Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Fire: Project Chimera ❯ Battle! Catch Nioiga! ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dragon Fire and all related stories and characters are copyright 1998-2002 to Josh Miller (that's me!) Please do not steal anything related to Dragon Fire. That includes plot lines, characters, spell names, and incantations. All song lyrics are also copyright to me so DO NOT steal them. Thank you and enjoy the story.


"You're a Chifuka inspector? Interesting...your power is much stronger than most others," Kirei said. She looked at Renita with interest. "Give up now, and maybe you'll get off easy," Renita said slyly. The two women seemd to have a stale respect for each other and Nioiga looked on with a blank expression.

In an instant quicker than the blink of an eye Renita and Kirei became nothing more than blurred images as they ran towards each other. Nioiga's eyes were well trained and each movement of the women was crystal clear to him. Renita struck at Kirei's nose, Kirei blocked the attack and twirled inwards and down, strecthing her leg out on an attempted sweep. Renita flipped over Kirei, keeping hold of the arm Kirei had blocked her strike with. She landed and twisted around, flipping Kirei onto her back. She dropped down and wrapped her arm around Kirei's neck in a choke.

Kirei bit down on Renita's hand, allowing her to kick up and kick Renita in the ribs. Renita cringed and rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding a stomp from Kirei. She rolled away and healed herself on her way up. Kirei began running towards her, so she ran away. She saw a wall and her opporunity at an attack. She reached the wall several seconds ahead of Kirei and jumped on it. She propelled off with a mighty push and shifted her body so that her legs were strectched out in front of her. Kirei halted to a stop and bent over backwards, her head touching the ground.

Renita flew right over Kirei and cast a wind spell to break her fall. She stepped into a fighting stance and watched as Kirei rose back up. The two women stared each other down before once again running towards each other. The two were more cautious this time, ciricling each other, waiting for the other's attack. Kirei was first to attack this time. She bent down in an attempted trip. She moved so fluidly that Renita barely had time to jump up. She landed in a crouching position and pivoted on her foot, at the same kicking Kirei in the face. She rolled away and stood up, immeditaly firing a small set of icicles at Kirei. Kirei created a flame barrier and the icicles whitered away upon contact with it. Rentia ran in as the barrier disappeared and began striking and kicking furiously at Kirei, who did her best to block all of the attacks and finally mangaed to catch hold of one of Renita's feet. She flipped Renita upside down, keeping hold of her ankle, and began hitting her in the back. Renita cringed and when Kirei used magic she cried out in pain.

"STOP!" a small voice yelled. Kirei immediatly stopped and dropped Renita, who rolled away. "Who's there?" Kirei asked, mystified. "I am!" the small voice said. "And you are?" Kirei asked. "I'm not supposed to tell strangers my name..." the voice said. Kirei's eyebrow rose and she looked around, trying to sense a power. She finally came upon a small one, it was located in the rafters. She cast a gravitation spell and began rising towards the power.

"A little kid?" Kirei asked, shocked. She had reached the rafters and come upon Hiryu. "How'd you get in here?" Kirei asked. "I was trying a new spell and ended up here," Hiryu said. "You know I have to kill you," Kirei said in a bored tone. "You hurt my mommy!" Hiryu said, a hint of anger in his voice. "The lady I just beat up is your mom?" Kirei asked. She was answered with a punch to the nose. She cried out and clutched her nose. "Oh you little gaki! I'll get you!" Kirei cried. She reached out for Hiryu, but he was already gone, hopping along the rafters. Kirei set out after him. She had a hard time weaving around the rafters because of her size and Hiryu was soon far ahead of her.

Hiryu was nearly to a window when Nigoiga appeared in front of him. Hiryu screeched to a stop, almost in mid-jump. "Get out of my way!" he cried. Nioiga reached out and grabbed Hiryu by the collar. He lifted him into the air. Kirei caught up with them a few minutes later. "Let me kill him, Nioiga!" she cried. "Fine," Nioiga said. He held Hiryu out in front of him. Kirei raised her arms out in front of her and began chanting a spell.

'I've got to get out of here!' Hiryu thought desperately. Kirei was nearly finished casting her spell. "P. GATE!" Hiryu yelled. A gate appeared in front of him and Kirei's attack flew into it. Another portal appeared behind Nioiga and Kirei's attack hit him in the head. He cried out in pain and dropped Hiryu.

Hiryu jumped down from the rafters and used his ki to land with a soft thud. He sprinted towards his mom and cast a healing spell when he reached her. The spell healed her enough so that she could cast her own, stronger spell. She stood up and looked to the rafters where Nioiga and Kirei were. "How'd you get here Hiryu?" she asked. "I was learning the P. Gate and when I cast it I ended up here," Hiryu said. "Get out of here," Renita ordered. "No way, you need my help!" Hiryu protested. "Go," Renita said. Hiryu stood his ground.

There was a whislting sound and several blades of wind began spinning around the room. "W. BARRIER!" Renita yelled. The blades of wind enlarged and strengthened her shield. "F. SHIELD!" Hiryu yelled. A bright flame surrounded him. The blades of wind blew against the shield and caused it to spark fires all over the place. Hiryu stuck his tongue out and enlarged the shield. The fire continued spreading until him and Renita were standing in the middle of a blazing inferno. "Let's go," Renita said. She created a P. Gate and drug Hiryu through it, leaving the building to crumble in a bright red light.

* * *

"Yes, all of the documents were destroyed," Renita said. "Every, single, one?" the chief asked. "Unfortunately," Renita said, "Though we're still unaware of any documents Nioiga was carrying." "What about the girl you fought?" the chief asked. "Her name is Kirei," Hiryu said. "Hiryu, please, you've caused enough trouble," Renita said harshly. "Alright, don't be too hard on him, he was just worried about you," the chief said. Renita nodded and created a P. Gate. "Wait," Hiryu said as they were about to walk through it. "What is it now?" Renita asked. Hiryu fumbled around in his pockets before drawing out several pieces of paper. "What are those?" Renita asked. "I grabbed them off of Nioiga when he grabbed me," Hiryu said. Renita took the papers and unfolded them. She looked them over and nearly dropped them. "What is it?" the chief asked. Renita handed the papers to him with a shaky hand. He looked them over and his brow furrowed. "I can't read this," he finally said. "I can only make out a few words," Renita said. "What are they?" the chief asked. "Project: Chimera," Renita said.

* * *

"We'd better let Biru know that you're okay," Renita said. The two were now back in S. Shining Lake. Hiryu nodded and walked tiredly alongside his mother. 'That shield must have taken more energy than I thought out of him,' Renita said silently.

"I'm glad that you two are okay," Biru said. Renita and Hiryu were standing outside of the dojo. Renita nodded. "Hiryu was very resourceful tonight, I'm surprised how easily he used the P. Gate," she said. Hiryu's face lit up with an enormous smile. Biru nodded to them and closed the door to the dojo.

* * *

The next day Hiryu was up and training again, harder than ever. He had woken up sore but cast a relaxation spell on himself and was fine. "Hiryu, please stop," Renita said. "No! I have to beat Kris! If I don't then I'll never hear the end of it!" Hiryu said. He jumped into the air kicked three times. He did it again and tried for four but fell on his butt. "Ow," he groaned. He got up a few seconds later and continued training. "But aren't you the one who challenged him?" Renita asked. "Yeah, but he wouldn't shut up," Hiryu said. "Does he ever?" Renita asked. Hiryu giggled. Renita sighed and went back into their house.

"P. Gate!" she said. The gate appeared and she stepped into it.

"Renita! W-what are you doing here?" Mishi's mom asked. Renita had teleported to Mishi's house. "Hiryu will NOT stop training," Rentia said, "And I thought that if Mishi came for a week or two that he'd stop." "Well, that could work. Mishi's getting a two week break from her magic training and is really bored. So..." Mishi's mom said. She thought about it for a few more seconds before agreeing to the idea. "Great!" Renita cried. Mishi's mom excused herself to tell Mishi to start packing.

"Hello, Miss Janken," Mishi said, "Nice to meet you." She bowed low, though her eyes never left Renita. "You have much potential as a warrior," Renita said, looking Mishi up and down. Mishi straightened herself and blushed a little bit. "I don't think I'm cut out to be a warrior," she said quietly. "You do, your energy is very strong, even a little stronger than Hiryu's," Renita said. "Hiryu!" Mishi cried, "Can we go? I want to see him!" Renita laughed and nodded her head. She created and P. Gate and Mishi bid her mother farewell.

"Hiryu," Renita said. She could hear the swishing of Hiryu's kicks. She sighed and walked to Hiryu, Mishi was behind her. "Hiryu, stop training now," Renita said. "No way," Hiryu said. "Fine," Renita said. She motioned for Mishi to come out from behind her.

"HIRYU KUN!" Mishi screamed. Hiryu stopped in mid-punch and faced Mishi, his eyes growing wide. "M-MISHI CHAN?" he cried. Renita rolled her eyes and walked back into the house. "How are you?" Mishi asked. "Great, how are you?" Hiryu asked. "Fine, thank you," Mishi said. She looked Hiryu up and down. He muscles had become more defined due to his training. He was covered in sweat, his clothes sticking to his body. "Oh, sorry I look so bad. But I challenged Kris to a sparring match and I've been training non-stop," he explained. "That's okay, why don't you go take a shower? Then you can show me around your house," Mishi suggested. Hiryu nodded his head furiously and skipped away, humming.

* * *

A loud slapping sound echoed through a dark room. Kirei Janai sneered and let the blood trickle down her chin and fall onto her chest. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LET THEM TAKE THE PAPERS!" Nioiga screamed at her. His face was contorted with an evil glare. "I LET THEM ESCAPE? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO PICKED THAT LITTLE BRAT UP!" Kirei screamed back. Nioiga threw up his hands and turned his back to her. "DON'T YOU DARE TURN YOUR BACK TO ME!" she yelled. "Oh, and what are you going to do?" Nioiga asked. Kirei swung her arm in an arc and several icicles flew towards Nioiga. An F. Shield appeared around his back and the icicles melted. He spun around with a kick. Kirei blocked hard and punched at his leg, but it was gone before her hand reached it. "Lets stop this," Nioiga suggested, "There's no reason for us to fight." "You started this," Kirei said in a disgusted tone. The two glared at each othe for a few minutes before turning and walking off in opposite directions.

* * *

"Oh! You look so cute in that!" Mishi cried. Hiryu was now wearing a blue gi that hung loosely around his body. He blushed a little and shly thanked her. "So do you want to give me a tour of the town or what?" Mishi asked. "Huh? Oh sure!" Hiryu said. He started walking and Mishi followed beside him. The two walked in silence and Hiryu spoke occasionaly when they came to an important spot in town.

"HIRYU!" someone called. "Oh boy, get ready to meet Kris," Hiryu muttered. He stopped walking and turned to the voice. Kris came running up to the two. "Hi Kris," Hiryu muttered. "Who's the chick?" Kris asked. "What? What are you talking about?" Hiryu asked. "The babe, the chick, is she up for grabs?" Kris asked. "Kris, why are you acting wike this? You've never acted wike this before," Hiryu said.

Kris wasn't listening, he'd walked up Mishi, taken her hand, and was about to kiss it when he was met with a sharp slap to the face. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Mishi screamed. She spun around and kicked Kris in the face. Hiryu stared at her in wonder. "N-nice kick," he said. "Thanks," Mishi said, once agian in her cheery tone. The two proceeded to the dojo.

"And who's this?" Yoi asked. She and Biru were cleaning the dojo. "This is Mishi! She's part ewf!" Hiryu said with a hint of pride in his voice. "Nice to meet you," Mishi said. She bowed to Yoi. Yoi smiled and bowed back. "You must be fine sensei, I've seen Hiryu's karate skills," Mishi said. "Oh? Has Hiryu been showing off?" Yoi asked. Mishi shook her head 'no.' "Then where have you seen it?" Yoi asked. Hiryu began to tell her to stop, but Yoi hushed him. "He got lost in the woods and met me, then a big monster attacked us after this gold barrier surrounded us and tried to protect me using his kenpo," Mishi explained. "Really?" Yoi asked. Mishi nodded her head and Hiryu blushed. "Why are you blushing?" Yoi asked him. "Well, the monster kinda, realwy beat me," Hiryu said. "That's okay Hiryu, you're only six," Yoi said.

"You have so much to learn," Mishi said, the two were walking back towards Hiryu's house. "What do you mean?" Hiryu asked. "You have a lot to learn about having a pure heart," Mishi said. "I still don't understand," Hiryu said. "You will one day," Mishi said...