Fan Fiction ❯ Golden Sun Sings ❯ I'm sorry Menardi ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter 2: 'I'm Sorry Menardi' a spoof of Eminem's song 'Cleaning Out My
Closet'. This plays off a slightly different plot line then the actual
game. Felix gets to the Aerie to find Menardi and Saturos already beaten,
and sees them fall into the beacon. Enjoy!
I'm Sorry Menardi
[Have you ever been hated or discriminated against?
I have; I've been protested and demonstrated against
Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times
Sick as the mind of the mother fuckin kid that's behind]
Felix advanced to the statue of Venus and cast move, relocating it to a
button on the floor. The electrical beams that blocked to hall disappeared.
Jenna thanked her brother for the help, and Felix bolted up the stairs for
the Aerie. He traveled along the long trip, all the while thinking of all
he'd gone through.
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[All this commotion emotions run deep as ocean's explodin'
Tempers flarin' from parents just blow 'em off and keep goin'
Not takin' nothin' from no one give 'em hell long as I'm breathin'
Keep kickin' ass in the mornin' and takin' names in the evenin'
Leave 'em with a taste as sour as vinegar in they mouth]
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Why was he going to help Menardi and Saturos? No, that wasn't it. He was
going to help Sheba. She was the only reason he would even think of
betraying Menardi's orders. She could get very angry with him for this. But
he cared not, for deep in his chest, he felt that they would no longer be
alive to be angry. He climbed to last staircase. He looked up to the Aerie
to see a gigantic dragon shrink and turn into a very weary Menardi and
Saturos. And Issac. He saw Issac and his friends, battered and bruised,
looking very victorious. Menardi mumbled something, and then fell into
Venus Lighthouse Beacon.
[I'm sorry Menardi!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm cleanin' out my closet (one more time)
I said I'm sorry Menardi!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm cleanin' out my closet.]
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No one knew their skill more then he did, and if those four were able to
defeat the two of them, he knew that he would be no match for them. He saw
Sheba standing stunned, staring back at Issac and the rest. Quickly, He
bolted up and shielded Sheba from his enemies. Issac said that they were
taking Sheba back to Lalivero. Felix shook his head defiantly. He retorted
that she was coming with him. He felt Sheba grab hold of his cape, trying
to hide.
[Ha! I got some skeletons in my closet
and I don't know if no one knows it
So before they thrown me inside my coffin and close it
I'ma expose it; I'll take you back 3 years ago
before I ever got lost in that storm that night,
I was young, maybe I was just fifteen,
That fruit Saturos must have had his panties up in a bunch
cause he split wigs, I wonder if he even kissed them goodbye
No I don't on second thought I just friggin' wished he would die
I look at Sheba, and I couldn't picture leavin' her side
Even if I hated Saturos, I grit my teeth and I'd try
to make it work with her at least for Sheba's sake
I maybe made some mistakes
but I'm only an Adept, but I'm man enough to face them today
What I did was stupid, no doubt it was dumb
But the smartest shit I did was take the bullets outta' that gun
Cuz' I'da killed him; heck, I woulda' shot Saturos and them both
It's my life, I'd like to welcome y'all to "The Fe-lix Show"]
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Issac stared back at him through slit eyes. Words were exchanged between
the two, interrupted only by a defining noise, to sound of the lighthouse
lighting. Venus beacon was lit. Two left. The force of the beacon split the
lighthouse into four pieces, separating the two adepts. Sheba lost her
balance, tumbling over the edge. Felix felt this, and dove after her, down
into the water below.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++< br>
[I'm sorry Menardi!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm cleanin' out my closet (one more time)
I said I'm sorry Menardi!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm cleanin' out my closet.
Now I would never diss Menardi just to get recognition
Take a second to listen for who you think this record is dissin'
But put yourself in my position; just try to envision
witnessin' Menardi poppin' Psy Crystals in the kitchen
Bitchin' that someone's always goin' throuh' her purse and shit's missin'
Goin through Proxian housin' systems, victim of Munchausen's Syndrome
My whole life I was made to believe I was nothin' when I wasn't
'til I grew up, now I blew up, it makes you sick to ya' stomach
doesn't it? Wasn't it the reason you taught that Pysnegry to me, Menardi?
So you could try to justify the way you treated me Menardi?
But guess what? You're getting' older now and it's cold when your lonely
And Nathan's growin' up so quick he's gonna' know that your phony
And Sheba's getting' so big now; you should see her, she's beautiful
But you'll never see her - she won't even be at your funeral! (Ha, ha!)
See what hurts me the most is you won't admit you was wrong
Whore do your song - keep tellin' yourself that you was a mom!
But how dare you try to take what you didn't help me to get
You selfish whore; I hope you friggin' burn in hell for this crap!
Remember when Lyn died and you said you wished it was me?
Well guess what, I +AM+ dead - dead to you as can be!
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Felix found himself floating out in an endless water field, surrounded by
blue. He held tight onto Sheba, fearing she would drown. He grew tired now,
his legs wouldn't kick, and his arm wouldn't move, but he had to keep
going, there was an island floating just a head, and he had to reach it, he
knew he would be safe.
[I'm sorry Menardi!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm cleanin' out my closet (one more time)
I said I'm sorry Menardi!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm cleanin' out my closet. (Again, now!)
I'm sorry Menardi!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm cleanin' out my closet (one more time)
I said I'm sorry Menardi!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm cleanin' out my closet.]
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
Felix threw himself onto the beach, happy to be alive. He drug his
unconscious cargo up with him, setting her firmly on the sand, and drifted
off into a cool dream. Before he was completely asleep, he saw Alex, Jenna
and Kraden surround him, and they wondered at his last conscious words: :
"I'm sorry Menardi...Never meant to hurt you...Never meant to make you
cry...But tonight...I'"
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Felix: You mean we're actually gonna speak, now?
Xenolord: Yes. Tell me what you six thought.
Issac: Very well done. I like how you modified Mr. E's song to fit the
Golden Sun theme.
Mia: Only one talkie?
Ivan: There's supposed to be song, not dialogue, Mia.
Mia: Oh.
Felix: I love me, especially when it's a fiction only about me. ^_^.
Sheba: I would never hold onto his cape like that!
Felix: And I would never sing a song about Menardi, especially that one.
Xenolord: Opinions on the song fic, please.
Felix: Very well done; rating: 9 of 10
Issac: 8 of 10
Mia: Can't decide. 7-ish.
Ivan: Not saying.
Sheba: (Turns to Felix.) I love you Felix.
Xenolord: That was off topic.
Sheba: Oh, right. On topic. Very good 4 of 10, for making me do things I
Xenolord: Oh, sure, judge me on one little bit of POETIC LISCENSE!!!!
Sheba: I will. (Girlish laugh.)
Felix: Good one! (Laughs.)
Mia: (Laughs too.)
Issac: (Cracking up.)
Ivan: (Stoned-faced. Doesn't get it.) Huh?
Xenolord: Over your head, man.
All Muses: (Laughing uncontrollably.)
Xenolord: Good muses are so hard to come by. But, maybe I should GET NEW
All Muses: (Suddenly stop. Ivan begins laughing.)
Mia: What's up with blonde?
Ivan: I just got it!!! (Laughs.)