Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Valentine ❯ Drama, Drama, Drama... ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: Obviously, all the characters in this story do not belong to me.
italics represent thoughts
For a moment, Gambit stands there speechless, unable to do anything but watch as Bobby and his Rogue stroll happily through the mall. Regaining his thoughts, his jaw clenches as he comes up behind the two. Roughly grabbing Bobby's shoulder, Gambit turns him around.
"Drake!" Gambit pulls him around to face him. "What are ya doin' wit my Rogue?!?"
Bobby's eyes shift between Rogue and Gambit, his words shaking. "I...I...She..."
Unable to get answer he liked, Gambit brought his fist to Drake's face, sending his flailing backwards into the near by fountain.
"REMY!" Rogue screamed at him, rushing to Bobby's side. "Its not Bobby's fault. Ah called him. Serves you righ', Remy. You have done this ta meh before, you ain't nevah seen meh done this!" Bending down to Bobby, she seems to baby him.
Angry, Gambit's jaw seems to just clenches even more. Turning, he retreats from the mall, walking fast and only looking straight ahead.
Looking up at Rogue, Bobby smiles. "He seemed a bit angry..."
"Don' worry 'bout him, Sugah. He'll get ova it, he always does." Rogue's words sounded reasurring, but she wasn't as sure as she sounded.
Gambit walked and walked and walked some more. He pasted stores and crowds and walked til everything faded behind him. He didnt realize until he got there where he was going: The Rock.
It was the place where he went when he needed to think. When he need a place to be alone. When the whole world seemed to be against him. A situation that seemed to be currently taking over his life. He sighs, plopping down onto the cool smooth flat rock. He props his elbow on his knee and his forehead slowly falls into his awaiting hand. For minutes he says nothing. Reaching his free hand into his pocket, he pulls out a small square looking jewelery box. Opening it, he stares down at a shining gold ring. He sighs again and heaves it out into the nothingness surrounding him. It was the only thing he actually bought. And he did it for her.
Her...Rogue to be exact. Marie to be technical. But for the moment, her does better. For the past year and a half of his life, he felt happy. He felt secure. He felt right. And it was because of her. Her. Rogue. Marie. And ta t'hink, ah was gonna ask her ta marry meh.......