Fan Fiction ❯ A Trip in Leggie's Shoes ❯ Of Huns and Lunch ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I collapsed on the ground, I refused to walk any farther.

"Can't….go….on….must….rest…." I panted, clawing at the ground with my fingers. I had been at the back of the line of fellowshipness, with Aragorn walking a little bit in front of me. Presently he walked back and stood over me. I gradually looked up to see him staring very unhappily down on me.

"Come off it, Legolas, we've been gone for ten minutes," Aragorn said in a very bothered tone.

"Spoil all my fun will you!? You're just a grump today, aren't you, Grease?" I said, hopping up and prancing forward to keep up with the rest of the fellowship.

Aragorn stood where he was for a moment, frozen, then turned and started to walk again. "WHAT did you just call me?"

"Nothingggggggg!" I sang, prancing past the hobbits up to the front where Gandalf was. I pranced about him in circles, though he walked forward pretending not to notice me.

I stopped and stared at him as he walked past me. I rushed over and said very sinisterly, "I tire of your arrogance old man! BOW TO ME!" I drew one of the knives from the back of my quiver and held it inches away from his throat.

"We're having lunch later, Legolas. You can wait."

"Um….yeah….sorry, I was just having a Hun moment there." Thinking of Mulan made me sad….months without the TV….how would I ever survive!? Then I thought for a minute. If I was in Legolas, it was fine with me. I couldn't wait to get to Lothlorien. There had to be plenty of large mirrors there.

"Sooooooo…….are we having lunch now?"

"No, Legolas."


"No, Legolas."






"Legolas, don't make me get angry!"

"Why!? I think it's funny when you get angry, and then Bilbo gets all scared and runs to you and hugs you and…."

Gandalf froze. "How do you know that? Not only was that seventeen years ago, but I know neither I nor Bilbo would care to tell that to anyone else…."

"Word on the street is I'm psychic!" I said happily, taking up my prancing again.

Gandalf shook his head to clear his thoughts and kept walking forward.

Eh, he was no fun anymore. "Let's see, whose turn is it now?" I asked myself, surveying over the fellowship. Aragorn and Gandalf were out, I needed a new person to bother.

"Boromir!" I cried, falling back in line so I could walk with him.

"What do you want…." he grumbled.

"I just wanted to know something. How much do you value your life?"

"Uh, enough, I suppose."

"Really? So would you mind if you died?"

"Yes, I think I would."

"Wow, that's mighty special. So if you got hit with say….three arrows….you would have a problem with that?"

"Look, are you insinuating something?" he said angrily.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" I said and pranced away. I was having too much fun.


By nightfall, I was getting quite tired, and when that happens, I remain quiet.

"We will bed down here for the night," said Aragorn, stopping the group under the shade of a few trees. The sun was glowing on the edge of the hills in the west. "Sam, tie Bill to that tree."

I sat down on the ground and stared at the dirt. My legs were extended in front of me and a little bit spread apart. I wasn't looking too good, and Pippin noticed.

"Hey Merry, what's wrong with Legolas there?" Pippin whispered to Merry.

"I don't know, Pip, but at least he hasn't got anymore energy."

My eyes flew up to see them staring at me. They looked at me intently, not embarrassed that I had caught them.

"You alright, Legolas?" Pippin said, urging me to talk for the first time in a few hours.

I didn't say anything, I felt strangely obliged to stay silent. At first I thought I was PMSing, but of course, that was sort of out of the question….

I had had a lot to think about during the day, without anything interesting happening. One of the thoughts that had crossed my mind was how I was going to be able to handle battles. Sure, I had seen the real Leggie use the bow and daggers many times, but actually doing it? I hadn't tried aiming arrows yet, I wanted to do that in secret just in case the fellowship saw if I failed. But it was possible that I had gained the marksman skills in becoming Legolas.

I was also wondering if it was possible to die. Of course that wasn't in the story, but it was still a possibility.

I was seriously considering trusting one of them with my secret. I felt the need to explain my behavior. But the question was which one, how would they react, and if it was even worth it.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Aragorn tossed me a bundle of cloth from one of Bill's packs. I unhooked my bow and quiver with some difficulty and lay down on the cloth as a pillow.

I sat up quickly when I felt something under my head. I searched around in the bundle, and saw that my things were in it. I smiled happily and took out the little hand mirror.

As the last rays of the setting sun disappeared under the hills, they allowed Leggie to be mirrored there for a few more minutes. I lay there staring at him contentedly.

"I'm glad you're with me," I whispered to his face before I fell asleep.
