Fan Fiction ❯ A World Unknown ❯ A Bleak Outlook ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Read. And review too if you don't mind.
The first few chapters suck but it gets good after that.
I own nothing so please don't sue me.
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A World Unknown--Chapter One: A Bleak Outlook
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I should be grateful. She thought.
After all, it isn't every day that a 14 year old girl gets to go to Europe.
Maggie's aunt and uncle offered to house her for 6 weeks over the summer holiday. They must have missed having children of their own, ever since cousin Morgan moved out, and felt that they had a void to fill. The empty-nest syndrome is common, after all.
What concerned her was the absence of people her own age to associate with. She was mostly going to be there for the local history, but the ancient and all mighty tourist-traps of England could only keep her occupied for so long....
She managed to catch the eye of one of the stewardesses patrolling the aisles.
What time will we be arriving in London, miss?
Ohh, i would say in another 4 hours. The woman beamed down at her before strutting off to attend to another passenger.
Maggie offered a weak smile and nod as her thoughts turned back to her destination. Once more, she drew the rumpled piece of paper from her pocket that offered the directions to her summer residence with aunt Rose and uncle Randy. She pushed her square-rimmed glasses up her nose and read:
Randy and Rose Saunders
West Manchester
Number Three Privet Drive
In their e-mails, they had told her all about the wonderful and exciting flower shows, markets, and general culture of their spot on the map. To her, it seemed like they were trying too hard to sell her on the idea of staying with them. Way too hard.
Stuffing the paper back into the pocket of her jeans, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
One way or another, this was going to be an interesting summer
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Like i said, freaking short and boring but the first 3 or 4 chapters are just the opening cuts.
Please read and review. I appreciate it.