Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Legend
Chapter 3
ÒWhy did you enter this forestÓ - Thranduil
ÒWe were traveling that is all you need to knowÓ - Boromir
ÒWhat are you hiding....donÕt tell me you hide nothing, I can see it in your eyes, your afraid that IÕll discover somethingÓ
They remained silent.
The fellowship was hiding something and that something was around the neck of a young burdened hobbit. The group of which Elrond called the fellowship took an oath to protect the ring bearer. They swore their lives to follow Frodo to the end. They were not about to tell them that they carry the one ring, the consequences were unknown. Not one of them knew anything about these elves.
ÒSpeak when your spoken to and answer the questionÓ- Fathrill
Boromir as well as the others remained silent as Fathrill came to face the only elf in their group.
ÒYou do well to answer my lordÕs questionÓ- Fathrill
ÒYour rightÓ the others stared at Haldir with surprise. There thoughts *NO Haldir donÕt*
ÒTell me when I see one for I donÕt recognize him as a king or lord.Ó He said as his head nodded towards Thranduil.
Fathrill got over his surprise and punched the elf in the gut. Haldir slid to his knees, unable to support his weight with his hands tied behind his back, his face touched the cold ground.
ÒStop!Ó Aragorn yelled as he tried to get free to protect his friend.
ÒRestrain himÓ Fathrill said as he grabbed the elf by the hair and raised him on his knees ÒYou have no respect for those above youÓ
ÒYour wrong I do hold respect I just donÕt see anyone to hold it forÓ Haldir winced as his hair was pulled harder.
ÒHaldir enoughÓ Aragorn was now worry that Haldir would dig a bigger hole for himself than he already did.
Legolas walked towards where the strangers were being questioned. He left it to a young maiden to care for the younglings. As well as Silver to keep the young ones busy.
*Who are these wanders, I wonder if they have great tales of adventures* He thought as he laughed. He always loved to listen to the tales of his elders and tales from strange lands were no doubt more exciting.
He approach as he heard Someone yell ÒenoughÓ.
ÔFather whatÕs going onÕ -Legolas
ÔGo back to your tent and sleepÕ Thranduil said as he made gestures for his soldiers to leave the prisoners alone while his son was there.
Legolas saw the elf was on his knees, the rest of the group wore relief faces. And he had a clue to what might have been happening.
ÔFather donÕtÕ he said as he went and hugged his father ÔThey didnÕt do anything, they were the ones who saved me from the dark creatures. They caused me no harm.Õ
Thranduil was grateful that these strangers saved his greenleaf but he wasnÕt about to let them leave if he couldnÕt trust them.
ÔPlease father let them go, the younglings are worried for themÕ
Thranduil sighed as he told his soldiers to cut their binds.
Aragorn and the others looked on as the two elves discussed and then their binds were cut. He went to Haldir and helped him up.
Legolas turned to the man, Aragorn, and in an accent said Thank you
ÒWhy are you...Ó He thought for a while till he remembered he had help the elf, protecting him from the ocrs. ÒYour welcomeÓ
The elfÕs smile warmed his heart. As he was about to speak a voice cut him off.
ÒThough you are free to wander you will not leave this forestÓ- Thranduil
ÒWhat do you mean, we must leaveÓ Boromir said Òand where are the hobbitsÓ
ÒI do not trust strangers that enter my land and as for the youglings they are being taken care forÓ- Thranduil
ÔFathrill take them to the tent, they will all stay in one tentÕ
ÔYes my lordÕ Fathrill turned to the strangers ÒFollow me and you do well not to run, our warriors are told to shoot and ask questions later.Ó
ÔLegolas come, we will go to bedÕ Thranduil said as he grabbed hold of his sonÕs arm.
ÔWait, I need to get Silver I left him with the young stangersÕ He said as he looked to the floor. Legolas was still worried that his father was mad at him for going to the river.
Thranduil smiled at his son ÔThen let us go get himÕ. Legolas looked up and pulled his father after Fathrill, laughing with joy that his father held no anger towards him.
Fathrill motioned the four strangers into the tent and stepped in behind them. He saw as the hobbits got up and started to question the four.
ÒAragorn. Your ok. What is going on, what happened ?Ó
ÒSlow down Pippin weÕre all ok and nothing happened but we might be stuck here for a whileÓ
ÒYou will remain until you hide nothingÓ Fathrill interrupted their small reunion. ÒYou will never leave if it were up to meÓ
Aragorn frowned at the elfÕs attitude. Ready to vent his frustrations toward him if he spoke another word.
ÒYou-Ó Aragorn didnÕt finish as he saw the tent flap open to reveal the elf Legolas and the lord Thranduil.
ÔMy lord and prince what brings you here?Õ Fathrill bowed as he spoke.
ÔJust picking a menace up Fathrill and I hope you explained the some things to the visitorsÕ - Thranduil
ÔI did my lordÕ -Fathrill
Legolas ignored his fatherÕs chatter as he passed the strangers and went to pick up Silver who was now resting on FrodoÕs lap.
ÒI thank you for taking care of him for the short timeÓ He spoke to Frodo as he held Silver in his arms.
ÒYour welcome...may I ask you a questionÓ -Frodo
ÒYou mayÓ Legolas smiled
ÒWhat are you going to do to us....I mean you will let us leave, right?Ó - Frodo
Legolas frown and turned and left with a sad face on.
ÒWait! I didnÕt mean to upset you, itÕs just-Ó Frodo was interrupted as Fathrill answered for Legolas. ÒAs I explained to you earlier you will not leave until all secrets are revealed form each one of you as well as your intentions.Ó
The two remaining elves left (Thranduil and Fathrill).
A silenced flowed through the tent. Gimli went and stuck his head out of the tent.
ÒWell we canÕt leave, they posted guards outside this tent, at least we will sleep comfy, on pillows and not an hard groundÓ
ÒYes at least none of us are hurt....but I canÕt help but worry what will happen and-Ó - Haldir
Frodo finished Haldir's words, ÒWho will finish this quest?Ó
end of chapter 3
Hope you enjoyed this...OK who ever enjoyed this raise your hand (only one raise their hand) ::Cries:: ÒIm the only one who likes this storyÓ
At least I still have Legolas, SSHHHH I put him in my closet.
Aragorn: ÒHey have any of you seen Legolas?Ó
Rest of fellowship: ÒNOÓ
Aragorn: ÒLyric where is he?Ó
Lyric: _giggles nervously_ ÒI have no ideaÓ
Aragorn: ÒLyric! Where is he?Ó
Lyric:_Grabs Legolas out of the closet and starts running_
Legolas: ÒFinally Im out of the damn closet, Hey! Let goÓ
Aragorn: ÒLyric!Ó
Lyric: _Still running away from Aragorn_ ÒSorry every one have to goÓ
Aragorn: ÒGive him back!Ó
Lyric: ÒNeverÓ _Laughs evilly_
Legolas: ÒNot againÓ::sighs::_Being dragged by another obsesed author/fan_
Chapter 3
ÒWhy did you enter this forestÓ - Thranduil
ÒWe were traveling that is all you need to knowÓ - Boromir
ÒWhat are you hiding....donÕt tell me you hide nothing, I can see it in your eyes, your afraid that IÕll discover somethingÓ
They remained silent.
The fellowship was hiding something and that something was around the neck of a young burdened hobbit. The group of which Elrond called the fellowship took an oath to protect the ring bearer. They swore their lives to follow Frodo to the end. They were not about to tell them that they carry the one ring, the consequences were unknown. Not one of them knew anything about these elves.
ÒSpeak when your spoken to and answer the questionÓ- Fathrill
Boromir as well as the others remained silent as Fathrill came to face the only elf in their group.
ÒYou do well to answer my lordÕs questionÓ- Fathrill
ÒYour rightÓ the others stared at Haldir with surprise. There thoughts *NO Haldir donÕt*
ÒTell me when I see one for I donÕt recognize him as a king or lord.Ó He said as his head nodded towards Thranduil.
Fathrill got over his surprise and punched the elf in the gut. Haldir slid to his knees, unable to support his weight with his hands tied behind his back, his face touched the cold ground.
ÒStop!Ó Aragorn yelled as he tried to get free to protect his friend.
ÒRestrain himÓ Fathrill said as he grabbed the elf by the hair and raised him on his knees ÒYou have no respect for those above youÓ
ÒYour wrong I do hold respect I just donÕt see anyone to hold it forÓ Haldir winced as his hair was pulled harder.
ÒHaldir enoughÓ Aragorn was now worry that Haldir would dig a bigger hole for himself than he already did.
Legolas walked towards where the strangers were being questioned. He left it to a young maiden to care for the younglings. As well as Silver to keep the young ones busy.
*Who are these wanders, I wonder if they have great tales of adventures* He thought as he laughed. He always loved to listen to the tales of his elders and tales from strange lands were no doubt more exciting.
He approach as he heard Someone yell ÒenoughÓ.
ÔFather whatÕs going onÕ -Legolas
ÔGo back to your tent and sleepÕ Thranduil said as he made gestures for his soldiers to leave the prisoners alone while his son was there.
Legolas saw the elf was on his knees, the rest of the group wore relief faces. And he had a clue to what might have been happening.
ÔFather donÕtÕ he said as he went and hugged his father ÔThey didnÕt do anything, they were the ones who saved me from the dark creatures. They caused me no harm.Õ
Thranduil was grateful that these strangers saved his greenleaf but he wasnÕt about to let them leave if he couldnÕt trust them.
ÔPlease father let them go, the younglings are worried for themÕ
Thranduil sighed as he told his soldiers to cut their binds.
Aragorn and the others looked on as the two elves discussed and then their binds were cut. He went to Haldir and helped him up.
Legolas turned to the man, Aragorn, and in an accent said Thank you
ÒWhy are you...Ó He thought for a while till he remembered he had help the elf, protecting him from the ocrs. ÒYour welcomeÓ
The elfÕs smile warmed his heart. As he was about to speak a voice cut him off.
ÒThough you are free to wander you will not leave this forestÓ- Thranduil
ÒWhat do you mean, we must leaveÓ Boromir said Òand where are the hobbitsÓ
ÒI do not trust strangers that enter my land and as for the youglings they are being taken care forÓ- Thranduil
ÔFathrill take them to the tent, they will all stay in one tentÕ
ÔYes my lordÕ Fathrill turned to the strangers ÒFollow me and you do well not to run, our warriors are told to shoot and ask questions later.Ó
ÔLegolas come, we will go to bedÕ Thranduil said as he grabbed hold of his sonÕs arm.
ÔWait, I need to get Silver I left him with the young stangersÕ He said as he looked to the floor. Legolas was still worried that his father was mad at him for going to the river.
Thranduil smiled at his son ÔThen let us go get himÕ. Legolas looked up and pulled his father after Fathrill, laughing with joy that his father held no anger towards him.
Fathrill motioned the four strangers into the tent and stepped in behind them. He saw as the hobbits got up and started to question the four.
ÒAragorn. Your ok. What is going on, what happened ?Ó
ÒSlow down Pippin weÕre all ok and nothing happened but we might be stuck here for a whileÓ
ÒYou will remain until you hide nothingÓ Fathrill interrupted their small reunion. ÒYou will never leave if it were up to meÓ
Aragorn frowned at the elfÕs attitude. Ready to vent his frustrations toward him if he spoke another word.
ÒYou-Ó Aragorn didnÕt finish as he saw the tent flap open to reveal the elf Legolas and the lord Thranduil.
ÔMy lord and prince what brings you here?Õ Fathrill bowed as he spoke.
ÔJust picking a menace up Fathrill and I hope you explained the some things to the visitorsÕ - Thranduil
ÔI did my lordÕ -Fathrill
Legolas ignored his fatherÕs chatter as he passed the strangers and went to pick up Silver who was now resting on FrodoÕs lap.
ÒI thank you for taking care of him for the short timeÓ He spoke to Frodo as he held Silver in his arms.
ÒYour welcome...may I ask you a questionÓ -Frodo
ÒYou mayÓ Legolas smiled
ÒWhat are you going to do to us....I mean you will let us leave, right?Ó - Frodo
Legolas frown and turned and left with a sad face on.
ÒWait! I didnÕt mean to upset you, itÕs just-Ó Frodo was interrupted as Fathrill answered for Legolas. ÒAs I explained to you earlier you will not leave until all secrets are revealed form each one of you as well as your intentions.Ó
The two remaining elves left (Thranduil and Fathrill).
A silenced flowed through the tent. Gimli went and stuck his head out of the tent.
ÒWell we canÕt leave, they posted guards outside this tent, at least we will sleep comfy, on pillows and not an hard groundÓ
ÒYes at least none of us are hurt....but I canÕt help but worry what will happen and-Ó - Haldir
Frodo finished Haldir's words, ÒWho will finish this quest?Ó
end of chapter 3
Hope you enjoyed this...OK who ever enjoyed this raise your hand (only one raise their hand) ::Cries:: ÒIm the only one who likes this storyÓ
At least I still have Legolas, SSHHHH I put him in my closet.
Aragorn: ÒHey have any of you seen Legolas?Ó
Rest of fellowship: ÒNOÓ
Aragorn: ÒLyric where is he?Ó
Lyric: _giggles nervously_ ÒI have no ideaÓ
Aragorn: ÒLyric! Where is he?Ó
Lyric:_Grabs Legolas out of the closet and starts running_
Legolas: ÒFinally Im out of the damn closet, Hey! Let goÓ
Aragorn: ÒLyric!Ó
Lyric: _Still running away from Aragorn_ ÒSorry every one have to goÓ
Aragorn: ÒGive him back!Ó
Lyric: ÒNeverÓ _Laughs evilly_
Legolas: ÒNot againÓ::sighs::_Being dragged by another obsesed author/fan_