Fan Fiction ❯ A World Unknown ❯ Disappearances ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

OK. I'm gonna write this chapter now

I like reviews. Please review.

I don't own Harry Potter. I'm poor. Don't sue me. I'm poor. Please recycle.

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A World Unknown-- Chapter Six: Disappearances.

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All of the anger building up inside her burst as soon as she saw the stick. Abandoning all pretense, she threw herself after him and into the night.

Whatever had happened to her Aunt and Uncle tonight, Harry Potter had some idea. If he was responsible for this in any way, Maggie would make him regret he was ever born.

Whoever did this was going to pay!


The only sound on the street was two sets of feet pounding against the pavement mingled with labored breathing.

He had gotten a head start, but nobody can move fast with a giant trunk trailing behind them, she thought. Only a matter of time and then ill blow this weirdo kid out of the water. I feel like James Bond!




Ok. Mabye not James Bond.

So maybe nobody can move fast in a dress either. Not to mention that the adrenaline was starting to wear off and every step was making her more aware of a burning sting coming from a shallow slice across her leg.



Face down was not the position one is meant to give chase in. Sadly, that's where she was.

Ouch ouchouchouchouchouch.

She rocked back and forth on the street holding her injured leg and not so silently cursing Harry Potter. He was waving something at the street. It had better not be that stick!

Suddenly, two blinding white lights filled the street. they got bigger and bigger until all she could see was white light. Heaven? ...Nooo. Bus?..purple bus?......GAAAAHHH!!

A quick roll back to the sidewalk was all that saved her from death via squishing by this huge bus. The Knight Bus was clearly inscribed on the back in gold lettering.

As she got to her feet, she smeared blood from her leg across her dress. Ewww.

Then she spotted Harry, frantically yelling at the driver and heaving his trunk onto the bus. Oh no!!! No way he would get away that easy!! She threw her shoulder square on to his chest and sent him head over heels backwards. It would have been perfect if his trunk hadn't have come crashing down after him and landed right on top of her. All the air was pushed from her lungs with an audible whoosh and spots danced in her vision. And of course, to add insult to injury, the trunk's lid popped open and thick papers came pouring down on her.

While she fought to free herself from under the chest, Harry had struggled to his feet and bounded past her onto the bus. Once inside, he pulled the trunk in with him and slammed the door. She jumped up and pounded on the glass doors but nothing would give. Inside, Harry said something to the young guy driving the Bus and they started to move.

Maggie ran alongside the bus and screamed at it in frustration. She tore at the windows and beat on the sides, but it only picked up speed and rolled away. She chased it for a few seconds but then suddenly, it shot forwards and was gone.


For a moment, all she could do was gape at the spot where a full sized bus just was. No! Where a full sized bus should be!! How did he do that?! A heavy weight settled in her stomach as she realized that she had just lost him. He could go anywhere and she wouldn't have any idea how to find him. She'd lost.

She trudged slowly back to the papers that still lay scattered across the sidewalk and sifted through them, but none of them provided any clue to where he could have gone. They were all just blank, except for a few that listed some definitely not real things.

Boomslang skin? Pheonix tear? Ooookkkkkk.........

Mabye that was his problem. Too many sci fi shows. Too much dungeons and dragons.....

Or Mabye there was something she just wasn't picking up on. Wait! Success! A boarding ticket! Ooohhh, somebody is gonna miss their train! Muwahahaha. Score one to Maggie!!

Hold on just a second. 11 O' clock. Ok. London central. Right. Platform 9 3/4 ......

You have got to be Joking.

This isn't fair!! No one has to put up with this much weird shit in one night!! Its just not fair.....

It all settled deep on her shoulders like Dudley Dursley was sitting on them. It was too much!

Auntie Rose and Uncle randy. Harry Potter. Her leg. The Knight Bus. Platform 9 3/4.

And her stupid dress.

Maggie sank down to the curb, buried her head in her hands, and cried.

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A/N: I may be evil...just a bit. Sorry i kept you waiting for so long. But i get no reviws~ oh wait!! joy!! More review-ness!!! Thanks all you guys who reviewed!!

Soupofthedaysara: I read your fan fiction and it is one of my favorites!! I love the way u incorporated Jude into the Harry Potter timeline. Go see her story: The Book Of Jude.

Bastet Kitten: No problem, i love to review. I like your work! Keep it up!

Anonymous: Hehehe. Sorry, but unless someone convinces me, Maggie/Harry is off limits.

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Ill post again after.....3 more reviews. Hehe and yes, Maggie will be going to Hogwarts.

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