Fan Fiction ❯ Art of Detecting? ❯ Part 1- Introduction to Crime Fighting? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part 1- Introduction to Crime fighting?
Opening scene:
We open up as you see a dark alleyway besides an office building, it is night time, as you see someone who is wearing black timberland looking boots that have the top covered over with blue jeans, and looks like the rear of the person's jeans are a little sheered, as the person walks by a crate to a set of double doors, the person then grabs what looks like a key of some sort, and inserts it into the door, he pulls it out and then reinserts it back into the door knob, and opens the door.
Scene switch:
The scene switches to what looks to be a person dressed in all black, with a black mask on his head, as you look into the room from the two open doors, as you see a very lush office, it looks like it's the CEO's office, as there are two ferns on each side of the very large business desk, in front of about four large window planes that gives off a spectacular night skyline view of the city, with blue vertical slides that are folded up to the far right and left sides, behind the ferns, the floor is fully carpeted in blue, with a circular red carpet with silverfish trim, and CGI in the middle of the carpet, as the camera angle switches to a close up behind the back shot of the same person, as he is walking to a small book shelf that has a picture of a man and his family, and a small crystal globe figurine on the top of the bookshelf, as the person starts pulling books on the top shelf, gets half way of the ten books on that top shelf, before he pulls on one that suddenly flips the middle part of the top of the business desk. As you see what looks like a number pad on the desk, and a LED screen above it, the man turns his back to the open door, and says-
Unknown Man (Whispering under his breath): Bingo.
The view again changes to a view of looking into the office from the open doors, as a pretty muscular man wearing a black long sleeve shirt and black baggy pants, starts to creep by the entrance of the door, looking into the office at the unknown man while concealing himself behind the wall on the left side of the doors.
Scene switch:
The scene cuts back to a guy in a dark hallway, he is quietly walking down the hall, as you now see a behind the back shot of the man. He is wearing a black short sleeve t-shirt that is pretty tight to his body, and looks like he has some sort of vest on, his build is like that of a muscular basketball player.
As he is walking down the hall looking from door to door, trying to make out what is on the white rectangular signs on the door as he is looking for a room. When suddenly, he spots a security guard walking down the hallway making his daily rounds, the man walking down the hall, seeing this, quickly dashes to his left and tries to open a door, no luck, he goes down to the next one, same result, he is frantically looking for any open door, as the security guard is getting closer, he then goes to his third door down the line, and finally it opens.
He quickly opens, jumps in, and quickly grabs the door handle, and slowly closes the door as the security guard is walking by, the view changes to a first person view of the guy looking at the security guard through the slit of the door, and once the guard turns the corner, he quietly walks out, looks both ways, and sees that the coast is clear, he then pulls out a small thumb-sized flashlight that looks like it should be on a keychain, and shines it on the sign on the door, and it says “:Stairs” on it, he then turns off the flashlight, shoves it in his pocket of his baggy blue jeans, re-opens the door, and walks in.
Scene switch:
The scene switches back to the office, as the person in the office goes to the number pad in the middle of the business desk, pulls out a piece of paper from his black jeans, looks at it a little bit, and starts dialing in a number, as the scene switches to a shot of the man dialing in something, as you see the screen pop up with “9” then”6” then “4” and so on in quick succession until the LED's bright blue screen light up on the number pad with “96-45-23-67” on it, as the shot changes to an image of the unknown man pressing the enter button below the number pad, the LED blinks once, then reeds “UNLOCKED”.
The shot pans to the wall left of the man and to the right-top corner above the bookshelf, as you see the blue outline of a little square, it then caves in slowly, then splits in half and slides to the side behind the wall, revealing a steel holding area that is brightly lit up, as the shot zooms in on the holding area that has two glass shelves in it; on the top you see a little blue box and a red sapphire-looking crystal side by side, and on the bottom you see a metal box.
The unknown man then takes off his mask, to reveal a red haired man with a crooked nose and a 5 o'clock shadow, he then slowly walks to the light as if he were mesmerized, and you see a weird camera angle looking up at the guy half-way cocked to the right, as he walks to the opening in the wall, and drops his mask on the ground.
Scene switch:
Meanwhile, you see a shot of someone's black boots running up the stairs, the shot slowly pans upward to reveal the guy that was in the hallway, as you now see that he has dirty-blonde hair that is parted from side to side that is flying backwards, he has sharp brown eyes, and the vest that he is wearing becomes more apparent as a gun vest, with a gun holstered on his right side.
As he is running up the stairs, he stops to take a little breather, pulls out a piece of paper out of his pocket, it has a lot of writing on it as the shot switches to a first-person shot of the guy looking at the piece of paper, he is reading down, it stops and quickly does a little double-take on “door #10”. He looks at the door he happens to be by, and it reads “5th Floor”. He pulls his hair back as he says-
Blonde guy in black: You have GOT to be kiddin' me.
He then takes a deep breath, and re-starts his accent up the stairs.
Scene switch:
The scene switches back to the office, as you see a behind the back shot of the guy walking to the bright opening in the wall, he reaches for the blue box, opens it, and pulls out a blue crystal from it, he looks at it with a smile on his face, then puts it back into the box, as -
Scene switch:
The scene cuts back to a shot of the guy running up the stairs, then suddenly as he finally reaches the 10th floor, as the exhausted man is using the handrails to pull himself up the stairs, he is breathing heavily as he starts to hear noises emanating from inside the door as-
Scene switch:
The scene again changes to the office as the red haired guy, holding the blue crystal in his right hand, he puts it into his right pocket as he turns around to be confronted a big man, dressed in a black long sleeve shirt, black baggy pants, and black/white sneakers, he is tall and has a pretty huge build as he is blocking the door with his badge out and gun pointed at the perpetrator-
Man with the badge: FREEZE! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!!
The guy slowly raises his hands, and then suddenly kicks the box that was holding the jewel at the detective holding the weapon, and as the detective flinches the red haired guy decides to test his luck, and rushes towards the detective, the detective decides to fire-
Scene switch:
As the scene switch to the blonde haired guy as, he is trying to catch his breath, he pulls out his gun from his holster, just as someone comes busting out of the door, and at the same time slams into the blonde guys right hand, and knocks the weapon out of his hand, over the balcony, and down the middle of the spiral stair set, as the thief also knocks the blonde haired guy back against the wall. He then quickly recovers, as the two security guards bust out of the door, chasing the thief, but they end up running into the blonde haired guy, as the run-in looks like a 10-car pile up-
Scene switch:
The scene switches back to the office, as the detective presses the trigger, only to have the gun jam on him, as the thief sees this, goes low, and runs into the detective by surprise, and knocks him into the door, and runs down the hallway, the detective hits the door to the left of him with his shoulder as the thief makes a run past him, and to the left of him, the detective quickly shoves himself off of the door, throws down the jammed weapon and says-
Detective: DAMMIT!
As the detective quickly turns around and chases after the thief-
Scene switch:
The scene cuts back to the stairwell, as the blonde guy quickly stumbles up, almost falls down the stairs as he starts running after the thief-
Blonde-haired guy: DAMMIT!!! STOP!!! (The guy isn't listening, as he is dashing down the stairs, the blonde-haired guy pulls out his badge) YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!!!
This gets a reaction from the thief, although not the reaction he was hopping for, as suddenly, the thief pulls out a gun from his hip, and starts making blind shots at the detective giving chase, thus forcing the detective to trip backwards, and fall on his butt as he ducks to try to avoid the bullets flying past him-
Detective: Why in the HELL don't these idiots ever do anything the EASY way?!
The detective then goes to grab his gun, but then remembers that the thief accidentally knocked it out of his hand as he is frantically feeling out his vest, and then smacks himself on the top of the head-
Detective: FUCK!!!
He didn't have enough time to mope before some more bullets started to come close to him and backed him up to the wall, he then starts to quickly crawl down the stairs, as he is trying to continue pursuit, as the thief fires a couple of more shots, but then runs out of ammo, discards the weapon, and makes a run down the stairs-
Scene switch:
As the detective is running after the thief who is now running down the hallway, to the left of the office, gets to an elevator stop, and quickly starts jamming on the down button like there's no tomorrow-
Thief: Dammit…Come on stupid machine…
Then suddenly the elevator dings, as the doors open-
Detective: HALT!!
The detective is running hard at the guy, who quickly runs in, presses the first floor button, and the doors close as the guy is flipping-off the detective who is running towards the elevator, and stops as the doors close, he puts both hands on the steel doors, and slams the doors with his right fist as he shouts-
Detective: Son-of-a-BITCH!!
Then suddenly, the funniest thing happened, the elevator next to him opened up as a security guard doing his regular routes walked out of the elevator, the detective quickly shoves the security guard out of the way, and says-
Security guard (While getting shoved to the side): What the-
Detective (Dashing into the elevator): OFFICAL BUSSINESS!!
Then quickly jammed the first floor button, and door close button at almost the same time-
Scene switch:
As the detective is running after the thief down the long flight of stairs, the thief finally makes it to the first floor door, and dashes out, as the detective closely follows suit, they are dashing down the hall, as you see a first-person view of the detective running after the thief, and as it looks like he is getting closer, the thief runs into a security guard, and quickly runs past him as the security guard turns around in confusion, he gets rammed into from behind by the detective, and gets knocked down to his knees as the detective runs past him-
Scene switch:
The scene switches back to the thief walking out of the elevator, he takes a couple of steps out the door while looking around for anybody roaming the hallway, and upon seeing that the coast is clear, he pulls out and flips open his blue cell phone, and holds on to a number for speed-dial, and puts it to his ears, the phone rings about four times, then-
Person on the other line:…Who is it?
Thief : It's Blackhawk, I got the goods.
Person on the other line: Good. See you at the ch-?
Thief: Did the leads say ANYTHING about cops being on the case?
Person on the other line: No…Why?
Thief: Because I just had to run from a `pig' a little while ago.
Person on the phone: Cops?
The thief keeps walking forward to the double glass-plated doors in front of him-
Thief: Well, never mind, I lost him, but I want an extra 10K for the extra factor that suddenly got thrown in.
Person on the phone: I'll pay whatever, just as long as you have the jewel.
Thief: I guess I have to ask about why is it so important when I get back.
The thief then hangs up the phone, and puts it into his left pocket, as the elevator next to the one he got out of dings-
The view changes to a front shot of thief as he stops, and is rolling his eyes to the back of his head, as his head leans back a little bit-
Thief: Fuck!! Don't you `pigs' EVER quit?!
Then suddenly the thief makes a run for it to the doors, and the detective runs after him-
Scene switch:
The scene switches back to the blonde-haired detective running down a thief, as they come close to the security desk, the thief then suddenly stops for a second, and doesn't know where to turn, and gets tackled down by the detective while being undecided, they end up rolling around a little bit as the security guards at the main desk is freaking out-
Security Guard 1(Pops out of his seat): What the HELL?!
He the picks up the phone, and dials 911, as the security guard from the hallway comes in to the fight, the guard at the desk yells-
Security Guard 1 (Yelling at the guard): DAMMIT!! DO SOMETHING!
As the thief suddenly nails the detective with an elbow to the jaw that creates enough distance for the thief to run towards the door, as the detective shakes his head, and dashes after the thief-
Scene switch:
Meanwhile, back at the other building, the thief is running to the door as the detective is chasing after him, and right before they reach the door, a security guard is unknowingly walking into the path of the thief, as the detective yells to the security guard-
Detective: STOP HIM!!!
The guard confusingly turns towards his right to see two guys running towards him-
Scene change:
As the thief is making a dash in the lobby towards the doors, a security guard runs in front of the thief, the thief then quickly ducks, as the detective is making a leap at him, and in a close call, avoids getting tackled by the detective, and instead the detective nailed the heck out of the security guard hard enough to knock the poor guard out cold, the detective quickly pushes up, and again runs towards the thief, who is right by the plate-glass double doors, as the other security guard tries to cut off the thief, the thief sees this and tries to make a sharp turn, but he ends up stumbling backwards as-
Scene change:
The shot changes to a split-screen shot of both detectives tackling the thief's through the plate glass windows. On the left side you see the thinner detective finally nail the thief with a tackle to the right side of the thief, as the security guard stumbles back, and falls on his butt as he is surprised. As the right side, the security guard wasn't so lucky as he ends up sandwiching the thief as the bigger detective just kills the thief from behind, as all detectives fall onto their adversaries, as the security guard on the right side is sprawled out cold in front of the takedown, on his face, as they both at the same time turn their thief's over, cuff them, and says-
Scene change:
The scene then zooms out of the split-screen to the left as you see the slim blonde haired detective. Who falls back off of his adversary, and onto his butt, as he is holding his back, and says-
Detective: By the way, jack-ass, my name's Lieutenant Jack Dossier. Just something I think you should think about while you're getting fucked up in prison.
Jack gets up gingerly after catching his bearings, and gets up holding his lower back-
----------------------SCENE FADES---------------------------