Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ In the Hospital ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With You

Disclaimer: If I must do this, I will do this. Zoids does not belong to me. I do not claim to own the wonderful series, I just like writing fanfics. I do not own any characters there in, either. Now let us go on to the next chapter, and the last :'(.

Chapter 13

In the Hospital

Raven awoke in a hospital bed with I.V.s in his arm. He carefully sat up and yanked the I.V.s out of his arm. "Ouch," he said rubbing the area where the needles had been. His shoulder and stomach were wrapped up in bandages. He carefully unwrapped both his wounds and threw the used bandages on the table next to him.

"Awake I see," said Vega who was sitting on the far left side of the room.

"What happened?" asked Raven rubbing his head.

"Nothing," replied Vega. "Everything turned out fine."

"Oh…that's good. What about Fiona?" he asked.

"She's fine. She's back at your home sleeping. It is 12:09 after all," replied Vega.

"What about Van? What happened to him?" asked Raven.

"He's in the next room. He's asleep still, but he will be fine," replied Vega.

"I just noticed something," said Raven out of nowhere.

"What?" asked Vega.

"You don't wear the symbol of my clan, I wonder when they stopped using the symbol."

"Um…I don't know," replied Vega.

"Well, would you mind if put the symbol on you?"

"Uh…I guess. It would be an honor," said Vega.

"Grab that knife over there and give it to me," replied Raven.

Vega grabbed a knife that was on the medical table next to Raven's bed and handed him the handle part of it.

"That is not how you hand a knife. Give me it blade side out," said Raven sounding a little irritated.

"Oh…I never heard of any one wanting it blade side out, but I guess here you go," said Vega flipping the knife over.

"Much better," said Raven.

He took the knife and checked the sharpness of it with his thumb. It was sharp enough that, on contact, it cut him.

"That's good enough," said Raven to himself. "Come over here."

He traced the symbol right below his right eye. Vega walked over and sat on a chair next to the bed. Carefully, Raven took the knife and cut the symbol into Vega's skin, right below his right eye, just like his was. Vega didn't tried not to flinch as he cut it. When he was done, Raven threw the knife back onto the medical table.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it?" asked Raven.

"What do I do now?" asked Vega.

"It will form into a red scar like mine. I want you to carry on the tradition of putting the symbols on each of your offspring," said Raven.

"Alright," said Vega. "I better get goin' my team back home will get worried if I'm not back in a little while, you see, I never told them I went back to help you guys out."

"Oh, alright," said Raven. "I'll tell Van and Fiona that you had to leave and that to said good-bye."
"Thanks Raven," said Vega walking out of the room. "Maybe I'll come back and see you again some day."

"See ya later," replied Raven.

With that, Vega left the room and walked out of the hospital.

"See you later, kid," said Raven to himself before falling asleep again.

[Wow! What turned into a One-Shot song-fic turned into a 13 chapter long story with added twists, turns, and happy endings, but sadly, this has come to an end. Thank you all for joining me on my journey into the world of fan-fics (seeing as this was my first fan-fic attempt, not to mention my first romance fic). I would like to thank all of the original reviewers and new reviewers.

Thank You:






Sick Liitle Fiend

And any other reviewer I forgot to add in. Thank you all…This story is Over!]