Fan Fiction ❯ Illusia ❯ Koura - A Lonely One : Interlude 2 ( Chapter 48 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Interlude 2

I fell back again, this time sporting two long, thin scratches down the side of my face and still bleeding badly. I had bitten the inside of my lip when I landed and blood dripped from my mouth. Taelia was still smiling.

The child sorceress stretched her hand out in front of her, claws bared. Snapping her wrist up and down, she came up with what looked like a knife made of ice. She ran the point of her tongue lightly along the edge of the blade, making my stomach turn. A slowly exhaled breath produced a slightly longer knife. This one, she tucked into a sheath made of ice that had appeared at her hip. She advanced on me with the other one.

“Taelia, you still haven’t told me what the h*ll you’re doing! What’s going on and what’s it got to do with me!?”

“Well, nothing really,” she said in a mocking tone. “I’m just using you to get to your brother. It’s more fun this way…”

The little witch…

“Terran? What’s he got to do with this?”

“He broke my heart!” she cried.

“What!? What do you mean by that?”

“Just what I said,” she said flatly.

“That still doesn’t tell me much. What happened?”

This was getting really weird.

This girl is younger than Terran and she’s talking about THAT already?!

“I finally worked up the guts to go and tell him how I felt” she explained. “And all he could say was that he wasn’t interested. So now I have to get back at him.”

“No… Leave my brother alone! What’s wrong with you!?”

“Oh there’s nothing wrong with me,” she said, obviously trying to sound superior and bored. “It’s Terran who has the problem…”

“So he doesn’t return your feelings; he knows that it’s not meant to be. You should just listen to him and find somebody else!”

“No!” she screamed, once again sounding like a child. “He’s wrong!”

“Really Taelia, just move on! He can’t give you what you want; for crying out loud, you’re ten years old! That’s way too early to be making decisions like this!”

“Well then,” she said decisively. “If I can’t have him, nobody can!”

“Taelia, what are you talking a--- ARGH! Get away from me! GAH!”

She had slashed my throat. As I coughed and my chest heaved, blood streamed into the snow. I wondered why I wasn’t dead. She stood there with the bloody knife still in her hand, looking rather disappointed.

“So it’s true,” she said quietly, talking to herself. “That’s my limit: I can’t kill. No matter what, they can’t die from it…”

She looked down at me, again smiling evilly.

“That’s why you’re going to do it for me.”

“What, are you crazy!? There’s no way I’m going to---”

My voice cut off as the blade drove into my shoulder. I cried out in pain. As she drew the knife back out of my skin, I covered the open wound with my hand, trying to stop the loss of blood.

“You have a choice,” she said softly. “Do it, or have his fate become yours.”

“But you can’t kill.”

“I know that,” she snapped. “But I never said his fate was death. There are things worse than that, you know.”

She’s insane…

I froze. She was right. There are things that are much worse than death…

“I might not be able to kill,” she said sweetly. “But I can make living so miserable that you choose to end your own life.”

“By doing what, may I ask?”

Keep her talking… Maybe she’ll get bored or something…

Ok, so I was really getting desperate. If she got bored, I hated to think what she might do. I coughed again, warm blood filling my mouth and making me feel sick. I spat it out into the snow, trying to get that coppery taste out of my mouth.

“I might not be able to kill a human,” she continued. “But animals are very easy to get rid of.”

“What are you getting at?”

“A curse,” she said happily, a sadistic grin giving her face an evil light. “If he is no longer human, then I am no longer limited.”

Oh sh*t… I’ve heard of people being turned into animals… sometimes into shapeshifters… But they keep their human minds and their ability to speak… It makes death seem so much worse…

“But if he is only an animal,” she continued. “He doesn’t understand death. Doesn’t fear it, doesn’t feel it. A shapeshifter, keeping its ability to think and speak as a human, fears death as a human does. Death is so much more painful to a shapeshifter…”

“But every curse can be broken. They’re conditional.”

“Well, it seems you’re right,” she said sweetly. “Let’s see, what should the condition on this one be…? … … Oh! How about the old classic ‘finding true love’ bit? It never actually happens, because one human can never truly love another human.”

“What are you saying?”

“Humans are naturally selfish,” she said simply. “Love is caring so much about another that you would lose anything and everything for them. Humans are incapable of truly doing that. When it comes right down to it, a human will always take care of number one; in the end, nothing is stronger than the human will to survive.”

“You’re wrong.”

Without warning, she flung her knife at me. A deadly-sharp blade made of ice tore into my side and stuck in the ground behind me. Still down on my knees, I doubled over, trying to hold the gaping wound closed. The snow around me was red. The scent of my own blood overpowered my senses and made my head spin.

“I might not always be right,” she said in that same cold, deadly quiet voice. “But I am never wrong.”

I choked on my own blood and felt myself shaking. Looking up at her, I no longer saw a child. I saw something pure evil that had to be dealt with. I managed to push myself off the ground and started towards her. She just tilted her head at me and looked bored. As soon as I was within three feet of her, she reached her hand straight out in front of her and opened her fist at lightning speed. Tiny knifelike shards of ice shot out at me, cutting into my skin and driving me to my knees again.

“So, what’s your decision?” she asked impatiently. “I don’t have unlimited time, you know. Are you willing to let him bleed just like you with no relief in death? Are you going to be able to stand seeing him in so much pain? Or will you just let me put him out of his misery as an animal?”

I hung my head. When she put it that way… There was no way I could let him suffer like this with no hope of relief… I knew that with the curse, he at least had the chance to escape.

That girl from his recurring dreams…

Maybe she would be the one to break it. I had to hope for something…

There was no tone at all in my voice as I gave her my decision.

“The curse… I can’t just let him bleed…”

She smiled, looking more sadistic than ever. Somehow, she no longer looked like she was only ten years old. She looked more like a young woman that a little girl. I forced back my tears as she approached me. I couldn’t let her see my weakness.

I managed to ask her one thing as I looked up at her.

“Just one question… Why me? Don’t you have the guts to do it yourself?”

“Betrayal is more painful than murder,” she said softly, placing the tip of one of those metal claws at the inside point of my left eyebrow.

Slowly, letting it burn, she dragged it down my face, across my eye and down my cheek. She stopped at the curve of my jaw, then brought her hand to her lips. I watched, frozen in horror and pain, as she licked my blood off her claw. I swallowed hard, trying to keep from being sick.

“You’re disgusting… Really sick…”

She just raised an eyebrow at me, still smiling… as she ran the points of her claws back into the start of those scratches and drove them straight into my chest. Dragging her hand toward the center of my chest, she leaned down so that her face was only inches from mine. I bowed my head and groaned in pain, feeling the blood beginning to fill my lungs.