Fan Fiction ❯ A World Unknown ❯ The Boy Next Door ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Two weeks into her stay, and she hadn't spent a minute more than necessary at the house. Up until today, that is. Above all else, she refused to let herself get bored this summer.

Refused. Absolutely.

Damn, she was bored.

For three hours, he had sat on the front step of Number Three Privet drive, talking to a cat, (yes, she likes to talk to cats) about the things she had seen and done in London and area over the past two weeks.

After much deliberation, Maggie settled on the name allouitious for the cat. It was fitting as it reminded her of a worn stuffed bear of the same name that her Grandma had left to her when she passed on. It possessed the same shaggy grey fur and amber eyes, an unusual combination.

The day had been hot, to say the least, and beads of sweat had formed at her temples. She held a cool glass of water as she stroked allouitious and hummed to herself. Several times she had heard a woman next door scold someone, but thought nothing of it.

She was pulled abruptly from her thoughts as a sharp yelp of pain followed by muttered curses reached her ears. It seemed to be coming from behind their neighbors fence which was so high that she had to hoist herself up into the branches of a low tree to see. There, crouching low to the ground and sifting through the flowers, occasionally yanking a weed from the earth, was a boy. He had messy jet black hair and was wearing clothes, that seemed far to big for his lithe frame. His back was alarmingly sunburnt and she could see that he was labouring against the heat.

Without thinking, Maggie smiled from her position, straggling the tree branch, and said "Hi!"

The boy looked as though he had been hit by a bus! He gave a yell and jumped from where he had crouched, stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. He lay there for a moment, shielding himself with his arms, as if expecting to be attacked, but finally lowered them. He was greeted by the sight of Maggie, straddling the tree and looking at him with her head cocked to the side, as though he were some sort of enigma.

"Hi," she said again. With another smile.

"Who...who are you?" The boy asked, he stood back as though he expected her to pounce upon him at any moment.

"Oh!, Sorry! I must have really startled you, I'm Maggie, I'm here for the summer, staying with your neighbors."She swung into his yard down from the tree.

The boy gave an audaible sigh of relief and seemed to relax. Now that she was on the ground with him, she saw that he had brilliant green eyes, partly concealed by thick-rimmed round glasses, as well as what appeared to be a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead which he tried to conceal by smoothing his hair over, to no avail, as they surveyed each other.

"Nice to meet you," the boy said extending his hand, "I'm Harry Potter."

She accepted his offered gesture, then scanned the yard. "I thought I heard someone yell," she looked concerned."Was that you?" He blushed for a minute and then held out his hand, a shallow slice across the palm was leaking blood down his fingers. "Yeah," he said sheepishly,"umm, sorry if i startled you..."

"What! You should do something about that, you know!" She dug about her pockets and produced a strip of bandage."Here, let me."

"Do you always keep first-aid supplies on you?" Harry asked. This time, it was Maggie's turn to blush. "I used to be in girl guides.." She said with a little chuckle."I suppose it rubbed off on me." She tied off the bandage and stood straight just as a skinny, harsh-faced, woman in a pink dress came charging across the yard. Harry followed her gaze and turned just as the woman reached them.

"Hello, Aunt Petunia," Harry sighed,"I was just getting back to work."

"Good!" She snapped, then she turned her gaze to Maggie. "Who are you then?!" Maggie stammered under her glare "I...umm..I'm Maggie...From next door." Aunt Petunia frowned for a moment and then nodded.

"Yes, I do believe Rose mentioned you." She said. "Well, boy, back to work!" She turned on her heel and stormed back into the house. Maggie gaped at her retreating form before turning back to Harry. Amazingly, he seemed unruffled.

"Does she always treat you like that?" She said, still wide-eyed.

"Yeah, but it doesn't bother me. Its really no big deal." He shifted his feet and stared at the ground. "You had better leave though, before she comes back out..."

Not wanting to get Harry into further trouble, she nodded and turned towards the gate. Just before she closed it she waved and Harry smiled back.

Things were starting to look up.

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A/N: This chapter was a little bit longer. I have a really good idea, but im only going to continue writing if I get reviews. Sorry, but i cant write if no one is going to read. I'll post again after 10 reviews. Thanx.