Fan Fiction ❯ Illusia ❯ Terran - A Love Found 10 ( Chapter 41 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 10

I forcibly dragged my mind back to the present. There were tears in my eyes at having watched my brother kill my eleven-year-old self. I wondered; if he killed me, how did I end up here? If all I knew about time and space was true, I shouldn’t even exist. With a shaking hand, I touched my forehead, remembering the blood on my brother’s hand.

But somehow I remembered the day I woke up… I was out in some godforsaken forest with no roof over my head, no food, and no water. I felt nothing but the pain that still tormented my heart. I woke to the sound of a little girl, probably eight or nine years old, calling for her “Papa Wolf.” I looked around and found that I was alone. But that girl sounded so close…

That little girl was Illusia as a child… I learned about her personality through her thoughts. I found out about her past through her memories and subconscious mind. I was permanently bonded to her by a telepathic link. The day she turned eleven years old, the same age as I was when my brother stabbed that curse into my heart, I became able to trace where she was through her thoughts. Something told me that I had to find her.

A little over five years later, I had taken the form of a coyote and had made my way to the protected forest of Kea’ahno. I was there a week when, one cold, wet evening, a drenched, shaking, miserable-looking girl in a silver dress that must have once been beautiful sat under the roots of a tree fallen long ago, crying her eyes out. Long lavender hair hung in wet ropes down her back. Yes… She was beautiful, even then. My Princess was here.

The next morning, the scent of rotting flesh filled the humid air as a she-coyote that smelled of singed hair struggled out of the old tree. I was going to leave, disappointed, when I got a look at her eyes. They were lavender. She was a shapeshifter too! We wound up chasing each other wildly through the brush until she ducked behind a boulder. I followed her and was greeted by the most amazing sight I had ever seen in my life. Slowly, the she-coyote transformed into the girl I had seen the night before and stood before me, ah, in her purest form. She raised her hand to the sky and transformed into what I had been reading in her deepest mind. I had found the Planet Heart Warrior.

And now that same beautiful girl lay here in my arms, crying on my shoulder. I knew she could never really hate Sawyer for what he did, just as I knew I could never hate my brother. I was the one who hated Sawyer. I hated him for hurting her, for almost killing her, for breaking her heart and for making her cry.

And he has the Fire Gem, too…

Illusia’s crying stopped and she settled in my arms, her face tear-streaked but determined.

“We have to go after him,” she said in that same deadly quiet voice, her eyes flashing silver. “That Gem has Grampa Bear’s spirit in it. He can’t have it!”

“Illusia, are you sure about this? How are you going to track him down? He’s probably miles away from here by now.”

“I’ll find the Gem the same way I did the first time,” she said firmly, fiddling with one of her buns.

I wondered what in the world her hair had to do with tracking down anything. I was floored when she pulled the Detection Crystal out of the large bun on the left side of her head. She grinned teasingly at me.

“And to think,” she said in a mock-thinking voice. “When we first met, you said I didn’t know how to use my head…”

“Was that supposed to be a pun?”

“No,” she said shortly. “Now come on…”

She jumped down from the tree limb and held the Detection Crystal out in front of her. She was quite the acrobat, turning a flip before landing.

“Detection Crystal Illusion! Point me to the Fire Gem!”

The little dark crystal spun around rapidly in her palm. After about five seconds, it stopped. The Diamond Point glowed a deep red and pointed to the southeast.

Oh sh*t! He’s heading for the river… That’s probably where the Water Gem is!

“Illusia, quickly! Become the Planet Heart Warrior! He’s going for the river!”

“That son of a-…,” she growled, then trailed off and began panicking. “Oh no! The Gerhanah is where my mother kept the Water Gem! We have to stop him!”

“Then hurry and become the Planet Heart Warrior!”


She must have willed her transformation to speed up; because it was nothing like the first transformation I had seen. A puff of lavender smoke and a wind that smelled of roses, and the Planet Heart Warrior stood in front of me. Her knife hung at her left hip; in the same place my brother had once kept his. I pushed this depressing thought away and stood back to look at her. She was beautiful, even more so now that she was smiling determinedly and the pain was gone from her eyes. The empty pendant that was destined to hold the Planet Heart and harness its power for her use alone hung at the center of her chest on its gold chain.

“Holy CRACKERS,” said an annoying voice from a nearby rock. “You never told me she could do that!”

“Do you really have to hang around us all the time?”

“Yep,” it said, flicking its ears. “You owe me a cricket, remember?”

I opened my mouth to tell the little grey pest to get lost, but Illusia cut me off.

“Cienna, I promise, you’ll get your cricket eventually,” said Illusia lightly.

Then she dashed off into the brush in the direction the Crystal showed her. I smacked a hand to my forehead. Somehow, I knew this wouldn’t end well.

“Come on, furball! We can’t let her go alone!”

“Right!” agreed the little pest. She hopped up on my shoulder and held on as I tore after Illusia. I didn’t know why, but for some reason the little furball didn’t seem so bad anymore.

A growing sense of panic increased my speed. I felt my heart clench as I heard Illusia’s worry through our link. Soon it turned to fear. I was tearing along so fast that I thought my lungs would burst, but I kept going. If Illusia was in any kind of trouble, I would be there to protect her. I refused to let us be torn apart again. I followed her path exactly.

I spotted a flash of lavender sprinting at top speed through the brush. It was physically impossible for me to go any faster, but sure as hell I tried. I watched the tiny lavender spot falter for a second, then stop altogether. I cut through the brush instead of going around the way she did. I could swear my heart stopped for the entire minute it took me to reach her. Cienna jumped onto a branch above me. Illusia had jumped straight up to avoid a blow or something, and I was there to catch her when she fell. Her whole body went limp in my arms.

An energy blast hit me straight in my back. I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my jaws, trying to fight the pain. A second blast sent me hurtling forward about ten feet, landing on my side. I heard a sickening crack and barely managed not to cry out in pain as my shoulder took most of the impact, possibly doing irreversible damage. Forcing all my pain to the back of my mind, I tried to see how Illusia was doing.

She was in better condition than I was, at least. There were scratches and cuts all over her arms and legs and face from tearing through thorns to get here. Her lip was bleeding, but not badly. I wondered why a huge blood stain covered her back and why the ends of her ponytails were stained red as well. Gently pulling back the singed fabric from her skin, I saw what looked like a very old scar that had somehow been opened again. I was horrified, but not as much as I was shocked; Illusia was pushing herself out of my arms and running back into battle.

“Illusia, stop! You’ll get yourself killed out there!”

She didn’t answer, but she left a trail of blood spatters behind her as she ran in the direction the energy blasts had come from. Soon, I had almost caught up with her. The slow but steady loss of blood was seriously affecting her. She stopped in the center of the path, bracing herself to fight again, swaying a little bit. I stopped less than a foot behind her.

Another energy blast was coming straight at her. I was about to step in when she pulled her knife straight up from the sheath at her hip. The upward force and the power of the Planet Heart in the handle of her knife sent the blast splitting in two and crashing off into the trees.

I was stunned. The same girl who had seemed so small and helpless as she cried on my shoulder was now fighting in front of me as an unusually strong, fiercely determined young woman. She was a warrior now; I could see it in her eyes when she pushed herself out of my arms. They were silver, matching the blade of her knife. However, warrior or not, determined or not, she wasn’t going to be able to stand much longer. There was blood staining most of the back of her dress and running down the backs of her legs.

Something told me that she wasn’t going to give up this fight, even if it meant losing her life. I had told her that I would help her be strong and I’d be damned before I’d go back on my word. I took a step forward to stand by her side, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Her silver eyes remained focused straight ahead, her knife in hand.

I followed her gaze and was shocked by her opponent:

It was Koura. My brother.