Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ New friends ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Leena: “im fine ohhhh man”
Doc: “good now we’d like to meet the pilot that saved you.”
Kiryu leans over again. The cockpit opens and the liquid diamond oozes out.
Leena: “GROSS!”
A figure a rises from the Liquid. He whips some of the ooze from his face. He turns to face the blitz team. He walks over to them covered in the liquid. He stops in front of the doc. The doc holds his hand out and Matt takes it. The shake hands. He then back a few feet back and pukes out some liquid diamond. He wipes his mouth and begins to breathe again.
Matt: “huff my name is huff matt”
Bit “nice to meet you matt.”
He looks at the blitz team.
Matt: “now if you don’t mind I’d like to take a shower.”
After the team and Matt get back home and he takes a shower and get some new clothes. He meets everyone in the wreck room. Leena invited Naomi over. Matt walks in and sits down.
Matt: “well that fells a lot better”
Naomi: “is this him?”
Leena: “yea that’s him.”
Doc: “well matt can you tell us a little about yourself?”
Matt: “My name is Matthew Szymas of the special forces G- UNIT”
Doc: “G-unit?”
Matt: “some call it G-force sir.”
Leena: “What’s the “G” stand for?”
Matt: “Godzilla”
Doc: “Godzilla huh?”
Matt: “Ya he was the most powerful thing on earth”
Bit: “really?”
Matt: “yea he caused so much chaos that we had to take new measures. And so we build Kiryu”
Doc: “You mean your machine?”
Matt: “yea but he’s real name is Mechgodzilla. He is the anti-G weapon.”
Doc: “well we could use that kind out raw power, I hope you stay for a while will you?”
Matt: “sure I’ll stay”
Doc: “well good because I’ve already signed you up for the trail.”
Matt: “Trail? What trial?”
Bit: “the Zoids trial, every new Zoid has to participate in it or they get rejected”
Matt: “and if I fail?”
Doc: “You have to redo it.”
Matt: “that’s not bad…”
Bit: “Four months later.”
Leena: “the last part is the hardest”
Matt: “why is that?”
Doc: “because you have to face a Genosaurs”
Matt: “they don’t sound to tough”