Fan Fiction ❯ All About MEH! ❯ It is me and i am full of me-fullness. ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Musical_Nightmare 
Ok. SO i was sitting on my bed listening ot the radio when someone Imed me. So i got on it turns out to be one of the people i hate.
So i get on and im all like, "What?" ANd then now were friends again. Ha ha. Just ike that. So now we go off like old times and read eachothers stories and laugh about how sucky they can be. (Btw i need reviews on my OTHER story you know.) And were all ladi dadi.
Ya You know you want to meet me because im full of mee-ness! And b y mee-ness, i mean me. Lol. I had a dream i was in a tornado last night, It was frikin crazy. And you will never believe....Sailor moon was in my dream as well!!!!!
I was like.., "WOAH!" And she was all panting because for some reason she was in P.E. i WAS LIKE WOAH! omg am i typing slow today. Please excuse all spellikng mistakes. I just woke up. Lol. Im funny like that.
SO. I wonder if i could get a few reviews on this story thing to..... -glares- R AND R NOW! Ha ha.
PLEASE? I BEG YOU!~ But if not reviews here, Then reviews on my story here, ( )
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 07.30.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 140 | Status: Completed

Ok. SO i was sitting on my bed listening ot the radio when someone Imed me. So i got on it turns out to be one of the people i hate.
So i get on and im all like, "What?" ANd then now were friends again. Ha ha. Just ike that. So now we go off like old times and read eachothers stories and laugh about how sucky they can be. (Btw i need reviews on my OTHER story you know.) And were all ladi dadi.
Ya You know you want to meet me because im full of mee-ness! And b y mee-ness, i mean me. Lol. I had a dream i was in a tornado last night, It was frikin crazy. And you will never believe....Sailor moon was in my dream as well!!!!!
I was like.., "WOAH!" And she was all panting because for some reason she was in P.E. i WAS LIKE WOAH! omg am i typing slow today. Please excuse all spellikng mistakes. I just woke up. Lol. Im funny like that.
SO. I wonder if i could get a few reviews on this story thing to..... -glares- R AND R NOW! Ha ha.
PLEASE? I BEG YOU!~ But if not reviews here, Then reviews on my story here, ( )
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 07.30.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 140 | Status: Completed