Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Unexpected Pregnancy ❯ Ende ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Short, pointless and sappy. It also took me moths to write for no other reason than I'm really, really lazy and easily distracted. It's exactly one year since the first chapter of this fic was posted on, so I figured I'd better finish it.

Happy birthday harry Potter fan fiction! One year old!

Anywho, I'm gonna shut up now.

"Harry, love?" Harry put the book down that he was reading and smiled at his lover. It had been just over a year and a half since the incident in the infirmary. Hermione and Percy had been carted off to Azkaban for life soon after, not even bothering to protest their innocence. Hermione had shot one last glare at Draco as she was taken away, who cowered in fear behind harry and refused to talk to anyone for days. He was still nervous, but he was getting better.

"Yes?" Draco looked a little nervous, twisting his hands together. Then again, he looked nervous a lot of the time so Harry couldn't tell whether he was worried about what he was about to say, or just having an `episode'. He had those a lot; panic attacks, brought on by the slightest thing. Harry stuck by him, though; he would stay by Draco's side until the end of the world.

"Well, what…what was it like?" He looked up then, his silver eyes shimmering in the late evening light and seeming to fuse with Harry's own emerald ones. "Giving birth, I mean." He didn't look down, as Harry expected him to, which was a good sign as it meant that he was improving.

"It bloody hurt." Harry laughed, leaning over to take Draco's hand in his own, pulling the blonde towards him to land in his lap. "But it was worth it. I'd do it again…for you. If you wanted." Draco stared at him, open mouthed, astonished that his lover would be willing to go through such a thing, and for him no less.

"Oh, Harry." Draco couldn't help himself; he burst into tears and wrapped his arms around Harry, holding so tight it was like he was trying to mould their bodies together. "I love you…so much." He managed to choke out between sobs, clinging on for dear life.

"I know, I love you too." Harry held Draco until the tears ceased and his body stilled, enfolded deep in slumber. He then lifted the sleeping Draco from his lap and carried him over to the bed they shared. "Good night Draco." There was no answer, Harry didn't expect one. He curled himself around the smaller male, eventually joining him in sleep.

And thus ends the story of Harry and Draco, content to live together until the end of their days with Alexandria, Cassandra and Lawrence, their children.
