Fan Fiction ❯ A World Unknown ❯ Dinner With The Dursleys ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I'm proud to say, that i finally got a review!!! Mwahahahaha

This Chapter is dedicated too: Brigade701------

Go read his stuff now, he's got some awesome writings in progress. Go I Say!!!

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A World Unknown --Chapter Five: Dinner With The Dursleys

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The night of the dinner, Maggie made sure to have a plan of action at hand.

Harry seemed to be very secluded, staying in his room most of the time. Also, she doubted that the Dursley's were very leniant with him under any circumstances. She would be sure to find the opportunity to talk with him alone, even at the risk of embarrassing her aunt and uncle.

Partly because it was Sunday dinner, and partly because she wanted to impress the Dursleys, Auntie Rose made Maggie wear a dress.

Now, to any ordinary girl, this may have been no problem whatsoever. To some, it would even be delightful. Sadly, Maggie wasn't any ordinary girl, and thus, hated dresses with a passion. In the rare event she did wear one, she felt silly. Like a mindless doll. Not that she held anything against girls who wore dresses, but they just weren't her style.

Stupid, really. But how does she run or sit properly in a dress? As if to add insult to injury, the dress was pink. A stupid little sundress. Maggie had never really had any problems with confidence, but like any girl, she wasn't perfect. Her shoulder length golden brown hair had been pulled up into a clip, but a few stray tendrils brushed her neck. She went without makeup, as usual, but she did wear some jewelry, just for fun.

Before she left, she glanced in the dresser mirror. The worst thing about her appearance was that she had no unusual traits. She would never let it show, but Maggie had always been jealous of girls who had unusual attractive traits. It was hard not to be when she was average in every aspect. She was not tall or short, neither fat or thin, not dark skin, or fair. Her eyes were a blend of all colors, blue, green, brown and such. She had a straight nose and teeth; full lips and glasses. If only she had some defining characteristic of her own.......

Harry, on the other hand had it all. Jet black hair, shocking green eyes, and that unusual scar.......

Oh well. She thought. Back to the present, and her task at hand.

Number four privet drive was the most unremarkable residence she had ever seen. The carpet was a dull beige. Dull old pictures lined the walls and the furniture was covered in lace doilies.

The only thing modern about the whole house were the games, toys and gadgets owned by Dudley Dursley, their fat, spoiled son.

The moment that Maggie laid eyes on Dudley's massive bulk. She immediately disliked this spoiled pig of a boy. His huge clothes were stretched tight across his massive frame, and he had to turn to the side to fit through the doorframes between the rooms.

They chatted in the sitting room about trivial things, like the weather and drills for while until Mrs. Dursley excused herself to check on dinner. Maggie held her tongue against asking about Harry because she knew it would only bring trouble. But she was itching to know where he was. She fidgeted in her seat until they were called into the dining room for dinner, and was surprised to find, that Harry wouldn't be joining them.

All through the tomato soup, Mr. Dursley went on about the ourageoous cost of fresh fish until Maggie just couldn't take it anymore.

"May i please use your washroom?" She inquired. Mr. Dursley looked very put off at being interrupted but he nodded and said.

"Up the stairs and to your left."

Brilliant! Maggie thought. Second floor is where Harry stays! She sprinted up the steps and began peeking into the rooms. The first was the bathroom. Yeah right, She thought. Next was a huge room packed full of so many different televisions, toys, games, and computers that it could belong to no other than Dudley Dursley. Third down the hall was an equally large room that housed a huge bed, a television and an attached bathroom. Must have been Mr and Mrs. Dursleys then.

The last room in the hall was a tiny one. Modest in furnishings and decor. Sure enough though, Harry lay sprawled out on the tiny bed under the window. Perfect!

"Psstt!!" Maggie whispered. "Harry! Harry, come here!"

At the sound of her voice, Harry's head snapped up and he took on that guarded look again. He rushed over to the door and pulled her in. A quick glance at her dress made Maggie blush. Oh how she hated this dress!

"Maggie! What are you doing here?" He whispered. "You'll be in a lot of trouble!"

She scowled at him and said: "what exactly happened yesterday morning? Firstly, you have an owl, even though your aunt and uncle are cruel to you! There is nooo way they would let you have an owl! And what about when i fell off the roof?! You just waved a stupid stick around like it would help! All I want to know is what is going on with you!"

She had said this all so fast that it took Harry a minute to figure out what she had said.

"Well...I, see..the thing is.....I.......I'm....It wasn't what you think you saw! Why would I wave a stick around? You must be crazy!" Even though his words made sense, the cornered look he wore and the waver in his voice told Maggie that it wasn't the truth, so she pushed him farther.

"Oh no you don't! Lie to me and die Harry Potter!!"

It was Harry's turn to get annoyed.

"What! What are you talking about?!Why would i lie?"

"You tell me!"

"Now you listen! I don't .....

Before he could say another word. There was a sharp crash from downstairs, followed by a few muttered curses. Maggie remembered that she had been gone for almost 5 minutes and they were probably waiting downstairs for her.

She turned to Harry.

"I didn't mean to be so rude Harry.... But i still want to know what happened that morning, all right?" Harry looked apprehensive, but before he could get a chance to respond, Maggie had slipped out the door and down the stairs.

The rest of the dinner dragged on slowly. She hadn't managed to accomplish anything, only deeper rooted her suspicions about Harry Potter.

After Dinner, they bid farewell to the Dursleys and headed back to #3. Randy and Rose were so wrapped up in talking about the dinner, that they hadn't noticed that Maggie had fallen behind, lost in her thoughts. She was still lingering in the driveway of #4, standing behind the car, as Auntie Rose turned the Key in the lock.

Several things happened at once.

For about a millesecond, not a sound could be heard on privet drive. It was as though sound had never existed. Not until the world came crashing down. A deafening roar drowned the world around her as Maggie was knocked to the flat of her back. A burning heat washed over her and she could feel every nerve in her body on fire. She screamed until she was hoarse, but she still couldn't be heard above the din that threatened to overcome her sanity. Then, without a seconds notice, it stopped.

Privet Drive was once again its quiet, mundane self.

All except for number three, which was a charred and blackend shell of its former self. The lot has been reduced to ashes and debris was scattered across the street.

Maggie struggled across the lawn, which was littered with all that she had known for the last two weeks. A ringing was trapped in her head and she had trouble comprehending what she was seeing. A broken photo frame with the glass shattered lay at her feet. She gingerly pulled the photo from under the frame and brushed it off. The faces of Uncle Randy and Aunt Rose Beamed up at her from under the grime.

Oh my God!

Running now, heedless of the crushed class and wood underfoot, Maggie crossed the lawn to the two still figures slumped on the sidewalk next to one another. She feel to her knees between the two and felt familiar sharp pricks at the corner of her eyes.


Not now. It was not the time for tears yet.

Thinking back to her first aid training, Maggie straightened their bodies and held their throats level, looking for any sign of life. Auntie Rose had a steady trickle of blood flowing down her cheek and a bruise forming at her temple. Maggie reached for her neck and wrist. .......there it was! A pulse! Oh God, she was still alive!

She scampered over to Uncle Randy, whose leg was twisted at a sickly angle beneath his body, and did the same...Yes! A flood of relief washed over her with such intensity that she nearly collapsed. That's when the thought struck her.

Who did this?

Burning fury welled up in her chest as she stood and looked for signs of the cause. This was no accident. She didn't need to be told, she simply knew.

People were emerging from their homes now, looking scared to death and very shaken.

"Call an ambulance!" Maggie screamed to the nearest woman. "These people need help!" The woman ran inside to do so.

Just as Maggie turned, a flash of light caught her eye. It was the familiar flash of light glinting off glasses. The glasses of a raven haired boy.

The anger swelled up inside of her again. Harry Potter was dragging a massive trunk along the street in the opposite direction. In the dim light, she could see that he was holding a stick.

That Goddamned stick!

All of the anger building up inside her burst as soon as she saw the stick. Abandoning all pretense, she threw herself after him and into the night.

Whatever had happened to her Aunt and Uncle tonight, Harry Potter had some idea. If he was responsible for this in any way, Maggie would make him regret he was ever born.

Whoever did this was going to pay!

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A/N: Maggie's aunt and uncle will be fine, but the ministry will have their hands full with a lot of memory charms tonight. Maggie and Harry have some interesting things in store for them in the future. Oh, and Brigade701, I hope you like this....cuz you're my hero of the moment!
