Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ the sleeping dragon ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Dr. Toros: “that might be”
Commander: “we’ll be going inside now but on foot.”
Bit: “why on foot and not in the Zoids?”
Lt. Jackson: “because this is a landmark”
The team looks towards doc. He give them the ok. So the team adventures into the old base. Leena notices all the shiny walls.
Leena: “I thought you said that this base was over a thousand years old!”
Commander: “it is…”
Leena: “then why dose it look like its brand new.”
She points to the walls. Everyone notices it too.
Bit: “Yea why is it so new looking?”
Commander: “those walls are incased in diamonds.”
Leena: “DIAMONDS!?!?”
She tries to break off some but cant. She kicks it furiously. It still doesn’t break so she gives up. The get to a hanger. It too is incased in Diamonds.
Commander: “damn we’ll never get in there…”
The team starts to walk back. Leena kicks the diamond cased door then turns to catch up with the team. The wall starts to crack. Everyone turns to face it. The wall crumbles and collapses. Everyone stares at Leena. She smiles. They go inside. They see rare Zoids like a GenoBreaker and a Dark Spiner. Leena turns her attention to a white statue. Its strange. She looks up and screams. Everyone looks to the unit.
Commander: “I’ve never seen a Zoid like that.”
Dr. Toros: “It looks like a dinosaur type.”
Then a loud rattle echoes threw the base.
Brad: “What Was That?!”
Bit: “it came from out side!”
Everyone exit’s the hander. Leena is the last one out but she stops and turns to the sound of a cracking. She forgets about it. Meanwhile in Kiryu’s Cockpit Matt sleeps in a liquid diamond that has keep him alive for 3000 years. He twitches a little. He wakes up suddenly. He grips the controls and try to move Kiryu. Outside the Blitz team in counter Dr. Layon trying to steal they Zoids. Bit and Brad get to there’s in time and start to fight back. Leena get in her but a Stormsorter cuts the gunsniper’s head and takes it to the whale king.
Dr. Toros: “LEENA!!”
Meanwhile in Matt head a Mysterious voice is herd.
Mysterious voice: “It is time…now live and fight with all you heart!”
The casing covering Kiryu breaks and the liquid diamond splashes on the ground. Kiryu leaps to life and heads up the ramp. The Blitz team countered Dr. Layons attack but Leena was taken hostage.
Bit: “Damn we lose her!”
Brad: “we’ll get her back.”
Then the Shadowfox and liger Zero turn to the base and growl at the entrance. A pair of yellow eyes appear in the darkness of the base. Kiryu comes into view. Kiryu looks at the Stormsorter. The liquid diamond drips from Kiryu. He leans forward and almost touches the ground with his nose. Kiryu opens his mouth.
Commander: “we’ll be going inside now but on foot.”
Bit: “why on foot and not in the Zoids?”
Lt. Jackson: “because this is a landmark”
The team looks towards doc. He give them the ok. So the team adventures into the old base. Leena notices all the shiny walls.
Leena: “I thought you said that this base was over a thousand years old!”
Commander: “it is…”
Leena: “then why dose it look like its brand new.”
She points to the walls. Everyone notices it too.
Bit: “Yea why is it so new looking?”
Commander: “those walls are incased in diamonds.”
Leena: “DIAMONDS!?!?”
She tries to break off some but cant. She kicks it furiously. It still doesn’t break so she gives up. The get to a hanger. It too is incased in Diamonds.
Commander: “damn we’ll never get in there…”
The team starts to walk back. Leena kicks the diamond cased door then turns to catch up with the team. The wall starts to crack. Everyone turns to face it. The wall crumbles and collapses. Everyone stares at Leena. She smiles. They go inside. They see rare Zoids like a GenoBreaker and a Dark Spiner. Leena turns her attention to a white statue. Its strange. She looks up and screams. Everyone looks to the unit.
Commander: “I’ve never seen a Zoid like that.”
Dr. Toros: “It looks like a dinosaur type.”
Then a loud rattle echoes threw the base.
Brad: “What Was That?!”
Bit: “it came from out side!”
Everyone exit’s the hander. Leena is the last one out but she stops and turns to the sound of a cracking. She forgets about it. Meanwhile in Kiryu’s Cockpit Matt sleeps in a liquid diamond that has keep him alive for 3000 years. He twitches a little. He wakes up suddenly. He grips the controls and try to move Kiryu. Outside the Blitz team in counter Dr. Layon trying to steal they Zoids. Bit and Brad get to there’s in time and start to fight back. Leena get in her but a Stormsorter cuts the gunsniper’s head and takes it to the whale king.
Dr. Toros: “LEENA!!”
Meanwhile in Matt head a Mysterious voice is herd.
Mysterious voice: “It is time…now live and fight with all you heart!”
The casing covering Kiryu breaks and the liquid diamond splashes on the ground. Kiryu leaps to life and heads up the ramp. The Blitz team countered Dr. Layons attack but Leena was taken hostage.
Bit: “Damn we lose her!”
Brad: “we’ll get her back.”
Then the Shadowfox and liger Zero turn to the base and growl at the entrance. A pair of yellow eyes appear in the darkness of the base. Kiryu comes into view. Kiryu looks at the Stormsorter. The liquid diamond drips from Kiryu. He leans forward and almost touches the ground with his nose. Kiryu opens his mouth.