Fan Fiction ❯ A World Unknown ❯ Strange encounter ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Maggie awoke the next day to a sharp, tapping sound. She groggily lifted her head and put on her glasses. It didn't seem to be coming from her room, rather, somewhere outside. She lifted her water off the nightstand and walked to the window, and when she reached it, gaped and nearly dropped the glass. Not ten feet away, was a snowy white owl, tapping on a barred and locked window. Upon closer inspection, she realized that harry was on the other side, with his nose pressed against the glass. She hoisted her window open and leaned out as far as she could for a better look, nearly falling out in the process. Harry appeared to be trying to pick the lock on the window, and he wasn't having any luck. Every few minutes he would drop the pin and mutter to himself.

Now, Maggie, being an expert lockpick out of necessity, (no one will ever know how often she picked locks for access to the bathroom, MAN, brothers are annoying.) bounded to her bedside table an grasped a hair pin, then, without a second thought, slid onto the roof and jumped the short distance between the houses. Crawling along the shingles, she reached Harry's window and caught his attention. His reaction was much akin to the first time. He gave a start and fell backwards off the bed he had been kneeling on. Maggie grimaced and motioned for him to pull the glass portion of the window open. He did so, if reluctantly and awaited the barrage of questions that were sure to be coming. With not a word, Maggie reached inside the bars and pressed the pin into the lock. With a few good turns, and just the right pressure, she was greeted with a satisfying click and she pulled the lock away. Harry looked very relieved once he had shut the door to the owls tiny cage. He turned very red and looked at his feet once more. "So, I suppose you're wondering what I'm doing with an owl..." He mumbled.

"Not at all, Harry. I had a snake once. Strange pets are the best ones." She assured him. "That has got to be the most beautiful bird I've ever seen, too." At this, Harry brightened and looked up again.

Just then, a giant, red-faced man burst into the room. He took one look et the scene, and a look of pure hated crossed his face as his eyes rested on Maggie. "NOT THIS TIME YOU DON'T!!!" He roared, diving straight for her. His large hands connected with her shoulders and she felt herself teeter off balance. Her feet slipped out from under her and she fell head over heels down the shingles. The last thing she saw, before dissapearing off the edge of the roof, was the face of an enraged Harry, holing what seemed to be a Wooden stick.

Great. Thought Maggie sarcastically, that'll help. Then, the world went black.