Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Legend
Chapter Two

Haldir waited for Aragorn to come back and make sure he got the rest he deserved. *He has to much weight on his shoulders-* His thoughts were interrupted by a scream which chilled him to the core. A scream never affected him but he didnÕt dwell on it for the scream came in the direction Aragorn went. He noticed the others were awakened.

The hobbits wore frightened faces. While Gimli and Boromir had their weapons at hand.

ÒWhat was that.......WhereÕs Aragorn?Ó - Frodo

ÒGimli follow me, Boromir, keep the Hobbits safe IÕm afraid to say that came in the direction Aragorn wentÓ - Haldir

Haldir and Gimli hastily made their way to help their friend. All their thoughts were the same *DonÕt let another of my friends fall on this quest*


ÔGet the guards, search for him.....if anyone returns to me empty handed punishments will be servedÕ - Thranduil

ÔOf course my lordÕ - Fathrill

ÔAnd Fathrill I want no disappointments, it wonÕt only be the guards but your failure would not go unpunishedÕ He finished, to make it perfectly clear that he made no request.

Quickening his steps, Fathrill went to give the word to the guards on and off duty.

*If anything happens to you I will never forgive myself* That was ThranduilÕs last thought as he himself went in search for his son.


Aragorn stood in front of the beautiful elf, sword drawn. Ha had prevented the orc from harming the being by stabbing it through the chest. Thet ocr now laid dead , but it wasnÕt over.

ÒQuickly, climb up a treeÓ He saw the elf just stared at him, fear and surprise shinning in his eyes *maybe he doesn't understand me* Repeating himself he pointed at a tree. The elf seemed to understand grabbing a branch and pulling himself up the tree, with Silver still in his arms.

Now that he got a better look he could see many ocrs, too many for him to handle. *I have to make a way out of here, away from these ocrs.* Aragorn continued his fighting but knew he couldnÕt keep this up, there were to many, soon he will be overpowered.

Legolas was frighten, he had never see such an ugly creature in his life. He knew that an animalsÕ appearance didnÕt matter. However, that creature had a freighting air to it. Legolas was relief to see a figure jump out and save him from it. He thought it was another elf but as he got a better look he saw that the figure was a man. Never encountering a man he didnÕt know how to feel. *Should I feel scared or relief.* The man said something but he didnÕt hear it, he was still shocked about everything that was happening. The man repeated himself this time he heard it as well as the urgency behind it. Legolas quickly climb the tree, clutching Silver close to him. As he was on the tree he noticed there were more of those foul soulless creatures. *ThereÕs to many, he canÕt take them all........heÕs gonna run....please donÕt leave me alone*


Haldir and Gimli made their way to the river. What they saw caused a feeling of relief and panic. Aragorn was still alive but he was fighting to many ocrs. A lot more than one could handle.

ÒAragorn what the hell are you doing fighting these ocrs by yourselfÓ - Gimli

ÒGimli, Haldir what are you doing here, your suppose to be with Frodo-Ó Aragorn was cut short as Haldir interrupted him.

ÒBoromir is with them... I thought you would be relieved to see us, seeing as you have your hands fullÓ - Haldir

Aragorn smiled at his words. Relief was the feeling that flowed through him as his two companions made themselves know. The three continued fighting through the ocrs that were no longer a threat to the three of them. Unbenonce to two of the warriors there was a figure hiding in a tree terrified that the man, dwarf and elf would get hurt trying to protect him.

Legolas was glad when the man got help from a dwarf and elf. *Are they the strangers father was worrying about...If theyÕre helping me they canÕt be dangerous*. He thought as they dodged and struck the creatures. *I hope they donÕt get hurt because of me*


Small groups of elves formed a search party.

ÔWhat are you all waiting for. go! Fathrill, take command until I returnÕ - Thranduil

ÔOf course my lordÕ - Fathrill

Thranduil with three other elves left heading towards the river.


Aragorn, Gimli and Haldir were tired from the battle. They were able to chase off the remaining orcs.

ÒAragorn, I think we should leave this forest as fast as we can. You were right in trying to leave quicklyÓ - Haldir

Aragorn nodded but started to look up in the trees, looking for the elf he fought to protect earlier.

ÒWhat's wrong?Ó- Gimli

ÒNothing, help me look for an elf I told him to hide in a treeÓ Aragorn

ÒWhat-?Ó - Gimli

A rustle in a tree in front of them was heard. They approached it and saw a shadow hidden behind leaves.

ÒAre you ok?Ó - Haldir


ÒWhat do you think happened to themÓ- Pippin

He received a smack on his head.

ÒOOP, why did you do that?Ó - Pippin

ÒBecause nothing happened to them and you shouldnÕt even suggest itÓ - Sam

ÒI didnÕt mean it like thatÓ- Pippin

The hobbits were about to have another one of their arguments. However that was not to be. They were soon attacked by fast figures moving out of the shadows. And before they knew what happen, Boromir was on the floor with his hands tied behind his back, still conscience. And the hobbits found arrows pointed at their faces.

ÒOh manÓ - Pippin

ÒWho are you, what do you what?Ó - Boromir

ÒShut up humanÓ- Grandrul

ÔTake them back to our campÕ - Grandrul

The elves tied ropes to the hobbits to keep them from running and made Boromir stand, leading them to their camp.

*What language do they speak...itÕs not elvish...western...maybe it is elvish...damn it, where is Aragorn when you need him* Boromir thought.


ÒYou can come down ones going to hurt have my word.Ó - Aragorn

ÒI donÕt think heÕ s coming down...maybe-Ó- Gimli

ÒI think you shouldnÕtÓ- Thranduil

The three companions turned around as they heard a voice. They had no time to get their weapons to defends themselves. They were already surrounded, arrows pointed at every part of their bodies. They didnÕt move when they realized this.

Thranduil walked around them thinking nothing of them, to worried for his son.

ÔLegolas....?Õ - Thranduil

ÔFather?...Õ- Legolas

Legolas climb down the tree carefully, Silver still in his arms. He ran to his father hugging him tightly.

ÔIm so sorry father.....I thought there really was no danger...I thoughtÕ -Legolas

ÔSSHHHH, Legolas itÕs ok. IÕm not mad. I want you to promise that you will never run off againÕ Thranduil said holding back his fear of this happening again and maybe next time he wouldn't be in time.

ÔI promiseÕ - Legolas

*That language again...ItÕs nothing I ever heard or anything that even exists.* - Aragorn thought.

ÒWe meant no harm. I heard him scream and saw orcs were going to-Ó - Aragorn

ÒSilence....Hanloin take them back to our camp and send for the other part of their group.Ó - Thranduil

ÒYes my lordÓ - Hanloin

They all walked back to their camp.

ÒI hope these elves arenÕt those of the dark ki-Ó - Gimli

ÒSilence dwarf you would remain quiet until we reach our camp.Ó

The group made their way to the main camp of the wood elves. When they arrived Thranduil saw their was no need to send for the second part of the strangers; he saw they were all ready there bound by there hands and guarded by five elves.

ÔMy lord you found him...we thought they would know but they have yet to speak a word and we were waiting for your permission to continue ...but I see there is no need.Õ - Grandrul

ÔYour right, there-Õ Thranduil

Thranduil was interrupted when a voice spoke.

ÔAragorn, Gimli, Haldir your all right, we thought something happened to you, we were all worried.Õ - Pippin

None of them answered because they knew better, they were told perfectly not to speak and encourage by the kicks and punches. Thranduil wasnÕt amused that someone dare to interrupt him.

ÒLeave him be!Ó - Aragorn

Pippin put up his bound to cover any blows that he was sure he would receive, but there were none. He uncovered his face and felt his hands were no longer bound.

ÒGrandrul take these children to the maidens, this is no place for them.Ó - Thranduil

ÒYes my lord.Ó - Grandul

They were surprised by the elfs action, he seemed the type that wouldnÕt care for children. Yet Aragorn and Haldir noticed he was the same with the elf from the tree....Legolas.

Legolas stood, Silver at his feet.

ÒI will take them fatherÓ - Legolas

ÒGo thenÓ - Thranduil

ÒBut we ar-Ó - Pippin

ÒShut up Pip you wanna cause more troubleÓ Merry whispered to him annoyed at his cousins constant stupidity.

The hobbits followed Legolas reluctantly.

ÒCome young ones you canÕt do anything for your friends....donÕt worry they will be fine....if they donÕt have hidden intentions. We best not see what happensÓ Legolas said with a smile trying to cheer them up.

The hobbits hoped they could trust this elf he seemed kind enough.

ÒAre they going to be ok?Ó - Frodo

ÒI already told you they will be, if they donÕt have hidden intentionsÓ - Legolas

ÒThey donÕtÓ - Sam

ÒThen they should be ok.....since you are here.Ó

The small group arrived at a tent and entered it. The hobbits saw it was furnish, making it a good homely place.

ÒNot many enter but if they do they can no longer live.Ó - Legolas

ÒWhat!?!Ó - all the hobbits.

ÒIt is not allowed to let anyone leave but you are children, the forest feels for innocenceÓ Legolas

ÒWhat does killing have to do with the forest?Ó Merry

ÒDonÕt get us wrong younglings, we do not murder anyone....the trees simply think this place shouldnÕt be know to others....that way we are safe from the dangers. This forest is special, it feeds on the rays of the Moon giving off life energy to the occupants in the forest.Ó Legolas

ÒWhat.... that is not possible.....the forest kills the people who enter?Ó - Sam

ÒYou shouldnÕt worry to much, rest in here and IÕll make sure your friends wonÕt get hurt........after all they did saved me.Ó Legolas said the last part under his breath.

He left the hobbits in the tent, leaving water and food, he was going back to his father.


ÒWhy did you enter this forestÓ - Thranduil

ÒWe were traveling that is all you need to knowÓ - Boromir

ÒWhat are you hiding....donÕt tell me you hide nothing, I can see it in your eyes, your afraid that IÕll discover somethingÓ

They remained silent.

End of chapter 2
Come back for #3\
(If i get reviews; even one word reviews like ÔGreatÕ or ÔYeahÕ give a girl something im desperate. I WANT REVIEWS!)