Fan Fiction ❯ A Story About A Life Leading To Pain ❯ Insight ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hello. I am here to tell you about a lost little girl. Her story. How she came to be lost, and choices she made that are as painful as if she had forced a dagger into her heart and it continues to bleed slowly as her reminder. She wants love just as any 'normal' person would...but eventualy---that would be the source of her trouble, pain...and shame.
Don't get me wrong, she is a happy, hyper, bright, and open person. She loves to make others laugh and to share the joy she finds in everyday events. This girl tends to look at the bright and dark side of things, and she has a bit of a temper.
Her name is Marcia.
Marcia hides, though. As open as she is, she has a thick, dense mask. Because of this, her emotions don't just run deep, they slice deep. Claw deep.
But enough of what she is, how she feels. You are here to know what happens in this life. Here, the story begins...but know that temptation is a great weakness, her weakness.
Hello. I am here to tell you about a lost little girl. Her story. How she came to be lost, and choices she made that are as painful as if she had forced a dagger into her heart and it continues to bleed slowly as her reminder. She wants love just as any 'normal' person would...but eventualy---that would be the source of her trouble, pain...and shame.
Don't get me wrong, she is a happy, hyper, bright, and open person. She loves to make others laugh and to share the joy she finds in everyday events. This girl tends to look at the bright and dark side of things, and she has a bit of a temper.
Her name is Marcia.
Marcia hides, though. As open as she is, she has a thick, dense mask. Because of this, her emotions don't just run deep, they slice deep. Claw deep.
But enough of what she is, how she feels. You are here to know what happens in this life. Here, the story begins...but know that temptation is a great weakness, her weakness.