hours later. The suns are half an hour from setting. Jewell, Quartz sitting on her shoulder, walks beside Vash; both looking a little tired.
Quartz was snuggled up to Jewell's neck, asleep. Vash groaned, "How much farther?"
Jewell sighed and looked up at the sky. "Well. Since the suns will set in a while I think the next landmark on my old map will do for tonight's shelter."
She wiped sweat from her face as Vash nodded heavily and sighed in relief, "That's good to hear."
"Yeah." She shrugged, pulling her arm up to point at the cliff in the distance. "There."
Vash nodded and focused on the point, "About 5 iles?" She shook her head. "Three and one quarter."
The gunman puffed his face, "No fair, you waited to say that until we traveled one quarter ile!"
Jewell laughed. "No, I just love being technical."
He laughed, "Is that so?"
Vash smiled.
Jewell's smile grew wider. She loved his laugh and his smile.
Vash continued to smile as he walked.
After so long of silent walking they were at the bottem of the cliff where there was a small nook. Both suns had left the sky, the moons have yet you rise.
"There's just enough room in that lil nook for two people and a chibi to sleep so," she looked at Vash. "Either that or sleeping in the open and chance getting spotted."
Vash smiled, "I've slept in smaller places."
"I'm sure you have," she said setting her pack against the cliff wall her eyebrows raised.
The swordsman took off her sunglasses and looked at them, thinking. Ater a moment she put them back on and looked at Vash.
"Can I see your sunglasses a moment?"
Vash shuffled through his pockets and pulled out his orange sunglasses. He handed them to her with an eyebrow raised.
She tapped the lenses once. "Hmm."
Jewell opened her pack and pulled out a little leather bag with red and black powder in it.
She spread a handful of it on the ground and tilted the orange sunglasses over the spot where the suns' light shone through.
Vash stepped back, "You're starting a fire?"
She nodded. "The only way you can use flare-powder for a fire is focusing sunlight on it and my glasses can't do that. I had a special square lence but it's broken."
She looked up at him. "Why?"
Vash shook his head, "Nothing, just wondering."
The powder sparked and started, flaring up. "If you're worried about getting spotted because of the fire then dun't. Flare-powder can only be spotted in the air."
She straighted and looked at his sunglasses. "You really need an illusion charm for these."
Vash nodded, speaking in a false sense of security, "Okay."
"And you can only get them from me and very few others so I can get you one." She raised a brow at him then looked at the sleeping chibi on her shoulder and nudged him.
The chibi whined and wrapped his arms around her neck, "5 more minutes..."
She pointed to the chibi and said to Vash. "He sleeps alot more that it seems."
Quartz smiled as Vash sat down in the sleeping area, falling fast asleep.
Jewell pulled the blanket she had in her pack out and covered him up. "Goodnight," she whispered and kissed his forehead.
Vash subconciously smiled. She chuckled at his little smile. The swordsman stood and walked over to the fire and sat down to think. Somehow Quartz was now clinging to Vash's neck, asleep.
Jewell fell asleep after a while with her arms folded and on her drawn up knees, her head resting on her arms.
The suns were gone for the night, the moons rose. Pink red, blue gray, yellow white, blue white, and a darker red one; all shining down upon the sand.
Vash woke up at midnight and set the kitsune down, walking out to the fire and looked around.
He sighed and looked down at Jewell, staring at her for a long moment, Who is she... She's always seemed a mystery...
`I amJewell Masteran.' She had smiled. `I remember you. I remember how I met you too'
The words ran through his head. But he didn't know what to think about them, or her.
He sat down next to Jewell and lean against her, wrapping his arms around her's.
What to do about it, I don't know....
That was the last thought that ran through his head before falling asleep again.
~~~Author's Note~~~
Marina: Hmm. I like this. It's...Short compared to my others but...Oh WELL!!
Sorry for the delay! I've been busy with other things.
Quartz: And I've just been a lazy idiot!
Vash: So have I!
Wolfwood: I've beenwatching everyone be lazy.
Marina: ::laughs:: Well, yeah. Ture. I guess that's it for now!!! Bye!!
~Goodbye For Now~