Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos Insues ❯ CI1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I growled at the world around me. Thinking to myself that this couldn't possibly get any worse...then the bomb blew up in my face and I knew I was wrong.

"First the toad accident this morning, then the whole `goat and his stupid goatee', now egg bombs in the face. Someone up there really must hate me..." I stood up and dusted myself off, frowning at the trees. Some days it doesn't pay to steal from the butcher next door, I thought, clutching my ponytail in one hand and my staff in the other. I turned slightly and just missed an arrow through the shoulder.

"Damnit, man! I told you to stop following me, I don't know where your other eye is!" This was so much easier with the guys...

I glared at the man, wearing an all pink jumpsuit, who had shot the offending arrow, now stuck in a tree. He pouted--pouted!--at me but turned and left without a word. The nerve of some people.

I kept walking in the hopes of seeing Rilin Tilin sometime in this century. Now, what made me leave the town I was calling home again? Oh, yeah, I remember now, an obligation to one of my friends in the Core...


I got a letter from Darkness. I left my new friends with a wave and promises of returning. They were sad to see me go and bade me a safe journey. It didn't take me long to find the portal that would take me back to the Core, a place I once felt was home.

I sighed as I stepped through the gate and, with a bright flash, was standing almost on top of the guard at the door. He jumped about a foot into the air before he could stop himself. When he saw my face, he went stiff as a board and opened the door. 'Oh goodie, they knew I was coming.' Me, bitter? Never...

I walked inside and was slammed back into the now closed door. I shook my head a bit as my cloak fell back revealing pointed ears and golden eyes. Four robed figures appeared in my field of vision. 'Great, they're blocking my magic. Well, I can still do some damage with my staff.' I was grabbed from behind as I took a step forward. 'Then again...maybe not.'

"We are glad to see you back with us, Daria," the one in a red robe said with a smirk. "Tell us, how have you been? Not getting into trouble, are we?"

I just wanted to smack that dumb grin off his face. "Who, me? I've been just dandy. How about you, Val, still nursing the arm?" I shot back with a manic gleam in my eye. It was his turn to look like he swallowed a bug, and I grinned.

Finally, I got tired of the rough treatment. So I kicked the guy behind me with such force he fell back, with a grunt and a howl of pain. "That'll teach you not to touch a lady like that." Never taking my eyes off the four, no, five people that surrounded me. I removed my cloak.

"Now, now, there's no need to get violent," bug-boy said, taking a step closer to me.

"I have yet to get...violent," the gleam returning, as I took a more easy fighting stance. Violent wasn't even the word to describe me, homicidal-psychotic perhaps, but not violent.

The next few minutes were a blur, as I broke the magic shield and started cracking the skulls of the hapless mages. Not all of them knew how to fight without their magic and taking them down was my first priority. Dancing around earth tremors, fireballs and mental attacks, I rushed about, staff a-swinging.

Five burly men and a few good whacks later, I was tossed into a cell, with a thump and a string of healthy curses. Why does this always happen to me? I sighed and sat there thinking over what I should be doing.

Ok, I'm, what? 'You get to rot in this cell `til you think of something stupid,' my brain supplied. Leave it to me to make insults and jokes in a time of somber near-death moments.

Pulling out the letter again, I noticed it was a rush job.

Daria, I need your help. Please come to the Core HQ, and bring your staff.

Ok, so it was more a note then a letter...whatever.

"Hey...I know this cell..." I grinned at that. They gave me the same cell last time, I hope my lock picks are still here...

Going over to the far wall, I pulled out a brick with a grunt. Sure enough, they were there. Taking them up, I opened my shackles and headed for the door. 'Hmmm... What trick can I use this time? Call the guard and say I'm sick? Nah, that only works if there are two people...wait till the guard does his rounds and try to seduce him into opening the door? Nah, used that last time...oh, I got it!'

Picking up a stray rock, I threw it against the far wall and it made a big boom when it hit the magical force field. I rushed to the corner by the door and waited. I didn't have to wait long before the guard open the door and came in. I rushed him, knocking him out with one kick to the head. 'Such a baby...' Shrugging, I grabbed the keys, locked him up and closed the door behind me, locking it as well.

'Now for the hard part...' finding my way was a lot easier than it should've been. There was no magical interference this time. There's that bad feeling again...

It took less then 5 minutes to reach my friend's room and I slipped in unnoticed. 'Got to thank Fuzzy later for the sneak and steal lessons, they do come in handy.' I looked around and saw something rather odd...or odder...

The room seemed as if nothing had been touched in weeks. Dust covered most of the furniture and floor. Not a good sign. I turned at the sound of the door opening behind me, ready for anything. 'Wish I had my staff...or at least one of my knives.'

When in the den of the lion, look out for the teeth and claws. Or, so I've been told...

"Dar? That you?" came a hushed voice. I sighed in relief.

"Yeah. Ok, I'm here and without my weapon of choice...what's going on?"

A rather petite woman, with mousy brown hair, rushed over to me. Although I hadn't seen her in years, she still looked the same. Her gray eyes were wide with fear as she spoke, "It's crazy here. They're talking about attacking all the villages and demanding them to hand over money and children! The Core has turned into a band of thugs. I didn't know what to do but send for you..."

I snorted at the last bit. "What can I do? I'm a reject, remember?" I sighed again. "I can try to help but there isn't much I can do. Tell me, though, when did all of this start happening?"

"I'd say about a month ago...maybe longer, about the same time as our new recruit showed up." I frowned at this news. Nothing made sense any more.

"Ok, so who started the whole 'sack and pillage' stuff? I doubt that any of our 'leaders' would have."

"I'm not sure..." she looked scared, which was understandable. The whole place was going to hell in a hand-basket and she couldn't get out of it.

"How about the old crew? Are they still around?" I frowned when she only shook her head no. "Know where they are now?"

"Yes...but I couldn't send them a message, all outside communication has been cut off. I can tell you how to find them but I can't go with you."

"Ok. Write it all down I'll be back. I want my staff and I won't take 'no' for an answer from these pinheads." she nodded and I headed out the door.


So, here I am running around looking for my old crew of warriors...lucky me. Frankly, I don't see the point of me deciding to help. I mean, the Core doesn't want me and I don't want it. Oh well, I can puzzle it out later I guess.

I could see smoke ahead of me and I knew I was close. 'Never a dull moment in the secret life of Daria Wayfinder,' I mused, as I turned at the bend in the trail.

"Hey!" I called out as I neared the little hut. 'Hope he's home...'

Sure enough, a large man came lumbering out the front door. When he saw me he grinned. " 'Hey!' yourself, Dar. What brings you here, besides me of course?" He chuckled as I came closer.

"You haven't changed one bit, Lee. You still have an ego the size of the sun. As to the reason...the Core has gone crazy and I'm calling out the old crew."

"Ah, well, there goes my retirement. It'll be great to see the gang again, and we of the 'Seven Shadows' will have some fun once more." A look of pure madness crossed his face and made me smile.

"Grab your gear. We got to get the others," I said turning back to the woods around us.


It wasn't long at all before we found Py. The woman wasn't easy to miss, and you could see the flames coming for miles. Pyros Daystar, Lee and me were in the Seven Shadows together. 'Why did I get to be the leader? Oh yeah, I remember...I was the only one dumb enough to take the job.'

"Pyro!" I shouted over the roar she was making. I never could understand how she could put up with the heat; maybe she's got a thick skin.

"Hey Dar! Hey Lee! What brings you guys to my shop? What's it been...a couple years now?" I glanced about her 'shop'. It was a blacksmith's dream; or, at least, that's my thinking. It was big!

"Darkness needs us Pyro. Can you join us again?" I asked quietly, still looking under the table. "You wouldn't happen to have my old staff, would ya? Val and his crew took mine..." I was still not happy about the loss of my staff but it couldn't be helped.

"You won't find it looking there!" she laughed, as she jumped up onto her workbench. She smiled as she pulled an object out from atop a rafter. "Here, been wondering when you'd want it back," she said as she tossed it over to me.

Grabbing it out of the air, I felt a surge of power run through my hand and up my arm. I unwrapped my staff of solid quicksilver; engraved with several characters to heighten my power. I grinned. 'Can't wait to put this to good use again. It's been too long.'

"Let me close up and I'll join you in a few, I want the full story before I make up my mind."

"Ok. See you in a few then," with that said, we headed back outside.


After the full, worn out version of the story, she sat back on her heels and frowned. "Well now, that was an earful. Hmmm... Sure I'll help; I'm not doing much these days anyway. Have you contacted Loc or Bardi yet?"

"Not yet, but we have to get them before we can do anything." Lee replied slowly. Neither have been seen or heard from since the group broke up. The likelihood of them joining us again are slim to none without Pyros. Of course, I wasn't about to tell them that...

"Come on, we don't have much time to waste. I have a pretty good idea where to find them." I stated, as I stood up.


It took us a full day to reach Loc and Bardi's place in the mountains. Of course, we had run into a lot of bad turns and wrong mountains before finding it. Lee and Pyros were as tired as I was but none of us would ever admit that.

I was just hoping that the brothers were willing to help us. After that little love triangle thing with Pyros, things fell apart for all of us. Who knew they were brothers anyway? I certainly didn't until after the fact.

Frowning, I knocked on the tree...for it wasn't really a door...and waited. The tree opened up, a bright light blinded me only for a second and I grinned.

"Hey there Loc. How have you been?"

He startled me by hugging me. "Hello Daria. It's good to see you after all this time! And you brought visitors! Please come in."

I nodded, taking in his rather strange behavior, as I did. Once inside and seated in a very large den, I quickly remembered why we came.

"You remember Lee and Pyros..." I said gesturing to my companions.

"Is Bardi here? We need you both to come with us."

He was quiet, not sure what to say, I guess. I couldn't blame him, if my ex showed up with the team leader and asked me to rejoin I wouldn't know what to say either.

He mumbled something that sounded like 'I'll go get him.' He stood up and left us. We all shared a look and a sigh. 'I hope I don't get a foot in the face like last time...that wasn't fun.'

Loc returned with Bardi and Lycan as well. I smiled at them. "Well, you saved us a trip, Lycan." They sat down and I pulled the note from my pocket. "Ok, here is what's going on..." I handed it to Loc and began telling them of my little adventure into the Core. I also explained my reasons for finding everybody. They listened and when I finally finished, I fell back in my chair, exhausted...

Lee and Pyros knew most of the story but I had added a few more pieces to the puzzle.

"Wait a minute. You're saying that the Core has gone completely off its rocker, and we have to fix it? Why? She should just leave the place like we all did." Lycan was right about that, I knew; but arguing with him wasn't going to help.

"She can't. Unlike me, she has a bigger role to play in the Core. Now, you don't have to join us in helping her; I was the one she asked. I can do it with just Lee and Pyros, it'll be a lot harder but we can still get the job done. Sorry to have wasted your time guys." I stood up and headed for the door. "Come on, looks like it's only going to be four of us this time..." I was ticked, as usual. And, as soon as we were outside, I counted to five.

Sure enough, "Daria, wait!" I hid my smile as I turned back to the tree. "Nobody said 'no'." I nodded at Bardi; I could always count on him. With some last minute weapon and armor pick-ups, we were on our way back to the Core.


Well, now that we were all together, there was the problem of what to do next. I was starting to run out of time, road, and patience. To top it off, I was starting to get a migraine.

My fellow comrades were not in any better condition, I noted with a sigh. "It's getting dark, let's set up camp for the night." I smiled at Lee's cheer at stopping.

"Slave driver!" Pyros cried out at me with a grin. I shook my head, sending my plait swinging behind me, as I turned to her.

"You only now figure that out Py? I've known that for a long time!" Lee said with a laugh.

"You're not helping Lee, go get some firewood."

"Awwww come on Dar! I'm tired!"

I raised a brow. "Don't be such a baby...besides, you should know by now, I'm a slave driver."

He groaned, "That's not funny"

"If you don't think you can handle the job, I'll help ya Lee."

"Thanks, Py! You're the best!"

I watched them head deeper into the small forest, where we were hiding. If we weren't so close to the Core, I might have asked Pyros to just use her magic to start a fire; but it was too risky, not for a sneak attack anyway.

Lee and Py returned a few minutes later, each holding an armful of sticks and logs.

I turned my thoughts back to what to do once we got to the Core. There was still so much I didn't know, such as what their numbers were and how best to 'persuade' them to give up on their foolish notions of 'world domination'. Nothing was making any sense to me, hopefully Darkness could 'enlighten' me.

"Dar," I blinked at the interruption, as I gazed at Loc.

"Hmm?" I asked intelligently.

"Just wondering...what's the plan?" Another blink from me, 'Oh yes, I am so smart...'

"I don't know, Loc, haven't gotten that far yet. When I get some sort of idea, you'll be the first to know." He nodded, staring into the fire with a frown.


In the morning, we headed out in silence. We had about a half day's worth of walking before we would even begin to see our destination. This did not make me happy, to say the least. Too bad, we couldn't 'phone ahead' and let Darkness know we're on our way.

A rustling to my left made me tense, staff at the ready. My eyes narrowed, trying to find what had made the noise. I jumped back, my eyes widening, as the creature came into view.

"Dear god!" I shouted, as I ran into Pyro. One of the creatures had spooked her, too. That's when I noted that we were surrounded.

"What-the-hell...?" Lee half asked, as he drew his sword.

"You're pretty close, they're dreadhounds. They can't be killed since they're already dead. Magic is the only way. Shit, then we might as well play the drums all the way to the hold," I said through clenched teeth.

"Can we possibly make a run for it?" Bardi asked from my right.

I shook my head. "We are their targets; that's for sure. If we run, they will follow...hey, I got an idea." I smiled. 'Now, let's see how the Core likes some new pets.'

I motioned to the others, as I took off, flipping over the lead hound. With the ground under my feet again, I ran at full tilt toward the Core. The others were close behind me....and, even closer, the hounds hot on our heels.