Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Oath ❯ Chapter 5~Meeting! ( Chapter 5 )
Blood Oath
By Mija
Disclaimer~Yup I own em..hehe
Chapter 5~Meeting!
~~~Garrett leaned heavily upon the side of the old tree and blinked several times to clear his vision. He felt his head spin and said a few choice curses under his breath. After a little more leaning he straightened up, as best he could and started his trek through the Forbidden Forest. Funny he thought. The Forest was no longer Forbidden, after that night his father had send in his knights and put a bounty on any wolf head found in the forest. The king had thought he was responsible for all the death and trauma that had occured in the forest. There had been reports, people missing and rumors of ravenous wolves. As king he should of done something to protect his people, instead he had just decreed the forest Forbidden to all. It wasnt till that night, the night the woodsman had saved the lives of the princes' that the king had decided on cleaning the forest of every last wolf.
~~~It had taken two years but almost every wolf in the forest had been wiped out. If any were left they were affraid of humans and stayed far from them if they approached the forest. Now the forest was no threat to those who went in or traveled through it now. Well no threat from wolves, there was now the occasional thief or some other forest related threat that came with traveling through one. Again Garrett thought it funny that he would be here in the forbidden forest. The name still stuck and although it was not as scary as it once was it still held that aura of magick. The funny thing to Garrett was that this was the first time he had set foot into the forest since that night ten years ago. He wondered why he was coming now but he didnt ponder it for long, his mind was addled with ale and his vision and walking not so good for one who had consumed so much ale that morning.
~~~Garrett was down you might say. He had been gone for the last week hunting down a group of thieves who had made it a habit of raiding smaller towns along the borders of the kingdom. The villagers had sent for help to thier King, Rufus had sent his best men, led by his most favored Knight. And what had become of the chase? Nothing! The damn thieves were like ghosts in the night. They left no trails and never stayed long in one area. At the moment all they did was ransack the villages, take what they needed or wanted, as far as what ever wealth that village held, as well as food and other stuff. Men were beaten if they tried to fight but not killed, and so far no women or children were hurt, but some of the younger females had been kidnapped, no doubt to quench the lust of many of the men.
~~~Garrett was angry. He had left some of the men back at one of the villages to keep watch, but as far as Garrett was concerned, the thieves had moved on and they had eluded Garrett. He had failed and he didnt like to fail. Thats why he had taken to drinking the moment he had returned late last night. He hated any sort of failure and took it way to personally he knew, but he couldnt help it. He was a prince and a knight, he could not afford to fail. To make matters worse the castle was abuzz with gossip of King Rufuses new guest. A young woman, Lady Angelina, the daughter of an old friend of the Kings, apperantly the same friend Rufus went to see secretly every year. It still annoyed Garrett to no end, that no one save for his oldest Knights, those who accompanied him every year, knew who this old friend was and why Rufus visited him every year, or why it was so secret. But the knights were sworn to silence and they would die before betraying thier vow. So this year the king had bought back a guest. The daughter of the secret friend. No one knew much about her except that she wold be staying for awhile and the king treated her like a daughter, they seemed close. She was betrothed and would marry soon, till then she would be with them at the castle, a favor to the father of the young lady.
~~~Garrett had yet to see her, not that he cared all that much, but from what a few of the men of the court had said, she was a lovely vision to be hold, very beautifull and with the voice of an angel. Then again the pampered court men often spoke of women like that, even if they looked like a hag with the body of a reed. As long as she was a lady, she was a vision witht he voice of an angel. Bah! Garrett had no time for this. He stumbled and made his way towards the enchanted pool. Thats what Garrett had called it ever since he first laid eyes upon the kidney shaped pool all those years ago. Funny how he had not recalled that till just now. Soon he came upon the emerald clearing. You could see the pool in the middle of it, it surface falsly placid as it reflected the sky above like a looking glass. The whole scene was breathtaking, but when he looked upon the huge bolder what he saw upon the top was even more breathtaking and he thought he might be dreaming.
~~~A top the bouder, on its table like surface stood an angel, a forest pixie, for the vision of beauty he saw could only be enchanted. No mortal woman could look so beautifull. She stool at the top, her face tilted up into the wind, as her long raven hair danced about her milky white skin. Her eyes were closed as her long black lashes kissed the perfection of her pale face. Her cheeks were slighty tinted pink, and her ruby like lips were curved up into a small peacfull like smile. Her arms were out at her sides, as she was waiting to be lifted away by unseen hands, her long white dress molded to her body and showed off her generous curves. A braided gold rope hung loosely but lovingly to her thin waist and tangles upon her stomache. Oh to be that rope Garrett thought hazily.
~~~The wind that lazily danced through the clearing played with the locks of her silky hair and ruffles the thin but rich fabric of her dress. Making her look other worldly, magical, enchanted. He couldnt help but stumble towards the beauty upon the rock. Somewhere in the back of his mind he thought he could die happily if he could just touch his angel, feel those ruby lips pressed up against his. Delight in the feel of her tiny delicate fingers caressing his cheeks and chest. He was mad and he knew it. No one could capture an angel, but he couldnt stop his feet from going to her. He was drawn to her. As he got closer, he must of made a sound for his angels eyes snapped open and she looked down upon him. Her eyes were the color of the same deep green emrald shade of the grass and trees upon this enchanted place. So beautifull those eyes, it was like they could peer into his soul. She truelly must be an angel he thought, and that was pretty much that last thing he remembered before he passed out upon the grass, that and the fact that he had saw his angel pull a dagger from the sleeve of her dress. Even that didnt change his mind about her being an angel.
A/N~Okies heres the next chap, ya I know very short...but please be patient, my muse is soooooo not liking me right now and the little bits and pieces she throws my way end up being short chaps. Ok anyhow...hope you like and I am totally honored by all the wonderfull reviews Ive gotten so far. You all are the best and the support is soo much welcomed, the encouragement is truelly a godsend my friends. Ok hope you like, let me know your thought about it, till laters huggles and smiles Mija..:-)