Fan Fiction ❯ An Alien Ate My... ❯ The Discovery ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: The line "Doesn't this just beat all..." is a copyrighted line owned by Rei of Breath of Fire III from Capcom, and is used without permission.
Claimer ^_^ : This story and all affiliated characters are owned by me, so please don't use them without my consent (if you want to use them, mail me and we'll see...) All names were chosen randomly and any similarities are completely incidental.
An Alien Ate My...
Chapter 2: The Discovery
Cross walked into a classroom, whistling.
"Cross!" A female voice made him stopped on his track and turned to the owner, a girl walking towards him.
"May." Cross regarded the caller. "Good morning." he said as May reached him.
May smiled. "Good morning, Cross. Well, you're looking pretty confident today."
Cross just raised both shoulders as he put his bag on a desk on the second row from front.
"Say, Cross. You're good at Astrology, right?" May asked.
Cross turned to her. "May, I look at the skies, not study them."
May gave him a side look. "But I'm sure you know what's above us right now."
Cross tilted his head aside. "Mars, but..."
"Ah-ha!" May exclaimed. "And I'm sure you know that a comet has just passed us last night."
Cross frowned. "A comet? No, I didn't see any comets last night."
Then it was May's turn to frown. "But I saw a pink comet flashed through the sky last night. I'm sure of it!"
Pink comet? Cross gulped. It must've been Lena's ship. "It was probably nothing." he said. "Perhaps just a reflection in the atmosphere. It happens, you know."
May nodded, agreeing. "But I was quite sure. I'm sure I saw a comet, a pink one at that!"
"Ah, you saw it too?" A male voice joined the conversation.
May and Cross turned to see Bart, another of their classmate. "You saw it too, Bart?" May asked.
Bart nodded. "I thought just like you, Cross. One of my majors is Astrology, and there's nothing in my books about a pink comet."
"I told you, it was just a reflection, an illusion." Cross insisted.
"Illusions can't be photographed, Cross." Bart countered.
"You took pictures?" May exclaimed.
Cross was on the edge.
Bart nodded. "I'm having the people of the Photography Club develop them. I should have gotten the results by the end of the day."
"Can I see it?" May asked, half-pleading.
Bart smiled. "For a beautiful girl such as you, of course."
"Thanks, Bart!" May exclaimed.
"I guess I'll have to take a look as well." Cross said. "I want to prove it myself."
Bart nodded. "Sure, pal."
"I have no idea what you're capturing in these films, but here they are." a young man gave a stack of photo papers to Bart.
Bart nodded, smiling. "Thanks, man. I owe you one."
"You owe me a lot already." the young man said as he walked away.
Bart put the stack on a desk and began to sort the pictures. He frowned. "Hmm, what did I catch in these films?"
Cross took one and stared at the picture. A blurred picture of a pink ball. Traces of fire was behind it, hinting that it was entering the atmosphere. He gulped. 'C-Could this be...Lena's ship?'
"What is this?" May asked as she looked at several photos. "You're no good photographer, Bart."
"Well, it was a rush, okay?" Bart defended himself. "I suppose I didn't focus enough."
Cross shook his head. "I don't think..."
"Hey, look at this!" Bart exclaimed as he put a picture he was holding onto the desk. The comet seemed to enter a house through a sloping roof.
Cross' heart jumped at the picture.
"The thing landed!" May exclaimed. "Here! On earth!"
Bart jumped. "Wow, if this is an alien, it may've been invading us already!"
Cross was on the edge. "Aw, come on, guys. You know there's no such thing as aliens."
May gave him a side look. "To hear that line from a stargazer sounded a bit strange, don't you think, Bart?"
Bart frowned, then he understood. He turned to Cross. "That's right...You once said that you're looking at the stars for hints about extra terrestrial organisms."
Cross gulped.
May narrowed her eyes. "If you're saying that...Cross, don't tell me you've been conquered by these aliens...?"
Bart grabbed Cross' shirt by the collar. "Give us back our Cross!"
Cross was choking from Bart's muscled hand on his collar, but he tried his best to reply. "B-Bart! I'm y-your pal, o-okay?"
Bart strengthened his choking. "No alien is going to get my friend Cross and get away with it!"
"Wait, Bart, maybe he can tell us where Cross is now." May said, "If he's still alive, that is."
Bart released Cross' collar and he fell to the floor, coughing. "I'll let you go for now."
Cross looked up at Bart. "What's the matter with you, Bart? Look, I'm no alien, okay?"
"We won't be trusting any of your words." May said, handing out another picture. "Whether you're really Cross or an alien."
Cross looked at the picture and saw himself, behind the window, evading Lena's drop. Cross gulped.
Cross was walking home, with an escort of May and Bart on his sides. He sighed. Why do they always think that aliens came to take over a body? The time for the Body Snatchers had been long gone.
"Hurry up, alien." Bart said, pushing Cross by the shoulders.
"Hey, I'm no alien, okay?!" Cross snapped. "I'm your everyday Cross!"
"Any alien would say such thing." May countered. "You better have Cross alive or else."
Cross turned to May. "Well, I didn't know you care for me, May. Thanks."
May blushed a bit, but swiftly looked away.
"Well, here's Cross' house, or perhaps your headquarters now." Bart said. "Lucky his parents left him alone in their overseas trip."
"Living alone sucks, you know..." Cross muttered as his friends dragged him inside.
Lena frowned as it heard commotion behind the door. It swiftly hid itself behind a stack of books on the desk.
Cross, May, and Bart rushed in. "Look, I'm telling you, I'm no alien!" Cross said for the umpteenth time.
Bart's eyes scanned the room. "True, I didn't see any alien technology, but everybody knows aliens are capable of cloaking."
Cross sighed. "Look, what you saw last night entering my house was in fact an alien..."
May pointed at him. "Ah-ha! So you confessed!"
Cross waved his hand in a desperate gesture. "But it didn't possess me. In fact, it should be here somewhere."
Bart and May immediately went on alert mode. "You're saying that your friends are around?" Bart asked, eyeing the room.
Cross sighed. "No," he said, desperate. "Lena, come out. I'd like you to meet my friends Bart and May."
Both Bart and Lena frowned. "Who're you talking to?" May asked.
"Oh, it's so cute!" May exclaimed as she held Lena in her hands and took it for a dance around the room.
Cross and Bart was sitting on the bed. "So that's the whole story." Cross ended his line.
Bart nodded. "I see...A telepathic alien blob from outer space..." he muttered. He then looked up at Cross. "Hey, I'm sorry, okay? For what I did earlier."
Cross smiled. "It's okay. I suppose I'd have done the same. Thanks for caring, though."
Bart laughed. "Anytime, pal."
May landed on her knees next to the bed and her palms on the bed, between Cross and Bart. On her palms was Lena, its eyes formed swirls.
"O-Oooh, I'm not cut out for dancing..."
"Be nice to your new friend, May." Cross said. "Lena's quite fragile."
Bart nodded. "Yeah...An extra terrestrial blob..."
Lena suddenly jumped and faced Bart. Its eyes stared at him while its lips curled in a pout. "I'm not a blob! My species is known as the Suraimu."
"Suraimu?" All three humans around Lena asked in puzzlement.
Lena arched its body in a proud stance. "That's right! We're the Suraimu..." Then suddenly its body slumped down and its voice turned sad. "Well, at least...I'm a Suraimu...There's not much of us anymore...Or more likely, there's only one Suraimu left in the universe."
Three pairs of sympathetic eyes laid on the pink blob.
"Well," May tried to cheer the blob up. "Tell me about your self, Lena."
Lena shrugged its blobby body. "Well, our planet is smaller than this, and further from our red sun, so we couldn't receive enough nutrients from it, although it moved much slower than the sun here. We then turn to consume speiro-oil..."
Cross gulped. He couldn't stop Bart from asking the obvious.
"What's speiro-oil?"
"It's a substance we consume. And your bodies excess it."
Both May and Bart looked shocked. They turned to Cross, who was looking down. "Cross, do you know what Lena's talking about?" May asked.
"Well, uh," Cross gulped. "It seemed that...speiro-oil be...well, uh, sperm."
That brought even more shock to them.
"Oh, is that how you called it here?" Lena asked.
May was blushing from the fact that there's a blob from outer space that eats sperm was on her hands just now.
"H-How did you feed it, Cross?" Bart asked, still shocked.
"Cross told me what to do to his body so it can excess speiro-oil." Lena broke the news, sending Cross into deep embarrassment.
May blushed even more while Bart grinned. "I see..." he chuckled. "So, what have you been telling this innocent little alien about our body, Cross? You little rascal..."
"Hey, Lena would be dead if I hadn't helped her!" Cross exclaimed.
Bart gave him a side look. "While having some fun yourselves, right?"
"Say, Bart, May, since you're of Cross' species as well, can you produce speiro-oil too?"
Bart chuckled. "I can, but May can't." he replied. "She's a girl."
"Girl? You mean female. So there's male and female in this planet as well. I'm a female too!"
"What?!" All Cross, Bart, and May exclaimed. "You didn't know?" Bart and May asked Cross and had a shake of head in reply.
"I suppose I haven't told you, Cross. Suraimu also has male and female differences. I would've never imagined that there's something like that here as well."
"And you're a girl?" May asked.
Lena motioned a nod. "Yes, so, Cross and Bart are males, May is female, and only males produce speiro-oil...Hmm, I have a lot to learn about this planet."
"And what about male Suraimus? Do they um, eat this...speiro-oil too?" Bart asked.
"Yes. We need speiro-oil to develop into an older stage."
"Well, I can understand if a girl's sucking speiro-oil, but...Ouch!" Bart ended his line with a yelp as he held the back of his head which was hit by May.
"Does human females also consume speiro-oil?"
Bart laughed whereas May blushed into a deep crimson. Cross shook his head. "It's not like that, Lena." he said. "We used what you call speiro-oil for reproduction."
Lena's eyes sparkled. "Is that so? How delightful! Speiro-oil also creates life in this planet. Say, Cross, how do you reproduce?"
'This is like telling a child about those bees and birds...' Bart thought.
"How do you do it? Can I see? Please?"
That brought a blush even on the boys' faces. "N-Now, wait a moment, Lena..." Cross began to say.
"We...can't just reproduce here and just like that!" May exclaimed.
"Why? Why can't you?"
The humans were at a loss of words before Cross finally regained his composure. "Well, scientifically speaking, humans have a gestation period of 9 months. During that time, we, or actually, the females, are to carry a new human inside them, so it gets very tiring. Also, for at least 5 years afterwards, an infant human cannot be left alone, so the mother has to take care for it..."
"Wow...Five years? That's too long...Okay, I won't force you. I know you have a lot to do in five years."
A sigh left each of the humans' lungs. Then Bart turned to Lena. "How long is your year?" he asked.
"One time the planet rotates around the sun, right? And...wait a minute...your planet is closer to the sun! And I can see the sun is moving so fast in 5 years shouldn't be that long! Aw, come on! I want to see!" Lena returned to her (AN: I'm beginning to refer Lena as her...) state of being a spoiled brat, um, blob.
"Stop it or I'll stop feeding you!" Cross used his desperate-escape-line, to what Lena slumped into a pile of alien blob.
"Oh, look what you've done." May said. "You made her sulk."
"What? You want to show her how we reproduce?" Cross asked back, to what May blushed.
"Well, of course not..."
"I sure do..." Bart whispered, but May heard him and gave him another hand behind his head. "Ouch!"
"Doesn't this beat all..." Cross sighed.
Cross laid his body on his bed, sighing. All problems fixed. May and Bart have found out about Lena and they accepted her quite friendly. Cross turned his vision to his stomach as he felt something jumped onto it.
"Ne, Cross, are you going to feed me again tonight?" Lena asked.
Cross developed a slight blush. "Well, are you hungry?"
Lena moved her figure left to right and back again. "Not really...but I'll need all the nutrients I can have to develop."
"Develop...What will you develop into?" Cross asked.
Lena jumped onto Cross' chest. "Well, I've developed my nose and limbs. Pretty soon I'll develop my legs. And assuming I live long enough with enough nutrition, I might be able to really develop into my Geantoid stage."
Cross' frown turned into one raised eyebrow. "Geantoid? What's that? Another stage of your growth?"
Lena nodded her head, which actually was all of her body. "The last stage of a Suraimu's growth. A few, only a really few Suraimus are able to live long enough with enough nutrition to be able to develop into the Geantoid form. This is when we get to receive our full abilities like normal talking."
"And how long would it take for you to develop into this...Geantoid form?"
Lena tilted herself aside for a moment. "I don't know. Supposedly around my adulthood."
"And when is that?"
"Well, I'm nearing the end of my childhood stage so it's supposed to be about 3, 4 cycles, I guess..."
"Cycles? What cycle?"
"The cycle of the sun around the planet."
Cross's eyes widened. "Three to four days?!"
"Three or four cycles of my planet, Cross." Lena reminded him. "Here time travels somewhat faster so I think it'd be like 5 to 6 cycles on this planet."
"And you have to receive enough nutrients for 6 days?" Cross asked.
Lena smiled. "Yup."
Cross was silence for a moment before smiling. "Well, I hope you're hungry now..."
Lena's eyes sparkled. "Oh, yes! All this talking is tiring me. It's hard to maintain good telepathy link, you know."
Cross just nodded. "I'll just have to believe that." he said as he unzipped his trousers.
To be continued...
Author's Note: No NC-17 stuff here, and there won't be any until the last episode, so if you're reading this only for the scenes, better go straight to the last episode. Any ideas, comments, praises, flames, critiques, anything at all (no viruses, please...)? Mail them to