Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Legend
The fellowship stumbles upon a normal forest, while on their quest...but is the forest that normal.. or is there something of great evil there.. or is it something that would help them with the destruction of the ring. Slash
Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the rings or any of the characters, no matter how much I wish I did, especially legolas
WARNING: This fic is slash. If you donÕt know what it means or if you donÕt like slash you shouldnÕt read this. If your openminded and you want to know what slash is I will tell you. Slash is a relationship between two males. m/m. My story will prabubly have m/f couplings and other pairings but IÕm still not sure.
Okay, this is my first Lord Of The Rings fic, so be nice to me, okay?
Im real lazy so i will not put he said or she said unless i feel like it. im hoping there will be descriptions in my story but then again one doesn't know. No Flammers.
I will tell you now. The fellowship consist of Gandalf, Boromir( DonÕt know how to spell his name), Haldir, Gimli, Aragorn, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry
1 Fathrill is my own character
2 I really do not like flammers so donÕt send any
3 I know my grammar and spelling sucks, so i donÕt need reviews saying that. Occasionally I will hopefullt get a beta. But sheÕs very busy and can only come over on weekends.
4 OH! Haldir was part of the fellowship since they left Rivendell, not legolas (at least in this story)
5 Good reviews would be nice to get me going. If I at least donÕt get one iÕll stop until i really get in the mood to write (that would be months)
or until my sister wants me to continue.
=Blah= elvish
ÔblahÕ = Wood elvish
ÒBlahÓ = English
*blah* = Thoughts
^blah^ Dark language of Mordor
++++++++++++ ((((((())))))))) A change in pov or next scene
A Legend
Chapter one
ÔMy lord, strangers approach-Õ
ÔKill them-Õ
ÔThey travel with childrenÕ
Ô.....Let them pass...warn my people to remain hidden, no one is to approach the strangers.Õ
ÔYes, my lordÕ
ÒWhen is our next stop... iÕm hungryÓ- Pippin
ÒPip stop it, we all know your hungry, so stuff itÓ- Merry
ÒBut I canÕt stuff it without food.Ó - Pippin
Now everyone was annoyed at Pippin Òshut upÓ they yelled. From there, Pippin kept quiet.
ÒAragorn we should stop soon, the young ones are tiringÓ - Haldir
ÒIf we keep going we could leave this forest in three daysÓ - Aragorn
ÒAragorn look behind you, at everyone, theyÕre tired, we should restÓ
- Haldir
Aragorn looked behind him. Haldir was right the whole fellowship was tired, and with Gandalf no longer with them, their grief added to their emotional wariness.
ÒAll right, as soon as we find a clearing weÕll restÓ - Aragorn
They walked for thirty more minutes until a clearing was found.
ÒGimli, get some firewood, Haldir use your eyes to scout for any danger, the rest of us will set camp.Ó That left Aragorn to go hunting for anything eatable. The fellowship set out to do the small tasks Aragorn ask of them.
Haldir had a weird feeling, like they were being watched, yet he saw and heard nothing. * I feel something and yet none of my other senses could detect anything, itÕs just a feeling, I have to tell Aragorn, ever since we entered this forest this feeling would not leave me.* He went to wait for Aragorn at the set camp.
*This forest is peaceful... maybe too peaceful..I donÕt know whether to put up my guard or relax*
Aragorn walked quietly through the forest searching for food. Now was the time he could relax slightly, being away from the fellowship. Since GandalfÕs death he felt more pressure put on his shoulders. Not only did he have to keep Frodo safe from the dangers that kept following them, but now he had to lead the fellowship safely through the journey to Mount Doom. A slight movement caught his eye. He crouched low as a rabbit moved out of the bushes. He grabbed his bow and arrow from his pack, took aim and hit his target. After wandering for a couple of more minutes, during that time he caught three more rabbits, he started his way back to camp.
ÔWhere are you going Legolas?Õ -Thranduil
ÔTo get water from the riverÕ - Legolas
ÔNot today -Õ - Thranduil
ÔBut the young cub needs a bath, you should see it its covered with mudÕ Legolas said while laughing
ÔLegolas....the forest isnÕt safe todayÕ -Thranduil
ÔWhat happended....the-Õ - Legolas
ÔThe trees and animals will be safeÕ - Thranduil
ÔThen-Õ Legolas
ÔStrangers entered the forest. IÕm letting them passÕ - Thranduil
ÔThen if your letting them pass theyÕre no dangerÕ
Legolas said with a smile
ÔI would rest easily if we remain out of siteÕ - Thranduil
ÔOk but then you have to play with me and the younglings...Your it.Õ
After patting his father he ran from him yelling, warning his younger friends.
*HeÕs still a youngling himself, retaining his innocence of life.*
As the lord of a kingdom, he should be a lord with power and be serious with everything. Yet he will chase the younglings and his son.
The older elves thought this of no surprise. Time spent with Legolas made any one act like a youngling. And in order to keep this, they secluded their kingdom. No one outside had a clue to what laid in this forest and those who stumbled upon it, would not get to live the rest of their lives. Thranduil made in exception with this group of strangers. They traveled with ÔchildrenÕ who still have some innocence, reminding him of his son.
=Aragorn I must speak to you= - Haldir
Hearing Haldir speak in elvish made Aragorn think something was wrong.
No one else in the group spoke elvish and Haldir speaking it made him think Haldir would speak of danger keeping the others from worrying.
Aragorn laid the rabbits next to the fire camp for Sam to cook, brew whatever he did. He walked to Haldir who was a little far from the camp.
=What is it, there something in this forest isnÕt there ?= - Aragorn
=...IÕm not sure, I have this feeling something is watching us and other times I feel that we are not welcome and yet they do nothing to try and get us out.= - Haldir
= I felt something yet I could not Identify it.....It seems the longer we stay here, the more energy I get =- Aragorn
=I felt the same, yet I feel no danger.... itÕs more like an empty threat.=
- Haldir
=Just be wary, donÕt mention this to the hobbits=- Aragorn
With a nod to Aragorn, both made their way back to the camp.
ÒAragorn, Haldir IÕm making some stew , I hope both of you will be eatingÓ - Sam
ÒOf course Ò - Aragorn, Haldir
Legolas smiled, he manage to get his father to play with them, but now the younglings were being put to bed. And now Legolas sat in his tent with a dirty wolf cub on his lap.
ÔMaybe I should get some water, what danger could there be.Õ- Legolas
ÔLegolas Ô Thranduil said while stepping into their tent, ÔshouldnÕt you be sleepingÕ
ÔI will be, but I still have to clean up SilverÕ - Legolas
Thranduil sighed.
ÔTell you what, go to bed and in the morning I would have some one bring you water to get him cleaned upÕ - Thranduil
ÔOkÕ Legolas reluctantly agreed ÔGoodnight FatherÕ
ÔGoodnight Legolas, if you need anything I would be in the noble tent discussing some things with Fathrill.Õ - Thranduil
ÒThis is great Sam, IÕll have anotherÓ- Pippin
ÒGo right ahead, thereÕs plentyÓ - Sam
ÒGreat!Ó- Pippin
ÒMaster Frodo, will you not eat more?Ó Sam
ÒNo thank you Sam, I had enough.......really I did.Ó
Frodo seem the most affected from GandalfÕs fall. It was no doubt he blamed himself for GandalfÕs death.
ÒItÕs not your fault FrodoÓ - Boromir
ÒYes it isÓ - Frodo
ÒNo it isnÕt.... we all knew what this quest meant. None of us would have changed our minds if given a second chance. Were taking this chance to stop Sauron from conquering our home, each one of us. Gandalf was no different. Everyone of us would give our life to stop Middle Earth from submerging into darkness.Ó - Boromir
ÒThatÕs what IÕm afraid ofÓ - Frodo
ÒYou shouldnÕt be troubled by this, just relax tonight, young hobbitÓ - Gimli
ÒYes I do think it is time for you young ones to sleep we still have a long journey ahead of usÓ- Boromir
ÒI will take the first watch, Haldir second, Boromir third, and Gimli fourthÓ
- Aragorn
ÒWe could take watchÓ - Pippin
ÒPip youÕll just fall asleep and forget about your watchÓ - Merry
ÒHey-Ó Pippin
ÒPippin, Merry, Frodo, Sam you donÕt have to worry we will take watch, you just rest.Ó Haldir
ÒFineÓ- all the hobbits
=Aragorn, donÕt stay up and forget to wake us for our watch= - Haldir
=Go rest= - Aragorn
ÔYou know Silver I really think you need a bath now, donÕt you thinkÕ -Legolas
The young cub nodded in agreement.
ÔFather would have done something about the strangers if they were a real danger, so it should be okayÕ - Legolas
Legolas gathered a few belongs, such like a towel to dry Silver and soap to get him clean.
ÔDo you think it will be alittle chilly....just in case IÕll bring my cloak. LetÕs go SilverÕ - Legolas
With the stuff in a bag he gathered Silver in his arms and carried him in the direction of the river. Also he had to be quiet so the guards and his father wonÕt hear him leaving.
^GGGRRRRRR theyÕre inside the forest ^ - Orc
^What are you waiting for fools enter the of the halflings carry something precious, bring them to me and bring them unspoiled^
- Saruman
ÔCultivate your hunger before you idealize.
Motivate your anger to make them all realize.
Climbing the mountain, never coming down.
Break into the contents, never falling down.Õ
ÔNow stop wiggling Silver or I canÕt get you clean. DonÕt worry IÕm almost done. Silver started whining. ÔWhat is it, do you want me to keep singing.Õ Legolas smiled as Silver made a small bark but it ended as a small yelp as he almost fell into the deeper part of the river. ÔOkay just keep stillÕ
- Legolas
ÔMy knee is still shaking, like I was twelve,
Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door.
Fathrill railed at me twice though, but I didn't care.
Waiting is wasting for people like me.Õ
Aragorn kept his eyes open just in case anything happened he didnÕt want to close his eyes for danger seem to be attracted to them since they left Rivendell, but even before that he was always in some kind of peril.
ÒI need a drinkÓ as he brought his water to his lips he notice it was empty. ÒDamnÓ *I should go and refill everyone's elses....I did see a river near by*
ÒHaldir wake upÓ - Aragorn
ÒWhat is itÓ Haldir said as he his vision cleared, his eyes refocusing.
ÒI was going to fill up the flasks (IÕm calling the water bottles that), if you could take watch while I go to the river.Ó
ÒAragorn you were suppose to wake me an hour ago, by what I could tell of the sky you did notÓ - Haldir
ÒForgive me, I lost track of timeÓ - Aragorn
ÒOf course you did, now itÕs your time to restÓ - Haldir
ÒI will, but first I will go fill up the water flasksÓ - Aragorn
ÒBe careful AragornÓ -Haldir- ÒWe know not what dwells in the forestÓ
Aragorn made his way to the river carrying the water flasks.
The orcs crept low on the ground passing by the elves in the trees. The elves dismissing them as the forest creatures. *get the halflings*
Aragorn heard a noise, it wasnÕt a horrible noise, it was more like a whisper carried by the wind. A song and the voice was beautiful, he never heard a voice like that. Compared to Arwen the voice was the sun while ArwenÕs would be a dimmed candle struggleing to stay aflamed.
He quietly approached the river, where the song was coming from.
ÔDon't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
What he saw seemed like something from a dream. He saw an elf wearing a green cloak. The elf was male, though slender the elf had a flat chest. His hair seemed like gold silk. The moon making him seem ethereal. Creamy, perfect skin and beautiful blue eyes. Aragorn looked at what he was doing and saw that the elf was cleansing a young cub.
ÔYou say, "Dreams are dreams.
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore."
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul."
Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down.
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom.
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing.
You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see.
Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.Õ
The orcs approached a young elf sitting in the river. ^Is this the persons^ - orc
^No kill him and find the halflings^ - orc
ÔThere, now your all cleanedÕ - Legolas - ÔNow you can rest Silver......ItÕs getting late we should head backÕ
Aragorn did not recognize the words that were spoken. At first he thought they were elvish but he notice the words made no sense. *It has to be a different kind of elvish*
ThatÕs when he noticed a shadow in back of the elf. But it was to late.
Legolas got up, but as he got up he heard the warnings of the trees, telling him to duck and then quickly run back to the safety of his camp. He duck as something jumped over him missing him by inches. He looked forward and noticed an awful, foul looking creature. He look behind him and noticed there were more. Silver started to growl but the young cub knew he was no match, so he stayed in the safety of LegolasÕ arms. Legolas screamed he never felt more frighten in his life.
Aragorn jumped up, sword drawn and ready to defend the elf and himself.
ÔYes, of course, with the strangers here I agree to put up more guards. This meeting is done, Fathrill, tomorrow I want you to send the guards to watch the travelers carefully and send more guards to the positions unguarded.Õ - Thranduil
ÔYes my lordÕ - Fathrill
The two walked out of the Noble tent, where all their meetings were held. But a scream ripping through the night made all the elves suddenly stop whatever they were doing, fear gripping their hearts. Thranduil knew that voice but never had he heard a scream in terror come from that voice.
*It canÕt be heÕs asleep* Thranduil raced to his tent, he was followed by Fathrill. He ran through the opening and the vision that greeted him scared him more than anything in his life. His son did not lay sleeping, bed empty and cold.
Haldir waited for Aragorn to come back and make sure he got the rest he deserved. *He has to much weight on his shoulders-* His thoughts were interrupted by a scream which chilled him to the core. A scream never affected him but he didnÕt dwell on it for the scream came in the direction Aragorn went. He noticed the others were awakened.
The hobbits wore frightened faces. While Gimli and Boromir had their weapons eady at hand.
ÒWhat was that.......WhereÕs Aragorn?Ó - Frodo looked around searching for their missing companion.
ÒGimli follow me, Boromir, keep the Hobbits safe IÕm afraid to say that came in the direction Aragorn wentÓ - Haldir
Haldir and Gimli hastily made their way to help their friend. All their thoughts were the same *DonÕt let another of my friends fall on this quest*
End of chapter one
AN: I used the song Wind if your wondering, itÕs from Naruto song by Toshiro Masuda. I just changed one word which would be Fathrill from ÔA man railed on..........Õ . Until the next chappie.
-_+ A reminder ÒThe review button is your friendÓ
The fellowship stumbles upon a normal forest, while on their quest...but is the forest that normal.. or is there something of great evil there.. or is it something that would help them with the destruction of the ring. Slash
Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the rings or any of the characters, no matter how much I wish I did, especially legolas
WARNING: This fic is slash. If you donÕt know what it means or if you donÕt like slash you shouldnÕt read this. If your openminded and you want to know what slash is I will tell you. Slash is a relationship between two males. m/m. My story will prabubly have m/f couplings and other pairings but IÕm still not sure.
Okay, this is my first Lord Of The Rings fic, so be nice to me, okay?
Im real lazy so i will not put he said or she said unless i feel like it. im hoping there will be descriptions in my story but then again one doesn't know. No Flammers.
I will tell you now. The fellowship consist of Gandalf, Boromir( DonÕt know how to spell his name), Haldir, Gimli, Aragorn, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry
1 Fathrill is my own character
2 I really do not like flammers so donÕt send any
3 I know my grammar and spelling sucks, so i donÕt need reviews saying that. Occasionally I will hopefullt get a beta. But sheÕs very busy and can only come over on weekends.
4 OH! Haldir was part of the fellowship since they left Rivendell, not legolas (at least in this story)
5 Good reviews would be nice to get me going. If I at least donÕt get one iÕll stop until i really get in the mood to write (that would be months)
or until my sister wants me to continue.
=Blah= elvish
ÔblahÕ = Wood elvish
ÒBlahÓ = English
*blah* = Thoughts
^blah^ Dark language of Mordor
++++++++++++ ((((((())))))))) A change in pov or next scene
A Legend
Chapter one
ÔMy lord, strangers approach-Õ
ÔKill them-Õ
ÔThey travel with childrenÕ
Ô.....Let them pass...warn my people to remain hidden, no one is to approach the strangers.Õ
ÔYes, my lordÕ
ÒWhen is our next stop... iÕm hungryÓ- Pippin
ÒPip stop it, we all know your hungry, so stuff itÓ- Merry
ÒBut I canÕt stuff it without food.Ó - Pippin
Now everyone was annoyed at Pippin Òshut upÓ they yelled. From there, Pippin kept quiet.
ÒAragorn we should stop soon, the young ones are tiringÓ - Haldir
ÒIf we keep going we could leave this forest in three daysÓ - Aragorn
ÒAragorn look behind you, at everyone, theyÕre tired, we should restÓ
- Haldir
Aragorn looked behind him. Haldir was right the whole fellowship was tired, and with Gandalf no longer with them, their grief added to their emotional wariness.
ÒAll right, as soon as we find a clearing weÕll restÓ - Aragorn
They walked for thirty more minutes until a clearing was found.
ÒGimli, get some firewood, Haldir use your eyes to scout for any danger, the rest of us will set camp.Ó That left Aragorn to go hunting for anything eatable. The fellowship set out to do the small tasks Aragorn ask of them.
Haldir had a weird feeling, like they were being watched, yet he saw and heard nothing. * I feel something and yet none of my other senses could detect anything, itÕs just a feeling, I have to tell Aragorn, ever since we entered this forest this feeling would not leave me.* He went to wait for Aragorn at the set camp.
*This forest is peaceful... maybe too peaceful..I donÕt know whether to put up my guard or relax*
Aragorn walked quietly through the forest searching for food. Now was the time he could relax slightly, being away from the fellowship. Since GandalfÕs death he felt more pressure put on his shoulders. Not only did he have to keep Frodo safe from the dangers that kept following them, but now he had to lead the fellowship safely through the journey to Mount Doom. A slight movement caught his eye. He crouched low as a rabbit moved out of the bushes. He grabbed his bow and arrow from his pack, took aim and hit his target. After wandering for a couple of more minutes, during that time he caught three more rabbits, he started his way back to camp.
ÔWhere are you going Legolas?Õ -Thranduil
ÔTo get water from the riverÕ - Legolas
ÔNot today -Õ - Thranduil
ÔBut the young cub needs a bath, you should see it its covered with mudÕ Legolas said while laughing
ÔLegolas....the forest isnÕt safe todayÕ -Thranduil
ÔWhat happended....the-Õ - Legolas
ÔThe trees and animals will be safeÕ - Thranduil
ÔThen-Õ Legolas
ÔStrangers entered the forest. IÕm letting them passÕ - Thranduil
ÔThen if your letting them pass theyÕre no dangerÕ
Legolas said with a smile
ÔI would rest easily if we remain out of siteÕ - Thranduil
ÔOk but then you have to play with me and the younglings...Your it.Õ
After patting his father he ran from him yelling, warning his younger friends.
*HeÕs still a youngling himself, retaining his innocence of life.*
As the lord of a kingdom, he should be a lord with power and be serious with everything. Yet he will chase the younglings and his son.
The older elves thought this of no surprise. Time spent with Legolas made any one act like a youngling. And in order to keep this, they secluded their kingdom. No one outside had a clue to what laid in this forest and those who stumbled upon it, would not get to live the rest of their lives. Thranduil made in exception with this group of strangers. They traveled with ÔchildrenÕ who still have some innocence, reminding him of his son.
=Aragorn I must speak to you= - Haldir
Hearing Haldir speak in elvish made Aragorn think something was wrong.
No one else in the group spoke elvish and Haldir speaking it made him think Haldir would speak of danger keeping the others from worrying.
Aragorn laid the rabbits next to the fire camp for Sam to cook, brew whatever he did. He walked to Haldir who was a little far from the camp.
=What is it, there something in this forest isnÕt there ?= - Aragorn
=...IÕm not sure, I have this feeling something is watching us and other times I feel that we are not welcome and yet they do nothing to try and get us out.= - Haldir
= I felt something yet I could not Identify it.....It seems the longer we stay here, the more energy I get =- Aragorn
=I felt the same, yet I feel no danger.... itÕs more like an empty threat.=
- Haldir
=Just be wary, donÕt mention this to the hobbits=- Aragorn
With a nod to Aragorn, both made their way back to the camp.
ÒAragorn, Haldir IÕm making some stew , I hope both of you will be eatingÓ - Sam
ÒOf course Ò - Aragorn, Haldir
Legolas smiled, he manage to get his father to play with them, but now the younglings were being put to bed. And now Legolas sat in his tent with a dirty wolf cub on his lap.
ÔMaybe I should get some water, what danger could there be.Õ- Legolas
ÔLegolas Ô Thranduil said while stepping into their tent, ÔshouldnÕt you be sleepingÕ
ÔI will be, but I still have to clean up SilverÕ - Legolas
Thranduil sighed.
ÔTell you what, go to bed and in the morning I would have some one bring you water to get him cleaned upÕ - Thranduil
ÔOkÕ Legolas reluctantly agreed ÔGoodnight FatherÕ
ÔGoodnight Legolas, if you need anything I would be in the noble tent discussing some things with Fathrill.Õ - Thranduil
ÒThis is great Sam, IÕll have anotherÓ- Pippin
ÒGo right ahead, thereÕs plentyÓ - Sam
ÒGreat!Ó- Pippin
ÒMaster Frodo, will you not eat more?Ó Sam
ÒNo thank you Sam, I had enough.......really I did.Ó
Frodo seem the most affected from GandalfÕs fall. It was no doubt he blamed himself for GandalfÕs death.
ÒItÕs not your fault FrodoÓ - Boromir
ÒYes it isÓ - Frodo
ÒNo it isnÕt.... we all knew what this quest meant. None of us would have changed our minds if given a second chance. Were taking this chance to stop Sauron from conquering our home, each one of us. Gandalf was no different. Everyone of us would give our life to stop Middle Earth from submerging into darkness.Ó - Boromir
ÒThatÕs what IÕm afraid ofÓ - Frodo
ÒYou shouldnÕt be troubled by this, just relax tonight, young hobbitÓ - Gimli
ÒYes I do think it is time for you young ones to sleep we still have a long journey ahead of usÓ- Boromir
ÒI will take the first watch, Haldir second, Boromir third, and Gimli fourthÓ
- Aragorn
ÒWe could take watchÓ - Pippin
ÒPip youÕll just fall asleep and forget about your watchÓ - Merry
ÒHey-Ó Pippin
ÒPippin, Merry, Frodo, Sam you donÕt have to worry we will take watch, you just rest.Ó Haldir
ÒFineÓ- all the hobbits
=Aragorn, donÕt stay up and forget to wake us for our watch= - Haldir
=Go rest= - Aragorn
ÔYou know Silver I really think you need a bath now, donÕt you thinkÕ -Legolas
The young cub nodded in agreement.
ÔFather would have done something about the strangers if they were a real danger, so it should be okayÕ - Legolas
Legolas gathered a few belongs, such like a towel to dry Silver and soap to get him clean.
ÔDo you think it will be alittle chilly....just in case IÕll bring my cloak. LetÕs go SilverÕ - Legolas
With the stuff in a bag he gathered Silver in his arms and carried him in the direction of the river. Also he had to be quiet so the guards and his father wonÕt hear him leaving.
^GGGRRRRRR theyÕre inside the forest ^ - Orc
^What are you waiting for fools enter the of the halflings carry something precious, bring them to me and bring them unspoiled^
- Saruman
ÔCultivate your hunger before you idealize.
Motivate your anger to make them all realize.
Climbing the mountain, never coming down.
Break into the contents, never falling down.Õ
ÔNow stop wiggling Silver or I canÕt get you clean. DonÕt worry IÕm almost done. Silver started whining. ÔWhat is it, do you want me to keep singing.Õ Legolas smiled as Silver made a small bark but it ended as a small yelp as he almost fell into the deeper part of the river. ÔOkay just keep stillÕ
- Legolas
ÔMy knee is still shaking, like I was twelve,
Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door.
Fathrill railed at me twice though, but I didn't care.
Waiting is wasting for people like me.Õ
Aragorn kept his eyes open just in case anything happened he didnÕt want to close his eyes for danger seem to be attracted to them since they left Rivendell, but even before that he was always in some kind of peril.
ÒI need a drinkÓ as he brought his water to his lips he notice it was empty. ÒDamnÓ *I should go and refill everyone's elses....I did see a river near by*
ÒHaldir wake upÓ - Aragorn
ÒWhat is itÓ Haldir said as he his vision cleared, his eyes refocusing.
ÒI was going to fill up the flasks (IÕm calling the water bottles that), if you could take watch while I go to the river.Ó
ÒAragorn you were suppose to wake me an hour ago, by what I could tell of the sky you did notÓ - Haldir
ÒForgive me, I lost track of timeÓ - Aragorn
ÒOf course you did, now itÕs your time to restÓ - Haldir
ÒI will, but first I will go fill up the water flasksÓ - Aragorn
ÒBe careful AragornÓ -Haldir- ÒWe know not what dwells in the forestÓ
Aragorn made his way to the river carrying the water flasks.
The orcs crept low on the ground passing by the elves in the trees. The elves dismissing them as the forest creatures. *get the halflings*
Aragorn heard a noise, it wasnÕt a horrible noise, it was more like a whisper carried by the wind. A song and the voice was beautiful, he never heard a voice like that. Compared to Arwen the voice was the sun while ArwenÕs would be a dimmed candle struggleing to stay aflamed.
He quietly approached the river, where the song was coming from.
ÔDon't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
What he saw seemed like something from a dream. He saw an elf wearing a green cloak. The elf was male, though slender the elf had a flat chest. His hair seemed like gold silk. The moon making him seem ethereal. Creamy, perfect skin and beautiful blue eyes. Aragorn looked at what he was doing and saw that the elf was cleansing a young cub.
ÔYou say, "Dreams are dreams.
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore."
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul."
Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down.
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom.
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing.
You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see.
Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.Õ
The orcs approached a young elf sitting in the river. ^Is this the persons^ - orc
^No kill him and find the halflings^ - orc
ÔThere, now your all cleanedÕ - Legolas - ÔNow you can rest Silver......ItÕs getting late we should head backÕ
Aragorn did not recognize the words that were spoken. At first he thought they were elvish but he notice the words made no sense. *It has to be a different kind of elvish*
ThatÕs when he noticed a shadow in back of the elf. But it was to late.
Legolas got up, but as he got up he heard the warnings of the trees, telling him to duck and then quickly run back to the safety of his camp. He duck as something jumped over him missing him by inches. He looked forward and noticed an awful, foul looking creature. He look behind him and noticed there were more. Silver started to growl but the young cub knew he was no match, so he stayed in the safety of LegolasÕ arms. Legolas screamed he never felt more frighten in his life.
Aragorn jumped up, sword drawn and ready to defend the elf and himself.
ÔYes, of course, with the strangers here I agree to put up more guards. This meeting is done, Fathrill, tomorrow I want you to send the guards to watch the travelers carefully and send more guards to the positions unguarded.Õ - Thranduil
ÔYes my lordÕ - Fathrill
The two walked out of the Noble tent, where all their meetings were held. But a scream ripping through the night made all the elves suddenly stop whatever they were doing, fear gripping their hearts. Thranduil knew that voice but never had he heard a scream in terror come from that voice.
*It canÕt be heÕs asleep* Thranduil raced to his tent, he was followed by Fathrill. He ran through the opening and the vision that greeted him scared him more than anything in his life. His son did not lay sleeping, bed empty and cold.
Haldir waited for Aragorn to come back and make sure he got the rest he deserved. *He has to much weight on his shoulders-* His thoughts were interrupted by a scream which chilled him to the core. A scream never affected him but he didnÕt dwell on it for the scream came in the direction Aragorn went. He noticed the others were awakened.
The hobbits wore frightened faces. While Gimli and Boromir had their weapons eady at hand.
ÒWhat was that.......WhereÕs Aragorn?Ó - Frodo looked around searching for their missing companion.
ÒGimli follow me, Boromir, keep the Hobbits safe IÕm afraid to say that came in the direction Aragorn wentÓ - Haldir
Haldir and Gimli hastily made their way to help their friend. All their thoughts were the same *DonÕt let another of my friends fall on this quest*
End of chapter one
AN: I used the song Wind if your wondering, itÕs from Naruto song by Toshiro Masuda. I just changed one word which would be Fathrill from ÔA man railed on..........Õ . Until the next chappie.
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