Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Oath ❯ Chapter 7~Trapped! ( Chapter 7 )
Blood Oath
By Mija
Disclaimer~Yes I do own them, hehe..always really wanted to say that..
Chapter 7~Trapped
~~~Tessa was hurt and confussed. She made it to the castle in time to meet the king in the royal gardens. As usual he had dismissed everyone and asked that he not be disturbed by anyone unless it was a matter of court, not even the princes' could interupt his time with Tessa. When she got there she was distracted and failed to bow to her king as she always did. Rufus smiled but hid it and looked at her.
"Pray tell child..what has happened to you that you should treat me thus?" he asked, but he held no real heat or anger in his tone. In his eyes Tessa was his daughter. He loved her, he had watched her grow up into a fine young lady and loved her with all his heart. He just loved to tease her though.
"I am sorry sire forgive me." Tessa replied with embarrasment and a blush upon her face as she bowed before her king. Rufus stopped her and pulled her up to her feet.
"I was jesting with you my this garden...we are father and daughter and you do not have to treat me so formaly..." Rufus replied, and Tessa smiled then looked sad.
"What makes you sad my child?" he asked and Tessa gave him a watery smile.
"I..I just met Garrett." she replied bowing her head and looking down at her slippered feet. Rufus was a bit surprised but not much.
"I heard he had come back from his travels..where did you meet him?" he asked.
"In the the pool." she replied almost absently, forgettting that the king did not want her to leave the castle.
"You went to the pool?? into the forest?? you left the castle??" the king asked with a bit of heat in his voice. Realizing her mistake Tessa fell to her knees and bowed her head in submission.
"I..I am sorry my king..but..I..I wanted to see my where he last ask him for his blessing upon my upcoming marriage." she quickly explained. The kings face softened.
"And did he Tessa? Did your father answer you?" he asked with a warm smile.
"Yes he did sire...I felt his kiss and love upon the breeze when it played upon my cheek..I felt a warmness in my stomache as I stood upon the rock." she smiled remembering the feeling she had felt then. Then she frowned.
"But sire...I wish to terminate your arrangement...I do not wish to marry Prince Garrett." she added and Rufus looked at her with suprise.
"What had bought this on my child?" he asked and Tessa told him all, told him of her meeting and the talk she had with Garrett. Hoping he would understand. She would not marry a man who could never love her in return.
"Dear Tessa, there is much you do not understand..yes my son is pig headed and bitter, but he had his reasons and I am hoping you will be the one to help him over come those things that make him so hard." the king replied with hope. Tessa just looked at him.
"Let me explain a few things..I hope you will understand a bit more when I do." he told her as he related the story as he knew it of Garretts love for Doreen and his bitterness. He also told her of the rumors he had heard of and all that he could possibley know since he had not been there when Doreen had said such cruel things.
"If Doreen is such a cruel bitter woman sire how could you allow her to marry your son Peter?" Tessa asked with shock. She was angered on Garretts behalf as well as the young prince Peter.
"I did not know most of this till after she had married my son..Peter is sad now..his life is not like I had pictured to be sure...and it grieves me terribaly that he is not happy..but I did not know this I can do nothing about it...what has been done is done...all I can hope for now is that you may heal my third born sons heart from what had made him so bitter."
"I will not marry him my sire...what he has said..I feel bad and pity for him but his look upon our upcoming marriage is not what I had expected or want..I will not do it."
"As much as I want to comfort you my dear I will tell you what I told my son all those years ago..tis not up to you nor him wether ye oath has been made..a bloood that cannot be broken and wether ye like it or not wether he likes it or not ye two shall marry and ye best get used to this my child for I will not relent on two will be married." King Rufus replied with utmost conviction and dominance. On this he would not yeild. His son and Tessa would be married wether they both liked it or not. He just hoped it turned out better than his match with Peter and Doreen. He had the feeling that Tessa could change his son and make him a better man, and he could make her a better woman, one who could lead a kingdome when needed. This he prayed.
A/N~okies short chap I know sowwy...but muse still on holiday and Im working with what I have so bare with me k?? let me know what ya think just no flames if ya dont like it dont review simple ne??? huggles and smiles Mija..:-)