Fan Fiction ❯ Illusia ❯ Illusia - Her Story 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4

All of a sudden, a great roaring noise, like rushing water, echoed through the cave. My mother, Queen Illusia, appeared in a swirl of blue-green flames and alighted herself sidesaddle on the back of a white winged unicorn who had suddenly materialized under her hovering form.

I recognized the winged unicorn.

He had been Mother’s faithful friend and beautiful steed for as long as I could remember. She had let me ride him several times and he trusted me as he did her.

He stood a good seventeen hands at the withers, tall and proud. He bore a brilliantly white coat and his mane and tail appeared to be spun of silver. The single horn on his head was a foot and a half long, sharp and hard enough to gouge a hole in diamond. It shone like a twisted rod of milky-white pearl. His eyes were a deep blue-black onyx. Although his hooves were like they were made of pearl like his horn, they were ten times as hard as any diamond.

This incredible stallion’s name was Diamondsea.

Queen Illusia slid gracefully from her sidesaddle position on Diamondsea’s bare white back. In a cloud of bluebell-colored bubbles that smelled wonderfully of the salty sea, she assumed the form of a powerful she-wolf with long, thick fur exactly the color and shine of her hair, a beautiful raven-black. The soft glow emanating from Diamondsea’s silver-white aura caught the sheen of her coat and ripples of sea green, sapphire blue and deep purple seemed to glide over her back as she breathed in and out.

Obviously, Diamondsea was quite used to his mistress’s transformations. Sometimes he would turn his head to see a white dove with Queen Illusia’s sapphire eyes perched easily on his back. Although used to my mother’s transformation, it was obvious that something was making Diamondsea very uneasy. I noticed his restlessness and became rather uneasy myself… He tossed his magnificent horned head, making his silvery mane ripple like liquid metal.

However, the other animals had only seen me transform and my cloud’s aura was usually just lavender wisps of smoke that smelled of red roses. And besides, I usually tried not to transform out in the open. So it was most understandable that there was nearly another colossal stampede as Queen Illusia reappeared in her wolf-form with a crack like a large limb snapping from an old tree.

A few coyotes managed to restore order with a few short nips and menacing snarls. A couple of foxes were required to corral a young deer who was terrified out of its mind of the coyotes.

“What is troubling you, my beloved?” inquired Aleut. He had noticed the wild fear in his she-wolf’s eyes.

Her wolf’s face pulled into a fearful grin as she spoke.

“An attack… Something terrible has happened! It’s GONE! Disappeared!” Her voice sounded as though she was half-crazed with fear and grief.