Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody August ❯ Conversations. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Another one down! Whew! I'm really good, ne? I know you enjoyed it, so please, please review!!! Come on, just add some wood for the fire of my enthusiasm. I would very much love the possibility to see your thoughts about my work. All suggestions and requests are also encouraged!!!

Title: Bloody August

Author: Azra

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: All the characters belong to me and me alone, if you want to use them - ask.

Warnings: angst, lemon, language, mild violence.

Summary: A nasty talk between friends. The final announcements are maid.

Pairings: August+??, Lorgin+ Adian, Rijar+??, Tred+??.

Continuing to absorb the unicorn, they kept their light conversation. //"Too light."//- thought Adian.

Rijar seemed unnaturally reserved, as if his thoughts were occupied with something. Although they were not long ago acquainted, the extreme circumstances under which they've met and everything that they've went through together, all of that had bound them with an invisible bond. They've seen how the other acted in the face of an enemy and found great pleasure in conversations with each other.

Adian sincerely liked the unpredictable husband's younger brother. With that kind of man she was sure she could form strong friendship. He would never overstep the borders of this friendship, remaining fateful and trustworthy ally. And it seemed that today he most certainly needed to talk with her. Something was bothering him.

"Is something wrong, Rijar?"- she wondered briefly, continuing to observe the remains of the figure. They've already consumed more than a half of the figure and not intended to stop. Adian broke off the ear.

/"No…Yes…It could be…I don't know…"/

"Very clear and precise answer. I just love those."

He smiled and began talking using speech.

"I've been disturbed lately. It bothers me."

Perplexed Adian glanced at him.

"Disturbed? In what way? About what?"

"Don't know. Can't explain."

"Nervous, like…- she waved her hand, to better explain herself,-…in the presence of a woman?"

It took a whole minute for him to understand what she has meant. Adorable smile graced his face.

"No. It's something completely different."

He broke himself another piece.

"So you can't understand the cause of your disturbance. Did this sort of thing ever happened before?"

/"No. And the feeling is only intensifying."/


Rijar averted his gaze on the carpet.

"Sometimes a home-spirit feels the approach of his own death. Thus making it possible to prepare for it."

Adian choked with fear.

"You think that...?"

He shook his head.

"I don't know for certain, but I think it's not that."

She bends to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe you should better talk to Lorgin about it?"

He shook his head once again.

"No, I don't want to bother him, especially now. The Quest* he started calls him. He can't be distracted now."

"I understand. Although I'm of little use, if you want to talk, know that I'm willing to listen."

"I'm grateful to you."

"Here, take another piece. Sweets tend to calm, you know."

"What do you mean another fate?" asked Lorgin crashing back on the chair.

"I mean that he can't become anything before he'll actually find his place in life and accept himself fully."

"Say what you will, but I'm still not very comfortable with the idea."

"And what idea is that?.." asked the calm voice of the approaching youth.

"Tred!" Lorgin rushed from his seat and hugged his friend.

Yaniff smiled, satisfied.

"Well, it was certainly time for you to show up. We leave tomorrow morning and so I want you two to find Rijar and prepare for the upcoming trip."

Lorgin let go of Tred and turned to Yaniff.

"If Tred don't mind, I'll head home first and leave Rijar to him. I must fill up Adian on the matter and help her move to my parent's place. I can imagine the fight that she'll put up…"

"Ho-ho, Lorgin I'm sure you'll be able to persuade her either way. I've already filled up Rijar, so just have to give him a word about time and place…"

Yaniff shone with mischief, anticipating the scenes he knew would come. For a moment Lorgin seemed to want to give a reply, but apparently decided against it and just nodded in agreement and headed straight for the door. Tred just shook his head and followed him out, silent and deep in his own thoughts.

Yaniff closed his eyes and laid back in the chair. Only know all the worries and hesitation clearly showing on his face. He hoped that he would be able to find answers to the many questions that have already formed. He felt the circles of fate were starting to move once again. That dream about flames and the shadowed figure once again came before him. He felt the caress of an utterly alien power, the slight splash of a far away wave. Something was definitely coming, but what? He tried to track the energy, but it was gone without a trace. He sighed. //Nothing ever comes easy.// he thought to himself.


Quest*- a goal or an assignment given to the knight by his teacher or the Guild itself, can also be self-assigned. Also, in the Guild it's considered that each person sooner or later begins his quest* for his/her own destiny, during it answering to the main question in their life.