Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The confused ❯ Brit you singing again? ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Brit: it's my real turn!
Joey: Ah, but I just finished your steak.
Brit: I'll eat it when im done singing Joey-_-
Joey: ah, right. *Nods head as in saying “go on” *
Brit: ^_^
Mallory: oh dear lord! What's she going to sing now?
Brit: * coughs in hand* Ok im ready!
He rolls the window down
And he
Talks over the sound
Of the cars that pass us by
And I don't know why
But he's changed my mind
Would you look at him?
As he looks at me
He's got me thinking about him constantly
But he don't know how I feel
And as he carries on without a doubt
I wonder if he'll figure out
I'm crazy for this guy
He was the one to hold me
The night
The sky fell down
And what was I thinking when
The world didn't end
Why didn't I know what I know now?
Right now
Face to face
All my fears
Pushed aside
And right now
I'm ready to spend the rest of my life
With you
[Chorus 2x]
Joey/Mark had both passed out once they heard Brit sing that song
Brit: what's with them?
Lisa: they passed out from excessive heart rates.
Brit: OH are they gunna be ok?
Lisa: yeah they should wake up in a few.
Brit: good!
Mallory: our tacos are getting cold.
Brit: I'll go get my steak out of the kitchen that is if I can find the kitchen.
Mallory: just don't get lost.
Lisa: yeah by the way these two have been acting lately Mallory and I will have to hold the two of them from calling 9-1-1.
Brit: you think? *Looks at mark/Joey *
Mallory: DUH! I wish I had someone like that.
Brit: Like what?
Mallory: like those two.
Brit: what about `em?
Mallory: >_<ARG! They're obviously gaga over you!
Brit: yeah what ever you say Mallory. *She walks off* they have been a little odd lately
Brit then on wondered around the “house” with no kitchen in sight she came across many rooms themed with entertainment. She eventually got tired of looking and found a bedroom.
Brit: finally I find a bedroom! *Falls asleep In the bed *