Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend Coming True ❯ Well we're alive ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Falcona awoke to Doomstar's angry growles. She slowly sat up, her whole body felt like she had been ripped apart and clumsily sewn back together. Her eye hurt most of all. She looked around trying to find her partner, it was nearly impossible to focus her good eye with the pain. Finally she saw Doomstar, she was standing infront of a blue organoid. Doomstar turned around to see her partner was finally awake.
*It's about time you woke up. Where are we?*Doomstar grolwed walikng over to Falcona.
"I have no idea, all I remember is being attacked by Hilz and Ambient then blacking out."the groggy Falcona replied trying to focus on something besides the pain.
*From the loss of blood.*the blue organoid growled angrily,*my partner's stupid friend and his orgaoind brought you and your crazy friend her.*
She cocked her head over to the other side of the room where Thomas lay on a bed, still unconscious.
*You say that like it's a bad thing.*Ligara said walking out of the shadows.
*It is too her.*Doomstar growled annoyed.
*This is Specular.*Ligara said taking her loyal place next to Falcona.
Falcona rubbed her sore head, the pain was getting a little better but she still had trouble focusing. A girl about Falcona's age with short blue hair suddenly walked in.
"You're awake."she said looking at Falcona.
*This is my partner, Reisee.*Specular growled taking her place by her partner's side.
Falcona shook her head trying to get her eyes to focus.
"You're pretty battered up. Don't strain your body you and your friend lost alot of blood."Reisee said walking over to Falcona.
"I can tell."Falcona said finally get her eyes to focus a little.
Falcona finally got a good look at the damage Ambient caused. Her arms were wrapped in bandages from shoulder down. Her outfit was torn quite badly. Her legs looked like mummy legs from mid-thigh down.
"He really battered you up."Reisee said looking Falcona over,"That cloak you were wearing is on the chair, it got a pretty bad beating, I would have sewn it up but I am terrible at it."
"That's ok. I've been through worse."Falcona said looking at her arms,"I look like a half wrapped mummy don't I?"
*Yes.*Ligara growled trying not to laugh.
*Tell me you're not gonna try to walk like last time you got battered up.*Doomstar growled praying she wouldn't half to support Falcona, again.
"I've been through worse."Falcona laughed rubbing one of her legs.
*Fine, I'm not holding you up.*Doomstar said with an annoyed snort.
This made everyone laugh.
"By the way, how's Thomas doing?"Falcona said looking over at her friend.
"He's just sleeping."Reisee said watching Falcona try to stretch her sore legs.
"Then he'll never wake up."Falcona said accidentally over-stretching her leg,"OUCH!"
*Ha, ha.*Doomstar growled.
"He sleeps that hard?"Reisee said looking at Falcona trying not to laugh again.
"Like a rock. To him there is no such thing as time before ten 'o' clock."Falcona said rubbing her leg.
*Oh, here's your bag.*Ligara growled handing Falcona her duffel.
Falcona took it and pulled out a hackey sack.
"You wanna see how hard he sleeps?"Falcona said as she threw it at the sleeping Thomas.
He didn't even move.
"Ya see what I mean?"Flacona said pulling a mirror out of her bag this time.
"Ouch."Reisee said.
Falcona saw the damage Ambient had done to her face, not too bad. One thing stuck out though, another deep slash crossed over the one on her left eye creating an x right in through her eye.
"I was hoping I imagined that."Falcona said rubbing her eye.
"Hilz and Ambient are heartless. They kill anyone who gets in their way."Reisee said still looking at Thomas.
"Oh, well. Just another scar."Falcona said putting down her mirror and pulling out her laptop.
She turned it on, she had changed the background to the picture of her kissing Thomas after he saved her. She just loved to torture him.
"That computer looks alot like the one my friend has."Reisee said turning back to Falcona who was trying not to laugh at her picture collection,"What's so funny?"
"Some old pictures of Thomas."Falcona chocked out turning the laptop so Reisee could see.
"He looks like a strawberry."Reisee said just barely able to keep her composure.
"He always does. We've been best friends for five years. He and his brother have been there for me since we met."Falcona said accidentaly switching to a picture of Raven holding her by her knees over a ledge.
Reisee stopped laughing. Falcona quickly turned her laptop around. Tears began to form in her eyes.
"How do you know Raven?"Reisee asked seeing the look on Falcona's face.
"He's my twin brother. This picture is three years old. He wouldn't even recognize me now."Falcona said trying to hold back her tears.
"Who is that girl he is holding?"Reisee asked coming up by Falcona to look at the picture again.
"That's me, before......before I died, for lack of better words."Falcona said looking at the picture.
"What do you mean, died?"Reisee said putting a hand on Falcona's shoulder.
"Thomas and I are always together when it comes to the military, both of us are leiutenants. We were sent to help with the guardian forece, only one of us made it. We were attacked, I forced Thomas to run, but I stayed behind to distract them. I should have been killed. My heart stopped for nearly an hour. I have no idea why I am alive. I would have died if Ligara and Doomstar's evolution hadn't affected me too."Falcona said tears fudding her eyes.
Reisee just listened. She couldn't belive what she was hearing.
"Raven told us to be careful before he vanished, like always we didn't listen."Falcona said trying to regain her composure without crying.
Suddenly Thomas stirred. He slowly sat up but collapsed due to the fact he had very little blood still. Falcona turned off her laptop and tried to get up. Suprisingly she managed to get over to Thomas without much trouble.
"My head."Thomas groaned.
"Sit still dummy. You lost alot of blood."Falcona said looking tenderly at her friend.
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What will happen next? Why the hell am I asking these dumb questions? I don't know.