Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Unexpected Pregnancy ❯ Revenge ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: `Lo all. This took me ages, as you know. Heh heh. It's also very short. There will be an epilogue after this, but don't expect it any time soon as I have too many bunnies hopping around inside my head at the moment so I'm gonna go write some of them. I don't have time to write up individual responses to reviews, as I wanna get this posted now instead of in a weeks time, so thankies to everyone who as read and reviewed (except flamers) and thanks for anyone who has stuck up for me against the evil that is flamers! I love you all! *sign says `flame the flamers'* he he. Ja.

"Oh god, Draco." I couldn't hold it in any more. I must have looked a right state, breaking down in his arms like that when he needed me the most. I felt so guilty, but I didn't really care at the time. I pressed against him, trying to hold every inch of him, feel that he was there with me, protect him. I felt guilty for not being able to help him, for not even trying. I think I was mumbling apologies to him, but I can't be sure. I remember him stroking my hair and, when I looked up, I could see the loving smile on his face. I can't remember ever being so happy and so miserable at the same time. I wasn't even sure that it was possible.

"Hush, love. It's alright. I'm here now. We're together again at last." The tears stopped and were replaced by a feeling of hatred so strong that it threatened to consume my very being in its intensity. I managed to pull myself up, still holding Draco to my chest, and took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down and steady my voice.

"Who did this Draco? Tell me, and I swear to any gods listening that they will rot in Azkaban for the rest of their sorry little lives, if they manage to survive what I do to them." It was then that I realised something; Draco had said that I knew them, that they were friends. At least, he said that the woman was a friend. "Draco, love, do I know these people?" He nodded, looking afraid again. I ran a hand across his cheek and through his golden hair, trying to calm him down.

"P-promise me, if I tell you, you have to make sure they can't get me. Promise me Harry!" He gripped tightly at the front of my cloak and stared up at me, tears beginning to form in the corners of his already red and swollen eyes. I felt the anger well up inside of me again at the sight; how could anyone hurt such a pure and fragile creature?

"I promise. I will never let anyone hurt you..." I couldn't finish as the door behind me swung open. I caught the look of pure terror in Draco's face just before I turned to see who he was so afraid of, who had hurt him so badly, wand at the ready. I was not prepared for the sight that met my eyes. Of all the people I know, why did it have to be them? I mean, Percy I can understand as he's never been the nicest of people. Hermione, though. She was one of my best friends for so long, why would she do something like this?

"We came to see how Draco was doing, I hope you don't mind." It was almost frightening, the look of pure malice and hatred on her face. Her smirk widened as her eyes flicked from my face to his. "Such a terrible shame. I don't suppose he'll ever recover from........."

I didn't let her finish; I lunged, wand outstretched. What happened after that was pretty much a blur. The next thing I can fully remember was Draco pulling me back, pulling me away from them. I fought him in blind fury, but was careful not to hurt him. He was still very strong though, and I couldn't pull away. I was finally pulled away by, not his hands, but his voice. I could hear him shouting, telling me to stop, to not become like them. I turned, looking into those shimmering pools of mercury he had for eyes. Dropping my wand, I turned to pull him into a tight embrace. I remember whispering only three words; "I love you."