Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Eyes ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“Come on, Marne! The boat will be leaving soon!”
“Okay, I'm coming as soon as I get little Elan ready!”
Marne picked up her son Elan, and wrapped him snug in a blanket. “You're going to meet your new family soon, Elan. Sorry I couldn't take care of you, but our race is almost wiped out. I'm afraid that I may die soon.” She picked up a hand basket and carefully placed Elan into it. “Hopefully, the Immortals will take care of you like I planned to do myself.”
Marne walked outside of her house, into the morning fog, and walked towards the pier. Her friend Kama was waiting along with the boater there.
“What's keeping you? We were standing here for 20 minutes!” Kama said.
Marne handed the hand basket to the boater. “I had to gather Elan and his things.” She looked down and started to cry. “If only the Mortals and Immortals weren't fighting with us...I just hope that I'm sending him to the right people, not the ones that want to kill him....”
The boater placed the hand basket into the boat. “Don't worry; I know these people all of my life. They're against the war, after all.” He assured Marne. “Little Elan will be safe.”
Marne dried her tears. “Okay. I'm just worried, that's all. Bye Elan...Mommy will miss you!” She blew a kiss at Elan, who giggled.
The boater pushed the boat into the water, carefully jumping into it. He took out a paddle and started steering the boat, towards the mainland.
Marne and Kama waved at the departing boat, until it disappeared in the fog.
Evan Kayos is not an ordinary young man. He's 24-years-old, has brown eyes and long, brown hair, and a wife whom he calls, “The most wonderful woman in the world, next to his mother.” Although this young man seemed perfectly normal to people hearing all this, he's really not.
When Evan was fresh out of high school, he disappeared suddenly, and woke up in the middle of a forest. He found his way home to find his father ready to beat him. Months later, he finally emancipated himself away from his dysfunctional family, to start a new one.
Evan has cuts on both wrists, from failed suicide attempts. He doesn't talk much, and he's neurotic, due to all of the hell he's been through. Behind those brown eyes lie blue eyes, which only show themselves in random times. Mortals and Immortals have planned to kill Evan all of his life, just because his mother was a Mortal, and his father is an Immortal. Because of this, he is a Half-Breed.
He is a psychic.