Fan Fiction ❯ An Alien Ate My... ❯ The Arrival ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: The line "Doesn't this just beat all..." is a copyrighted line owned by Rei of Breath of Fire III from Capcom, and is used without permission.
Claimer ^_^ : This story and all affiliated characters are owned by me, so please don't use them without my consent (if you want to use them, mail me and we'll see...) All names were chosen randomly and any similarities are completely incidental.
Warning: This story consists sexual content(s) and is rated NC-17. I hate to say this, but if you're not 18 or of legal age where you are when viewing this document, I suggest you close the window or at least hit the 'Back' button. Of course, whether you do that or not depends wholly on your own conscience.

An Alien Ate My...

Chapter 1: The Arrival

A young man was supporting his head with his hands as he stared out into the night sky. The windowed, sloping roof in front of his desk made it easier for him for view the stars, an activity he loved from his childhood times. When he turned 20 recently, his parents gave him the room, knowing that he'd be able to gaze at the stars, and he thanked them for the precious gift.
The young man sighed as he glanced at the calendar-clock on his desk. Friday, August 6th, 2010, 11:59 PM. It was midnight soon. The young man returned his gaze to the skies. He had no idea why, but he didn't seem to want to miss that particular night.
He kept his gaze on a newly shining star. It was quite unusual, being, a bit redder than pink, but still pink. And it's bigger than the other stars, almost as big as Mars next to it. Wait a's getting bigger!
The young man rose from his seat and went to the window. He opened it outside and tried to get a better look. The star was gaining size, and apparently losing altitude. Whatever it was, it was falling towards his house!
The young man strode aside just in time as the pink thing slammed onto his room's floor. "My God! What is that?!" he exclaimed.
He went to where the thing landed and saw a pink blob. About 2 inches, 3 inches in diameter. The bottom part was flattened as the blob was pulled by the planet's gravity. It was smoking a bit, presumably from grazing the atmosphere. The reddish pink blob was rocking side to side, as if it was recuperating from a dizzying trip and a hard landing. To think about it, it was a hard landing.
The young man touched the blob and winced to feel it a bit hot. He took the blob and took it to his desk as he sat on the chair. He examined the blob with curios eyes. "What is this? Is this an alien?" He then hummed as he looked at it from all sides. "Doesn't look dangerous, though."
Suddenly, the reddish pink blob stopped rocking, surprising the young man. Then, two horizontal stripes, adjacent to each other, appeared on one side of the blob, before opening up and down to form two eyes.
The man's own eyes widened at that.
The blob's eyes looked left, then right, then noticed the young man. It jumped and turned its body so that its eyes aligned with the young man's. It then looked deep into his eyes.
The man sat there, confused. He could only stare back into the blob's somehow clear, blue eyes. Then, something suddenly popped in his mind. "Lena?" he asked no one in particular.
The blob in front of him closed its eyes, then slumped, looking exhausted. After a while, it returned its eyes to the boy, but it wasn't as 'gazing' as before. Somehow...curios eyes.
The young man creased his forehead at all the weirdness. "Lena? H-How can I know this? W-What is this...?" He then thought of something. "Is Lena your name?" he asked.
The blob's eyes closed, but the whole expression showed affirmation.
The young man scratched the side of his head.
The blob's eyes then returned to its previous curios eyes.
The young man huffed. "You want to know my name? Well, Lena, you can call me Cross, that is...if you can call me." he said, not noticing a mouth or any other speech-generating organ.
Cross' heart skipped a beat as his mind received the telepathic news. He gulped. "Telepathic ability...Doesn't this just beat all..." He touched his chin at the reddish pink blob on his desk in front of him. A real alien with a telepathic ability. "Why are you here?" he began interrogating.
Lena showed an exhausted expression.
Cross frowned, but then he understood. 'It seemed that this blob exhaust itself whenever it used its telepathic ability. I shouldn't force it...' He then frowned again. 'But if this creature's main way of telecommunication is telepathy, why would it be worn out by it from just a few words? Or maybe telepathy isn't the main way...?'
Questions invade Cross' mind at the mysterious blob in front of him. He then felt a surge of drowsiness. He gazed at the calendar-clock on his table and found that it was already passed midnight. He returned his eyes to Lena and found the blob's eyes gone but two adjacent horizontal lines. The blob was moving steadily as if it was breathing. It seemed to be asleep.
Cross developed a smile. 'Must be the trip...' he thought. He then laid his head on his crossing hands on his desk and fell asleep in no time.

Cross hummed. He flinched his eyes at the morning sun's rays that pierced right through the glass window and onto his eyes. He rose to sit as he shielded his eyes.
Cross blinked. That was...He frantically scanned the desk in front of him and found the reddish pink blob shining under the rays of the morning sun. Its eyes were fully open and showing cheerfulness.
"Good morning, Cross."
Cross smiled. "Good morning, Lena." he replied. He realized how crazy his life has became in a night, waking up to be greeted by an alien blob. He then realized something. "Hey, you're talking quite easily this time."
Lena seemed to nod. "Yes, your yellow sun provided me with enough nutrients, just enough to support it ."
Cross nodded. He leaned forward, his hand kept shielding his eyes. "Is that so? What about on your planet?"
The reddish pink blob suddenly lost its cheerfulness. "My planet has been destroyed."
Cross gulped. "I'm sorry..."
Lena seemed to sigh. "It's alright. I suppose I'm the only survivor. I barely escaped and my ship was destroyed while entering this planet's atmosphere. I'm lucky I didn't burn with it."
Cross nodded. He then remembered that he had a lot of questions for the alien in front of him. "Say, Lena, is telepathy your main way of communication?"
Lena shook its body side to side, seemingly showing a negative reply. "No, my species is capable of talking just like you, but I'm not of age yet. I'm still young."
Cross grinned. "Young? How old are you?"
Lena seemed to pout. "Even if I said it, I don't think it'll be relevant in a planet this big and this close to the sun."
Cross nodded slowly. From that line only, he could say that Lena's home planet was smaller and farther from the sun than Earth. "When will you have a mouth, then?"
Lena seemed to sigh again. "I don't know. I'm supposed to be able to utilize my body to form simple limbs by now, but I can't. It seemed that I lack some nutrients."
Cross nodded slowly, again. "Okay...," he only said, not totally believing what he's hearing. "Will the sun give you the nutrients you need? I don't particularly fond of having thoughts delivered directly to my mind."
Lena stared at Cross. "Oh, you're not familiar with telepathy?"
Cross sighed. "No, not at all."
Lena seemed to ponder at the statement. Then it jumped and turned to the sun. It closed its eyes and looked up, facing the yellow orb of the day. After a while, "No, I don't feel the nutrients available in your sun's rays..."
Cross sighed. 'Great...Just great. Doesn't this just beat all...' he thought.
Lena returned to face Cross. "Say, Cross, do you have something to eat?"
Cross showed a dumbfounded face. "Eat? What do you eat?...You eat?"
Lena's eyes showed an extreme amused expression to see that Cross had found out that the reddish pink blob eats. "Of course I eat. Don't you know that every living thing eats?"
Cross realized his stupid mistake. He slapped his head, also to find out that the sun had gone high enough not to get to his eyes anymore. "Of course. Sorry. What do you eat?" he asked.
Lena seemed to ponder for a while. "I don't suppose you have any speiro-oil, do you?"
Cross raised an eyebrow. "What-oil?"
Lena slumped. "It's what we consume. It contains supposedly all the nutrients we need to become fully grown."
Cross put on a sympathetic expression. "Sorry, I haven't even heard of that before." He felt worse as he saw Lena slumped even more. "Say, I'll take whatever food I can find, and we'll see if any of that fits you, okay?"
Lena's eyes were those of a pessimist's eyes, but, "Okay, thank you, Cross."
Cross smiled. He then went out of the room.
Lena looked at Cross' room. A Spartan bed next to the wall, a closet next to the bed, the desk where Lena was on the side of the bed. It blinked when it felt the sun's rays left its face. It looked up. "Well, the sun sure moves fast in this planet."
It jumped back, but soon the sun's rays left the desk and fell on the floor between the desk and the sloped roof with the window. A foot space. Lena eyed the height of the desk compared to its own size. "I survived a worse landing than this..." It then jumped and made a bump before rolling onto the wall.
Lena then relaxed itself as the sun's rays bathed it for a moment. A small part of its body then protruded below its eyes, and two holes appeared on the bottom.
Lena's eyes then opened to their widest capability, signaling that Lena was surprised. The reddish pink blob turned left and right, but then calmed down and began to scan the room from the lower point of view slowly. The eyes were then set on a trashcan filled with crunched tissue papers.

Cross opened the door to his room with one hand while the other hand was holding a tray filled with food. "Lena, I'm back." he said. He then closed the door and locked it. He put the tray on the desk and quickly realized that Lena was gone. "Lena?"
"I'm down here."
Cross kneeled and saw the reddish pink blob under the desk. His trashcan was on its side, its contents all over the place. A crunched tissue paper was inside Lena. "L-Lena? What are you doing? Those...Those tissues are..." Cross gulped. Those tissues were the tissues he used to wipe off his sperm after he masturbated. And to see it inside an alien blob...
"I'm lucky, Cross. Your sun triggered the formation of my nose and I've found a material in this bin that smells and tastes the same as speiro-oil. I'm trying to find out now if it functions like speiro-oil as well. This is the last one, so please wait a moment."
Cross gulped again. Speiro-oil smells and tastes like human sperm? What a crazy world where Lena came from...
Lena coughed the tissue paper out of its body and closed its eyes. Its color seemed to became lighter. More pink. Then a small, tentacle-like limb protruded from the right side of its eyes, then another on the other side. Lena opened its eyes. "It does! I can utilize my limbs now!"
Cross' eyes widened. "No way...!"
Lena moved its limbs. "But this isn't enough. I'll need more of this to get it perfect." It then turned its eyes to Cross. "Cross, do you know where I can have more of this material?"
Cross' heart beat faster. He gulped. "Y-Yes, uh, in fact, I do, Lena." he finally replied.
Lena's eyes showed cheerfulness and its limbs were raised as high as they can be as the blob jumped in joy.
Cross really didn't know how to reveal the news to Lena, so he chose his words carefully. "Actually, the material is an excess of our bodies' metabolism."
Lena's eyes widened. "Your bodies treat speiro-oil as an excess? What a waste! I'm sure if my friends, if all the people in my planet are here, we'll take whatever you can give. What you're wasting is our prime need to grow, Cross! Oh, how our worlds differ!"
Cross smiled a bit at the blob's enthusiasm. " amazes me too..."
The blob jumped towards Cross. "So, when can I have it?"
Cross' smile turned to a sheepish grin. "Anytime, actually...Um, I'll tell you what to do. Come on."

Cross hugged his pillow hard as he felt a cool, soft blob around his erect penis. He gulped. "Y-Yes...l-like that..."
Lena's eyes showed confusion, but it did what Cross told it to do, rub its jelly-like body to this...this...protruding shaft of Cross' body. Seemed to be a strange way to force out speiro-oil, but if it worked, Lena had no problem with it.
Cross took a big breath as Lena continued to squeeze and caress his penis.
"F-Faster, Lena..." Cross begged.
Lena really didn't understand how human body works, but it did what it was told anyways. After a while, Cross' breathing became heavy. "Cross, are you okay? You don't sound so well. And you're stuttering."
"I-ah, I'm alright...uh, Lena..." Cross replied. "P-Please c-continue...a-ah..."
Lena was worried about Cross, but if he said he was okay, then it knew better than to stop.
Cross hugged his pillow even harder as he felt his ejaculation coming. "L-Lena...It's c-coming..."
"It is? Oh, great!" Lena excited even more. It hastened its movement up and down Cross' penis.
Cross bit his lower lip until finally..."A-Argh!" he exclaimed as the power of his orgasm took him over.
Lena heard Cross screamed, but it was more attracted to the white liquid spurted from the shaft. The blob was covered with the liquid, but it quickly sucked it in like a sponge. "You're right! Cross! This is it!" Lena exclaimed as the blob jumped onto Cross' penis' tip, trying to suck even more 'speiro-oil' from the slowly slumping shaft.
After Lena was convinced that no more 'oil' can be taken from it, it jumped onto Cross' bare chest. "Cross! You're great! This is it! This is speiro-oil! Oh, my! A planet where the inhabitants waste speiro-oil! If only the others are here!"
Cross had moved the pillow he was hugging behind his head and was then smiling at the pink blob's enthusiasm. If only it knew how much pleasure it had given him in return...In return...? An idea crossed his mind. "Say, Lena, this body of mine excesses that oil of yours about once a day. And...its kind of a waste to just put it away if some blob from outer space can have a better use for it..."
Lena's eyes sparkled.
Cross smiled. "Would you like to...?"
"Oh, yes! I would! Thank you, Cross!" Lena blurted as it jumped on his chest. "I'll do anything for you! What you're doing is saving my life!"
Cross' smile turned to a grin. "All you got to do is just like that." he said. "Whenever you're hungry, just call me and we'll arrange an eating session."
Lena's eyes sparkled even more. "Yay! Thank you, Cross! And if all I have to do is that, you bet I'll do it again!"
Cross smiled as he nodded. "Let's do this again tomorrow."
Lena then blinked. The blob's color turned even lighter, and it was somehow semi-translucent pink. A set of lips appeared to complete the blob's face. Lena could then smile. "Hooray! I've got my lips! But I'll need more for my internal organs, including vocal cords. You'll help me, right Cross?"
Cross' smile never left his face. "Of course, Lena. Of course."
"Thank you!" Lena jumped and landed its newly formed lips on Cross'.

To be continued...

Author's Note: Yo! This is the continuing series version of Chapter One. Nothing's changed but the addition of 'Chapter One' and the chapter title. As with the former version, any ideas, comments, praises, flames, mail them to