Fan Fiction ❯ Between the Stars and Sky ❯ The Fall of The Ones of Blood ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: Pah… go look at my first chappie!
Chapter 1: The Fall of The Ones of Blood
Skye crouched down next to the fallen girl. He couldn't bring himself to say the word "dead." He cradled her head in his arms and looked at her head wound. Blood was now running down her face, getting in her hair, dripping off her chin onto her black tank-top.
"Oh man…" Skye whispered. He stuck his to forefingers on her neck and found a pulse. Sighing in relief, he checked her head wound again. "Oh boy…. It looks pretty bad. But at least she's not dead."
More shouts rang out. The voices of OB gang were now distinguishable.
"Oh c'mon…. just wake up….. please…. Oh shit…" Skye whispered frantically, shaking the girl a little. "Just wake up now and you can do whatever you want me after we get out of here….."
The shouts of OB were closer than ever.
"Oh shit…." Skye cursed and picked the girl up, right hand behind her shoulder blades and the left under a little before her knees. Once he was comfortable carrying the girl's weight, he shot off deeper into the forest.
Darkness…. So much darkness… what? All darkness…. Nothing…. Darkness…. Where? All dark…. No one there…. Black….. who? Darkness… So…. Much…. Darkness….
The girl opened a single eye. She felt such pain on her shoulder and head. What happened? I don't remember a thing! She groaned in pain and lifted her right hand to the right side of her head; the side that didn't hurt.
Skye felt the girl's movements and stopped running and set her down.
"Are you ok?" He asked, looking into her luminescent green eyes. Despite her pale skin and rivers of blood on her body, she was very beautiful and Skye found himself staring.
"I-I think so." The girl said in her smooth, flowing voice. She shifted her eyes from looking down, up to Skye's deep blue ones. Skye blushed from her stare.
"So what's your name?" He asked, setting her down and looking away.
"Name? Hmmmm… I don't think I have a name."
"WHAT?????" Skye shouted, his eyes becoming wide and he tripped over himself and fell to the ground. "How can you not have a name!?!?!?!" He shouted.
"I don't know. I don't remember much…" The girl's voice trailed off.
"Argh… don't remember much…. Feh… yeah right…" Skye rolled his eyes and got up to dust himself off when a thought struck him. "Wait a minute…. You said you don't remember much. How much do you know?"
"Well, all I really remember is hitting my head on something. Then I woke up and saw you, whoever you are." She replied, her voice full of innocence.
"Oh shit….." Skye muttered. "Well, my name is Skye. Do you have any, any idea of who you are?"
"Hmmm…." The girl looked up. "It was something to do with up there." She pointed to the sky.
"Skye? You're name is Skye too????" Skye didn't think he could handle much more of this.
"No no no!" The girl laughed. "Now I know my name is not `Skye.' But it did have something to do with the sky. I just can't remember it."
"I never would have guessed." Skye said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Suddenly, the Ones of Blood gang crashed through some shrubbery and shouted at them.
"Hey! It's little Skye-boy!" One of the gang members on the side said.
"Heh heh heh… and lookie what he's found for us! A nice girl to have some fun with!" The leader shouted. The girl looked at him.
"That's not a very nice thing to say mister."
"Huh? Are you brain-dead, girl?" The leader asked, a sweatdrop forming on his head.
"Uhm…. No. Not that I know of."
"Oi…." The leader grunted as he fell.
"Get out of here you jerks!" Skye shouted, stepping in front of the girl. "If you lay one finger on her your dead meat! Now get out of here before I beat you all to a pulp!"
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" The gang laughed. "You couldn't beat us if your life depended on it! And it just so happens it does!"
"Grrrrr…." Skye growled, setting his footing ready to fight the gang.
"HIYA!!!!!!!!!!" The members screamed and lunged at him, the leader throwing a cross-hook to Skye's left jaw, thrusting him to the ground. A second member kicked him in the stomach, propelling him backwards into a tree. They all crowded around laughing.
"Huh?" The Gang member in the back looked around and found the sole of a shoe collide into his face, smashing his nose and cracking his cheek bone. Thick, hot blood flew from his face, covering another gang member and the wounded one's shoulder and neck. He screamed in pain as he clutched his face and crumpled to the ground shrieking and crying in pain. His ruined face streamed blood everywhere as he cried and screamed for help. He crawled to the side of the area they were in and cried and shrieked in pain until his voice was hoarse.
"Hmph." The girl said proudly, wiping dust off herself and smiling a suspicious smile. Everyone was staring at her, even Skye.
"I didn't know you could do that." Skye said, awestruck.
"You don't know a lot about me." The girl replied evilly.
"Grrr…. You will pay for that you foolish bitch!" The Gang leader shouted at her, seeing his blood-soaked follower.
"I wanna see you try…" The girl said, bowing her head, making her eyes sink into darkness under her bangs and smiling such an evil smile, you would expect fangs to appear any second.
"RAAAAAA!!!" One man shouted, lunging himself at the girl. But before he could even throw a punch, the girl spun around and slammed a kick to the side of the man's head. The man flew to the side and fell to the ground. He grunted and put a hand to his head.
Seeing that everyone was watching the girl, Skye saw his chance and jumped up, grabbed a gang member's shoulder and threw a left hook to the guy's face. The guy crouched over grabbing his face. He turned his head around, showing a bloody nose.
"You'll pay for that!" He grunted. The guy jumped up and uppercut Skye, making him fly back. Skye stepped back and regained his balance, and then tackled the guy. He threw punch after punch, first breaking the guy's nose once, then twice. The guy suffered a black eye, and blood started to cover his face. Skye picked him up by the collar and threw a last punch at the guy's face. The man flew threw the air and slumped on the ground in a bloody heap. Skye looked over at the girl, she was already done with the first guy who attacked her, (now he was looking as though was dead in a puddle of blood a few feet away) and was working on the last gang member besides the leader.
"I will teach you to say a girl can't fight!" The girl shouted. Skye stared as she grew an insane look to her face and smiled at the guy. The guy whimpered and took a step back, clutching a bleeding cheek. The girl jumped up, and gave the man a double-kick to his face and did a back-flip to finish it off. She grabbed the guy with both hands and threw him against a tree, snapping his back and leaving him dead. Skye gasped when he was watching just as the leader hit him across the head from behind.
Skye shouted out in pain. He fell down to one knee and grabbed his head. The leader kicked him in the side and laughed. Skye spun around and threw a kick at the leader's head, but the leader caught his foot. The leader spun around in a circle and faster and faster until both leader and Skye became a blur. The leader let Skye go and the boy flew across the area they were in and slammed against a tree. Skye screamed out in pain and crumpled to the ground. He opened an eye to see the girl start to fight the leader.
She lunged at the leader in a series of kicks and punches, but the leader was too fast, and when he started throwing the punches, they hit every time. The girl took incredible amounts of damage and remained standing. She looked up at the leader in hatred when he threw her to the ground. He kicked her head, and she fell to the ground after flying a few feet. The leader laughed at her and walked over.
"Just relax, sweetie, and it won't hurt as much…" The leader whispered while he bent down over her. Skye could just see what was going to happen if he didn't do something. The girl lay on the ground groaning in pain, and the leader loomed over her. Skye felt this unbelievable amount of hatred toward the man, and power surged through his veins. He jumped up, wiped the blood from his mouth and ran up to the leader. He jumped into the air and kicked the man away from the girl just as he was about to unzip his pants. The leader shouted in range and looked over his shoulder.
In an inhuman voice, he growled, "Foolish human! Mind your own business and stay down where you belong!" The leader suddenly grew in size, and his peach skin suddenly started tearing, and ripping apart, revealing deep purple scales beneath.
"Oh shit…" Skye gaped at the demon before him. The demon grew large black horns and claws bigger than its head grew out of where hands should have been. Almost nothing was left of its trousers, and its hair lengthened and turned to a navy blue. It smiled, showing large, yellow fangs through its whole mouth.
"Take your last breath human, for I will tear you limb from limb and eat your heart for dinner tonight." The demon growled, smiling and taking a step forward. Skye felt as though his lunch was going to come back the way it came when felt a pressure on his shoulder. It was the girl. As the sun set, and sent colors flowing over her body, Skye thought he might cry, knowing they would both die today, and he would never get to know this girl better.
"Let's take him together, ok?" She said. Skye was surprised to see a smile come from that blood-crusted face of hers. Her body was covered in a lot of blood, and Skye wasn't sure how she was able to stand.
"Right…" Skye said, nodding in agreement and smiling too. They looked up at the demon and much of their hope was wiped away. Skye searched for the girl's hand, took it, and whispered to her, "Too bad I never got to know your name…"
The girl looked at the boy Skye, and then looked up at the darkening sky, showing some early stars in the ever-closer night sky. She gasped when she saw those stars, and that made Skye look up too.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I know now. I know my name." She replied, smiling brighter.
"It's Starr. Starr Salitu." Tears welled in her eyes, and as Skye looked at her, he would have described them to you `it looked as though her eyes were two stars on their own.
~~~~~End Chapter~~~~~
Mazoo: Heh heh heh, so, we finally get to know the name of the Mystery girl, but what happens now, that they have to face the purple-scaled demon? Read on to see what happens!