Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The confused ❯ It's been awhile ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

=+~Back in the living room ~+=
[Joey wakes up slowly]
Joey: Whoa! What the heck happened?
Lisa: Both you and Mark passed out after Brit sang.
Joey: where is she? I hope she doesn't think that I didn't like it `cuz it's the exact opposite!
Mallory: She didn't, she just left to find the kitchen.
Joey: Oh how long has she been gone, how long have I been knocked out?
Lisa: 29mins56secs you've been out for about 30mins
Joey: oh! So do you think she's ok? Did she get lost?
Mallory: We don't know! What do you think; we tied a bell around her neck?
Joey: Well I'll go find her then.
Lisa: she wasn't - oh well he left already.
Joey: hm not in the kitchen maybe she went upstairs.
(Joey walked up looking in every room searching for her)
Joey: *Opens door to his bedroom *
I doubt she's in here but I'll check, if she's not im going to sleep. If I know her she probably found sugar a TV and or a computer.
Joey unknowingly fell asleep in the bed with Britini. Mark didn't wake up till morning. Mallory and Lisa were the ones who found the sugar, TVs, and computers. They were up all night again.