Fan Fiction ❯ All About MEH! ❯ MEH SEXIFULL SELF! ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Musical_Nightmare OK. So basically My name is Jordan. I am me. No one else is me, and no one else will ever BE like me. Not even close. I am way to random and me-full...and sexifull, for anyone to be even a TAD like meh. So. I like blue and colors and waffles.
Ha ha. Me me me. But you will never believe. I was at home today, and I was online and they said they were trying to BAN anime! I wads like, "woah! wtf! If they wanna ban anime they will have to go through me and more than half of the united states teen population." I said that because I am cool like that.
As you can see, When I get going, I have a hard time stopping. I type fast. And the faster i go the more words i have to put down so i dont start going slow and now, OMG!!! i CANT STOP TYPING HELP!!!............. OK. All better. Wow...Did i have that in all caps....HA HA...Im so silly. ^.^
So anyway. I know you all luv me. Who canT?
So right, I have band camp in a couple weeks. Yus. I am a band geek. And prud of it to!
So, I was walking in the mall, Ya know, Just doing a little shopping, When i walk into American Eagle! So I Wanted to buy this REALLY cute skirt but i didnt beacuse it was 40 frikin dollars! Thats SOOOO a rip off. Im not going to spend my money on a 40 dollar skirt there, When i can get almost the same exact one, CHEAPER, at aeropostal. Or somewhere.
Gr. The government makes me so angry sometime. Like, When tehy try to BAN anime....GRRRRRRR.
Sorry. That whole thing really pisses me off.
So. I am sexifull. Me and my dog aggie. We are this shiznit. Lol. Go me.
Well, I will be back later for more MEE-NESS. I know you cant stop rading. Im cool like that. SO I will talk to you all later! Byz!!!
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 07.29.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 186 | Visits: 155 | Status: Work In Progress
If I had tested To see if cosmic rays were real Under the temperature of freezing , The dry ice would not have evaporated causing a fog to see the rays go threw.
If I had tested it without dry ice there would be no fog to see the rays in.
I tested it without a radioactive item, I would still se cosmic rays threw the fog.
If I had no seal on the jar I would not be able to contain any fog to see the rays.