Fan Fiction ❯ A Trip in Leggie's Shoes ❯ Setting Out with Lenord ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I heard a knock at the door. "Go away!" I grumbled into a pillow. I opened my eyes. Light was shining through the windows. Morning.

"God, and I was having the most wonderful dream," I muttered. I turned over on my side. A mirror lay pushed aside next to me on the bed.

"IT'S TRUE! IT'S ALL TRUE!" I yelled excitedly, then threw myself against the mirror to kiss it good morning. "My precioussssss…..precioussssss…" Sitting up, there Leggie was again, naked but for the sheets, staring up at me. "I love you…" I cooed to the reflection.


I sprang from the bed. "What is it!? Who is it!?" I looked franticly around. I had not noticed that Aragorn came in while I was kissing the mirror.

"Um, sorry to…interrupt, but er…" he said nervously, then covered his eyes and pointed to me.

I looked down, then grabbed the sheets and rapidly wrapped them around me. "Yes!?" I said impatiently, trying to get his mind off the sight (no doubt beautiful sight) that he just saw.

"But…we were meaning to leave at eight o' clock sharp! You slept in! We were all waiting for you downstairs! Finally they sent me to come get you!" he said, in a frustrated tone.

"What time is it now?" I said sleepily, looking around the room for a clock.

Aragorn traversed over to the window and looked out. "Why, it's nearly…." He took a moment to examine the sun, "ten!"

"Wow…" I said, "Magic! You can tell time by the sun's position!"

Aragorn raised an eyebrow. "Rangers need that skill…and I thought that was a skill inherent in elves also…Just forget it! Where are your things!?"

"Um….I forgot to pack…" I began searching around for my bow and quiver. They were in a corner near the door. My clothes were strewn about, however the green tunic that went over the blue shirt was laid nicely out on a chair in another part of the room. I smiled. The real Leggie must have done that…

"Legolas! Why didn't you pack!? Hurry! We need to leave Rivendell…TODAY!"

"Alright! Alright!" I looked around the room for things I would want to take with me… I picked up the full-length mirror. "Okay! I'm all set!"


"What! Can't I take him with me!?"


I set the mirror on the ground so that it reflected my entire self. "Him…." I said dreamily.

"Why you vain little….ahem…no! You cannot take that-"


"Fine…HIM with you! Look, we can only put a small amount of items from each member on Bill's back. He's just a pony! Gandalf said to pack lightly! Take only what you need to survive! And get dressed for god's sakes!" Aragorn said in a huff.

"Um…my shirt's got chocolate on it…should we send it to Russia?"

"What!? Russia!? What's that!? Why!?"

"Oh…I always thought Middle Earth people did their laundry in Russia…"

"No!" Aragorn growled. He marched over to the wardrobe next to the bed and pulled out a clean shirt identical to the one I had been wearing yesterday. "Good thing you brought a spare," Aragorn grumbled, tossing it to me. "Do me a favor and get some pants on! I'm going downstairs but you better be out at the front of Elrond's house in five minutes! And remember: take only what you need to survive!"


Fifteen minutes later, I awkwardly came out of Elrond's front doors carrying a bundle of things, including my quiver and bow.

Aragorn looked enraged. Most everybody was standing around impatiently. "What took you so long! I said five minutes! And why aren't you wearing your quiver and bow?"

"I couldn't get them on…" I said pathetically.

"Where are your things?"

"Right here!" I said happily, shoving everything but my bow and arrows into his arms.

"What!? What's with this!? A hand mirror!?"

"I know! I know! It's just not the same!" I said sadly. "But at least he's in there…"

"What else did you bring…" he yelled, looking around at my things. "A hairbrush! Elven shampoo! Tell me this is a joke!"

"Well excuuuussssse me, Mr. I-Only-Wash-My-Hair-Once-A-Year! Hygiene is very important! It's all about the man in the mirror…I mean….elf!"

"At least he's wearing pants…" Aragorn whispered to Boromir, who had drawn up aside him to see what the commotion was about.

Boromir rolled his eyes, grabbed my bow and quiver, and fastened them to me with all their leather and buckles. "Thaaaannnnk you!" I said, staccatoing the "you."

Elrond was out with the fellowship, no doubt to see us off. "Now that Legolas has graciously decided to honor us with his presence," Elrond said sarcastically. "You may take your leave. Take care of yourselves, especially you, young Frodo. We depend upon you. The fate of the world depends upon you. Keep the ring safe, for if it falls into the wrong hands….WHAT is so funny, Legolas!?"

I had been trying to stifle laughter during his speech, yet it was no easy task. "You know, I was just thinking….if you switch…if…if…" I was having trouble getting it out while laughing. "If you switch the letters around in your name, you can be Lenord!"

Silence. Boromir elbowed me hard in the ribs. "What!?" I said. "I happen to find that highly amusing."

"Legolas, do you want to go on the quest or not!?" Elrond said, flaunting the eyebrow magic.

"Ummm…let me think for a minute…"

"Legolas, that was rhetorical. Just please compose yourself. We heard such good things about you from your father. He was obviously wrong. You are quite misbehaved."

"Shut up, Lenord. You don't know the half of it!"

"Elrond! And that's Lord Elrond to you!"

"Whatever! Just…look, can we go now?"

"Yes…." Elrond sighed furiously. "The fate of the world rests on you, Frodo. Take strength from your protectors. I wish you a safe journey and your success! Now be off! Good luck!"

And with that, we set off from Rivendell. We crossed the bridge that went over the river in the valley, and while we were doing so we took in our last glimpses of the Last Homely House.