Fan Fiction ❯ Killer on the Loose ❯ Memories ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

All that reviewed, thank you very much! I wrote a longer chapter for you guys!
Thank you for reading this far. There's still more to come! ^_~!!
Another chapter of Killer on the Loose dedicated to my best friend Anme, who got me to write original fiction for once! ^_^!!!
Chapter 5
Mirai: There's nothing going on between Yashi and “Kuro”. Their relationship is one of brothers, yet Yashi has to make sure that “Kuro” doesn't make the same mistakes again. Besides, if you haven't slept in a long time, your patience won't last long… Yashi's also a father figure to “Kuro” (sort of) and that's why he intimidates our main character.
If there are more things that you're confused about drop me a review and I'll explain it in the beginning of the next chapter. Sorry if I'm not so good at explaining these things in the chapters…
Oh… And I'm not happy with how this chapter turned out, but I can't find a way to fix it. Besides, I've already written 4 chapters more, soo… I just gotta read them through and check for mistakes!
Sorry for babbling! On with the fic! ^_~
We were back in my room again.
As we passed my doorway I glanced at the ashes of what was left of my door.
“Yashi, you're going to have to get me another door.”
Yashi groaned in frustration.
“That means a few extra nights at the club, a few extra days in the office and about one on the street…” he mumbled to himself as we passed Jin and Jan's room. No noises came out of the room so I guessed they'd either gone to sleep or were waiting for us to pass by.
I felt sick to my stomach again just from thinking about what they'd been doing a few minutes ago.
My arms swung limply at my sides as we walked briskly to Yami's room.
The little gaki was sitting on his bed, holding the dark brown teddy, Mr. Sniffles.
The brat looked up at us and quickly hid the teddy bear, though we had already seen him holding it.
Yashi ignored it as he knelt down in front of our youngest brother.
“Would you heal the burns inside your anisan's arms?”
Yami glanced at me and stuck out his tongue.
But Yashi wasn't having any of that.
Snatching the pink tongue between his thumb and index finger, Yashi burned Yami's tongue.
Tears pricked Yami's eyes as Yashi let go of his tongue.
The tongue had a black finger mark where Yashi had held onto, but I saw it quickly disappear. That's why I couldn't kill Yami. He's a healer.
“You didn't have to do that!” Yami whined at Yashi as he jumped off his bed and walked over to me, grabbing my limp arms.
“Heal,” he said in an annoyed voice, but instantly I felt my arms begin to heal.
Slowly the pain in my arms started to faint away, and soon I could move my arms again.
I rolled my shoulders a few times, getting the blood to flow correctly again, then walked out of the room with a simple,
I walked into my room and glanced at the pile of ash that was on the floor. I snapped my eyes to my bed and in a blink of an eye I was there. Lying on the sheets of my bed I started thinking of my encounter with Yashi.
Yashi's fire hurt very much. It was hotter than ordinary fire, though the flame was the same golden yellow color as his eyes. It used to amaze me how he played with fire when I was younger. He used to take us to another dimension and would give us an awesome show of light. I remember asking him once how he could go into another dimension. He had told me he could evoke a new dimension from his soul. That explained the reason his personality was almost always neutral, but he was still able to smile warmly. The dimension that waited in his soul collected the images from his mood. If Yashi was happy, the dimension would be filled with green grass, trees and lots of happy things. When he was angry, it became a desert with nothing in it. But when he was beyond anger… when he was beyond sadness…
What happened? Why am I in Yashi's dimension?
“Yashi?” I asked, my round red pools staring up at my anisan.
I took a step back as I saw his expression. He's face was twisted into a look between rage and agony.
“Yashi?!” I asked in a more frantic voice, not having a clue what was going on.
I felt a hand land onto my shoulder and it was then that I noticed that all my siblings were in the same dimension as Yashi and myself.
I looked up at Jeeto, seeing my youngest brother, Yami in his arms, gurgling happily to no one in particular.
Jin and Jan where huddled together, Jan trembling with a shocked expression in Jin's arms. Jin was holding him to calm him down, but why?
Then something clicked.
“Where are mama and papa?” I asked skeptically, turning my gaze to Jeeto.
Yashi's expression was scaring me.
“They're gone.”
I turned my head towards Yashi sharply. He wasn't looking at me.
Yashi turned his head to face me, his face voided of emotion, his voice monotonous.
“They're gone,” he repeated, his blank stare shifting to my other siblings, lastly onto Yami,
”Where have they gone?! We have to go and find them!” I exclaimed.
Yashi dropped to his knees, taking a hold of my shoulders and shaking me roughly.
“They're gone! Not among the living! Dead!”
I could feel tears prick my eyes. He had to by lying. My mama and papa would never leave us!
”You lie!” I screamed at him, but his yellow eyes flashed and the dimension went from an emaciated world into a desert. There was nothing but sand for miles.
This made me more frightened, because Yashi always pictured his dimension filled with green grass, trees and lots of different colored flowers. Now there was nothing, but sand.
I could feel Jeeto squeezing my shoulder.
“I-It's true…” he whispered, his voice broken.
I turned my eyes towards him, but I couldn't see him. My eyes had blurred with tears and I saw red.
“They're not gone! They're not! I tell you-“
I fell into Yashi's awaiting arms, sobbing and screaming into his chest.
“They're not! They're not! They're…!”
Jin snapped his head towards my direction.
“Yameru! They're gone, believe it or not! Don't be such a bakayaro to think otherwise!”
I felt the wind pick up as my anger did the same.
“I'm no baka!” I shouted at him, the wind blowing the sand and making it twirl up into the air.
Jin let go of Jan, but the other twin still clung to him.
Lightning flashed in the horizon, coming our way. Jin's eyes glowed as his hair started to defy gravity. Energy coursed through his body.
Stupid Jin.
“You're such a baby, you know? You can't even-“
“Yameru!” I screamed and the next thing I knew I had flown out of Yashi's grasp and was floating in the air.
All of my siblings gapped at me, all except baby Yami who played with Jeeto's hair and giggled happily having no clue what was going on around him.
“I'm no baka! Mama and papa are waiting for us. Yashi, let me see them,” I demanded.
Yashi shook his head sadly.
“I can't change the fact that they're dead… Not even going back in time can save them…”
I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
“Bring them back!” I screamed, the wind roaring and blowing harder,
“I want them back!”
I could see tears falling down both Jan and Jeeto's cheeks, Yashi staring up at me with a look that seemed defeated and Jin just glared at me.
Suddenly I saw my mother's face clear as day in front of me.
I saw her blue eyes light up as she smiled. I saw the way her long blonde hair blew in the wind. I saw her red painted lips open and form words.
Then her face faded away, my father's face replacing it.
I saw his green eyes stare sharply at me, scrutinize me, but then they lit up with a familiar warm glow as he also smiled. His fiery red hair wasn't affected by the wind much, for it was cut quite short. He had said it was easier to handle that way.
I saw his lips also open to form words, but then his face also vanished.
As tears slipped down my cheeks, I could swear I heard their voices saying in unison:
“Sayonara, ai'shiteru.”
A scream of agony filled the air. Who was that screaming?
It was… Me?
I froze. Even the wind froze, because I wasn't commanding it. I wasn't commanding it to hold me in the air either so I fell. Fell down towards the ground and I couldn't stop it.
I was too shocked.
I was four years old.
/End Flashback/
Sighing, I looked up at the sealing.
Jin had caused the lightning. He was static electricity himself. Just like Yashi's body temperature is over normal because of the fire in his veins, Jin's body temperature is also high. If the electricity current in his blood were to ever stop Jin would need a “recharge” or he'd die. Once when Jin and I were really young, Jin was bleeding I had touched his wound and I had gotten an electric shock so huge that my mother had had to use heal on me for a long time in order to keep me alive.
That time in the dimension was the last time I ever cried. It's been over 10 years…
We'd disappeared for a while. When you're in the dimension Yashi evokes, time passes quicker in the real world. I remember seeing myself get four years older before my eyes.
Yashi had been in really bad shape after having us in the dimension and speeding time. He'd almost gone into a coma, but Yami healed him, though he was inexperienced. The then four-year-old brat had healed Yashi enough so he could recover with his own strength. Nowadays the brat could heal Yashi fully, but Yashi hadn't traveled in time in a long time.
My thought went from Jin to Jan. The two twins were inseparable and looked the same but with opposite eye and hair coloring, thus mother and father had named them Jin and Jan.
Though Jin was scary in a physically threatening way, I think Jan is the “more dangerous” of the two. He can make you do anything he wants. I never look Jan straight in the eyes, because that's when he can hypnotize you. He can hypnotize anything that breathes. That's why he gets straight A's in school without doing any work, and he and Jin are the most popular guys in their school.
I was momentarily distracted from my thoughts as I saw Jeeto poke his head through my open doorway.
“Wha happened to your door?” he asked, his golden locks falling over his midnight blue eyes.
“Wait, ya don' hafta answer that.”
I shook my head as Jeeto turned to leave and he stumbled on his own feet.
He looked like crap.
/<Saa! Domo arigato gozaimasu kisama! Unfortunately I can still hear your voice inside my head.>/
It always startled me how I heard Jeeto's voice inside my head and I kicked myself for thinking something like that about him while he was near enough to pick up the broadcast.
Gomen nasai.
/<Much better.>/
After that I didn't hear Jeeto's voice inside my head and I sighed.
Jeeto really was in bad shape. Ever since he turned 18, he'd started hearing all these voices in his head. At first he could canal them, but soon there were too many voices. Too many thoughts not his own and that's when he grabbed an alcoholic beverage and got himself drunk for the first time. He'd kept doing that for six years now. Every time the voices grew too loud, he'd drink so much that even Yami's healing wouldn't completely cure the damage and we'd have to call an ambulance. But thanks to Yami, we all are alive. He's saved us on numeral occasions. If he wasn't such a brat I'd give respect, but since he is…
I rubbed my brow between my fingers. I could feel a headache on the way.
Sighing, I turned onto my side, watching my curtains and then the stupid pile of ash on my floor. I rolled my eyes as I got up and opened my window. A soft breeze blew in making my curtains flutter slightly.
I motioned with my hand toward the ashes left of my door and the wind picked up every piece, carrying them out the window and up to the sky. I closed the window and was about to lie down again, but I found I couldn't move from the spot. I was standing where I had when Keiichi had stared out the window. I watched the sunset and after it had become dark did I notice how long I'd been standing there.
I shook my head as I lay back on my bed.
“What possessed me to do those things to him?” I murmured aloud to myself and I raked my hand through my onyx black hair,
“I bet he'll never want to even see my face again.”
With a sigh, I closed my eyes and drifted off to an uneasy slumber, replaying what happened today.
“It was so easy!”
“He just looked me straight in the eyes! I don't even think he noticed me, but it doesn't matter! Our eyes locked anyway!”
Jan twirled around the room happily, his hair falling to hide his eyes as he stopped, looking at Jin who was sitting on their bed. Jin looked up, meeting his twin's eyes with no fear of getting hypnotized. Jan had never done that to him. Jin had all of Jan's respect and adoration.
“Jin, ya think ototo's toy enjoyed it?”
“Saa... Hai, demo he looked kinda scared before they disappeared out of our view.”
“Hn. He was surprised.”
Jan sighed, walking over to Jin and sitting on his lap, legs on either side of Jin's,
“I guess you're right.”
Jin didn't push Jan off, but didn't hold him either.
Jan wrapped his arms around Jin's neck and gave him a quick peck on the lips,
“Wasn't it a great idea to hide in the bushes outside ototo's room?”
Jan smiled, his onyx eyes twinkling with a dangerously brilliant thought. At least he thought it was brilliant.
“Ya know, I think I want to play.”
Smirking, Jin grabbed Jan's hips harshly and flipped them over so he was between Jan's widely spread legs.
Jan laughed, though he knew he was going to get a bruise onto his hips, his onyx eyes glittering.
“Hn. Then we'll play.”
Jan moaned as Jin captured his lips into a bruising kiss.
Oh, he loved when Jin complied of his own will.