Fan Fiction ❯ Killer on the Loose ❯ Tempted to touch ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Big thanks to all that reviewed! I love ya!
I'm posting this fic also in under the name Towa no Mirai. So I'm not copying from the author… ^_^!!!
Chapter 4
“You're so in trouble.”
I grit my teeth together in irritation. Why can't Yami mind his own business and stop acting like a stupid brat…?
“Now, why would I be in trouble?” I asked trying not to show him how irritated I was with him.
Yami got out of the doorway and now he noticed Keiichi in my arms for the first time.
“Oh my GAWD!!! Is he o-KAY?!” he practically exclaimed on the top of his lungs. Actually he did.
So much for sneaking into my room unnoticed and taking care of Keiichi.
“Yami, shut up. I have a huge hangover,” came a groan from the den, which happened to be just a few feet away from the main entrance.
“Well, Jeeto-aniisan! You wouldn't have such a huge hangover if you stopped drinking,” Yami said in his annoying singsong voice.
“Yami, if I weren't suffering right now, I would kick your ass to the sun, only to watch your body burn on the way there and I'd enjoy the show the whole time.”
Yami's face fell and he ran to the entrance to the den.
“You're mean!” he shouted at Jeeto, tears pricking his eyes and ran into his bedroom.
From the brat's room I could hear wails that were something from between the lines of,
“Why does he have to be so mean?” “Why does everyone shout at me?” and “Where's Mr. Sniffles?”
Mr. Sniffles is Yami' teddy bear that he got from mother before she-. No, I can't think about that right now. I got to get Keiichi to my room before anyone else notices I brought a guest without permission.
I quickly sought out my room and opened the door, cursing myself for breaking the lock again earlier this morning. I placed Keiichi' still unconscious body onto my bed and hurriedly searched for something in my drawers.
I got to have a spare padlock here somewhere. I always have.
And I was right!
“Yatta!” I exclaimed and placed the padlock onto my door, but not closing the lock, and wiped imaginary sweat away from my brow,
“That'll have to do for now. At least until I can have a real lock installed to the door again.”
I checked the instructions.
“Oh, it has a code? Saa… I better be careful with this then…”
I opened the door and headed for the bathroom.
I placed the instructions beside the sink and grabbed a washcloth and let the water from the sink soak it, and then I wrung the cloth, heading back to my room to clean Keiichi's face.
As I was just about to enter my room, I stopped at the corner of my doorway to listen as I heard someone talking.
“Hmm… Who is he?” came a monotonous voice.
“I don't know… Maybe our dear ototo has brought us a toy…” came another similar voice, yet it wasn't monotonous and held a seductive twist to it,
“You know how much I like to play with toys…”
I shuddered. I knew what those two did to others and together. Both of them were sick perverts. I think they haven't heard incest is morally wrong.
Well, so is killing other people, but…
I smirked.
I'm no better than them. I just do my thing differently. They want it differently.
There was nothing sexual about me killing Kagomi… Yuck! I can't understand why she was the most popular and supposedly the prettiest girl in school. Even that Hiromi girl was prettier…
Then I remembered something.
No one's allowed in my room without my permission.
“Get the fuck out of my room!” I bellowed at my two brothers.
What made my blood boil was that Jin was kneeling in front of Keiichi' face, a hand holding his chin and examining his features. What made my blood boil even more was, Jan.
Jan, the bolder and more out going one of the twins, was on top of Keiichi's body, on his hands and knees. His head was placed too close to Keiichi' crotch for my liking.
I was seething in rage. I could feel my eyes hurt as the contacts had been on for too long.
I carefully took them off and blinked my eyes.
Jin and Jan stood up simultaneously and gave me a double glare.
“My, my…” Jin said, his and Jan' eyes flashing dangerously as they said in unison,
“You brought a toy home and didn't tell us-”
I quickly pushed them out of my room, my brow twitching.
“I don't have the patients for your creepy double talks right now!” I yelled,
“Go fuck yourselves!”
With that said I slammed the door in their face, locking my door with the padlock so they couldn't come back in.
Jan glanced at Jin, his eyes faking innocence,
“He's really angry.”
“Should we do something about it?”
“Then not. What about his suggestion?”
Jin glanced up at Jan with a smirk and dragged his brother into their room, which was only a few doors away.
Jan laughed giddily as Jin's lips sought his neck and the older of the two trailed kisses and nips down Jan's neck.
Pushing back the clothe on the way, Jin attacked Jan's chest, causing Jan to moan loudly.
All of a sudden Jan pouted.
“I would've wanted to play with the toy ototo brought home,” he whined and gasped in pleasure as Jin nipped at his nipple harshly.
The older and slightly more malicious twin glanced up at his younger brother and smirked.
“Anything for you, ototo.”
Jan moaned as Jin's face traveled lower and lower, licks and hard nips causing the skin to probably bruise.
“Anything for you…”
With that said, Jin's hot mouth lowered onto Jan erection and he began to suck hard.
Jan fisted Jin's hair and moaned loudly as his twin licked his shaft, leaning against a wall for support.
Jin smirked around Jan's cock, but continued his ministration.
Closing his mouth once again over the swollen shaft, Jin deep throated Jan's erection, causing the other to scream in pleasure.
“J-Jin-“ Jan groaned, pulling at Jin's hair,
“I- I'm going to-“
Gray eyes shot up and Jin hummed around Jan's erection and his fingers started to circle around Jan's entrance.
Jan came into Jin's mouth, loudly moaning his twin's name, Jin's finger's entrance going unnoticed to the uke.
Jin licked his brother clean and stole a kiss from his brother lips as he started fingering him.
Soon Jan was as hard as a moment ago, a prisoner of the pleasure his brother inflicted on him.
“Aah… Hey!” Jan exclaimed as the sensation stopped for a few seconds.
Then he felt his brother lift him against the wall impaling him roughly and he screamed.
Jin grinned sadistically at his twin, a similar expression echoing on his mirror image's face, though it was slightly twisted with pain.
Without waiting, Jin started to plunge in and out of his brother's body in a fast pace, but Jan just fed off the pain, making it his pleasure.
Blood trickled down from between the uke's legs, but neither cared.
Jan panted underneath his twin and they locked gazes, sharing a passionate kiss.
Jin bit Jan's lip and sucked on his brother's blood, savoring the taste.
Jan's eyes widened and he threw his head back, his eyes seeming to take a demonic black gleam.
“JIN!!!” he screamed loudly as Jin hit his prostate, his eyes rolling to his back, but he kept consciousness.
Jan grabbed Jin's head down for a kiss, his lips gliding over his chin and down his throat. Jan kissed and nipped, then sank his teeth into Jin's shoulder, clawing his brother's back as the seme twin hit his prostate once again. It was a miracle he didn't get shocked…
Jin groaned loudly as he felt himself nearing climax, his eyes becoming a perfect demonic white as his brother sucked on his blood.
Fisting his brother's cock, Jin gave a harsh tug.
Jan unattached himself from Jin's shoulder and groaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
Jan screamed as Jin continued to pound into him and pumping him, his speed growing by the second.
Both slumped down to the floor in exhaustion, panting for breath.
Jan caught his breath first and sighed, cuddling against Jin,
“I still want to play with ototo's toy…”
Jin smirked and nipping Jan's neck, then licking the spot as if in an apology, causing Jan to groan low in his throat. Jin closed his eyes and leaned his chin into the crook of Jan's neck, taking a long whiff of the musky scent that was his brother,
“Anything for you…”
I felt like throwing up. Those two didn't care who was home. I'm surprised Yashi-anisan hasn't found out yet.
But Yashi is usually at his three different jobs and it's a miracle if we see him three times a week for even five minutes. That's how busy he is.
I turned to Keiichi's unconscious body.
Kao must have hit him pretty hard.
I walked over to the blonde and kneeled before his face, placing my free hand under his chin and lifted it. Carefully I started to clean away the blood that had run down his nose with the washcloth. Luckily the bleeding had stopped on the way to my house.
Suddenly I saw Keiichi's brows knit together and they trembled, letting me know he was going to wake up soon.
I finished cleaning his face and placed the washcloth onto my nightstand to wait until I would go and wash it in the bathroom.
Keiichi moaned again as he was fighting for consciousness.
Blinking drowsy eyes, Keiichi looked up at me,
“Where am I?”
I was about to answer, but Keiichi jumped to his feet in fright,
“Who are you?!”
I sighed as I remembered taking off my contact lenses.
I closed my eyes and hardened my face so as to not let him see how disappointed I was.
Keiichi calmed down instantly and I could feel him moving towards me.
“Kuro-kun… I'm sorry…”
I opened my eyes and glared at him.
“Well, don't be!” I snapped at the blonde and turned my back to him,
“I don't need anyone's pity!”
I could practically feel the air of hesitation coming from him as he stood close to me.
Suddenly I felt a soft touch on my shoulder and it made me whirl my head towards Keiichi.
His face was inches away from my own.
I could see a blush creep along his cheeks, though his eyes were studying mine intensely.
“I knew you didn't have brown eyes…” he said more to himself than me and I blinked at him dumbly.
He backed away from my face slightly and giggled.
Okay…? Is this guy nuts or just out of his mind?
But I couldn't help but feel something in the pits of my stomach when he blushed…
Slowly I turned my whole body towards Keiichi and crept towards him like a tiger on the prowl.
When I was close enough, I leaned into his face, our lips a mere inch apart,
“Do you like guys?”
Keiichi became beet red and tried to turn his face away, but I had a firm grip on his chin.
Keiichi gulped for air, then squeaked,
“If I said I did, would you look at me in a different light?”
I smirked at him and leaned away.
“Of course I would,” I told him, brushing a stray strand of hair from his face, placing it behind his ear.
Keiichi looked hurt and shut his mouth.
I laughed.
“You know, it's not nice to laugh at people,” Keiichi pointed out in annoyance.
My laugh died down into a chuckle.
“Wanna know what's so funny?” I asked and though he didn't say anything I went on,
“We've just met today at school and now we're like the two shy kids that can't admit they like each other! Typical in fiction written by crazy fans…”
Keiichi locked gazes with me.
“You like me?” he asked in a quiet voice.
“I don't know,” I answered, fighting hard to keep my eyes on Keiichi's own,
“I'm not sure.”
I knew that wasn't entirely true.
Keiichi sighed, and I was sure I saw sadness in his eyes before he averted them away from my own.
“I guess I should be going now…”
I think I hid my surprise quite well, though me biting my lip to keep my mouth from hanging open was kind of obvious.
Keiichi got up and walked over to the door, then inspected the padlock carefully.
“Would you mind opening the door for me?”
I blinked a couple of times, and then his words settled into my brain.
If he wants to go, who am I to stop him?
Sighing inwardly I got up to my feet also and approached Keiichi, taking the padlock from his loose grip and started twisting away at the lock.
After the fifth attempt Keiichi's annoyed voice sounded next to me,
“Don't tell me you forgot the code…”
I turned my head to face him, seeing his right eyebrow twitch in annoyance at my futile attempts of opening the lock and I gave him a glare,
“What makes you think that?”
After the tenth try I gave up.
“God damn it!”
Keiichi had cooled down considerably since the last time he spoke.
Either that or it was the calm before the storm, seeing that his right eye gave a faint twitch, though otherwise his face looked normal.
I, myself, was furious!
“We're locked in! I need the code for the padlock!” I yelled, while thumping my fist against my door, knowing that it would get someone's attention.
I had accidentally taken the paper with the instructions for opening the padlock to the bathroom with me and forgotten it there. Someone has to get it and call the numbers from the other side of the door.
“What is it, moron? Stop hitting the door!”
Now I banged my head against the door in frustration, as I heard Yami's annoying squeak of a voice yell from over the noise I was making.
“Gaki!!” I exclaimed as I pressed my forehead onto the cool surface of the door, my eyes closed, trying to keep my annoyance at bay,
“Get me the code for the padlock on my door.”
“My name's Yami!”
I banged my head once more onto the door.
Yami! Get me the code!”
“Where'd you put it?”
“The bathroom.”
”It seems so far away…”
Okay, my patience was running out. I could feel the vein in my forehead start to pulsate quicker.
“It's five steps away from you. Now GO!!!”
I can imagine how much Yami was enjoying me being locked up in my own room.
I dunno… It's five steps too far…”
I slammed my fist into the door and heard a slight crack as the wood caved in slightly, but not enough to make a see through hole.
“Get. Me. The CODE!!!”
“I'm telling Yashi-kun that you punched the door again,” came Yami's singsong voice,
“And you'll be in more trouble!”
I reminded myself to give Yami a good spanking for his insolence.
Sighing to rid of my annoyance I turned to Keiichi who was ignoring Yami and my exchange of words.
The boy held my closed curtains slightly to the side so he could stare out of my window.
Slowly I walked over to his side and peaked over his shoulder, breathing my words into his ear,
“What's so interesting?”
Keiichi seemed to shiver, but I'm not sure. It was over quickly.
But I could see the blush tinting his cheeks.
I bet my eyes gleamed dangerously as an idea came to me, a smirk caressing my lips.
“How about we take advantage of this situation?” I asked as I took a step closer to him.
“Ano…” he stuttered and he let go of the curtain, backing away from me until his back was pressed against the wall next to my window, his face beet red,
“Wh-what do you mean?”
I chuckled and saw him gulp, his Adam's apple moving up and down slowly.
Slowly, like a tiger on the prowl, I made my way to him, pressing our chests together.
I leaned my face close to his, our lips almost touching as I spoke with my smirk still intact,
“I mean this.”
After I said that I pressed my palm flat against his chest and slowly trailed it up to his neck. Tilting his head, I started kissing Keiichi's neck and jaw, licking and nipping at times. My hand moved to his back, tracing down his spine and to waistband of his pants.
My lips found Keiichi's lips. At first he wasn't responding, but when I was about to pull away in disappointment, he did. The kiss was long and sweet, growing in passion every second. My hand slipped under the waistband of Keiichi's pants and I brushed his erection.
Oh, so he does like this…
Keiichi raised his hand onto my shoulder and moaned softly against my lips as my hand brushed his erection again,
“I thought you said you didn't like me…”
We didn't hear the knocking or the warning to stand away from the door.
WE did hear my door explode off its hinges though.
Keiichi and I froze, lips still touching, his hand on my shoulder and mine inside his pants.
I could hear a low growl and I gulped.
“What's going on here?”
Quickly I withdrew my hand from Keiichi's pants and turned to face the angry Yashi, who stood in my open doorway, smoke rising from the frames and his hands. Though he looked tired, a scowl was set on his face. Yami stood a step behind him a little to the left and he had a smug look on his face. The look he was broadcasting read, “I told you so” all over it.
I am so going to spank Yami good for this and enjoy every second of it.
Quickly I remembered that Keiichi was behind me and I glanced at him quickly.
He was pale and his kiss swollen red lips stood out on his face. His amethyst eyes were wide in surprise and shock and locks of blond hair were fallen to shield his face.
Absolutely beautiful, if you ask me… I wouldn't mind lowering down and stealing another kiss…
“Did you or did you not hear me? What's going on?!”
Yashi's angry voice broke my thoughts and I turned to face him again, but not with out whispering a few reassuring words quietly to Keiichi. The boy looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a car.
“I heard you,” I barked at Yashi.
My brother's eyes narrowed at me, letting me know he had had a hard time at work again. He wasn't in the mood for a fight and neither was I.
“Nothing's going on.”
Yashi raised an eyebrow and let out a laugh. It held no amusement.
“It sure didn't look like nothing to me!”
I glared at Yashi and then at Yami.
“You told him, didn't you?” I asked him and received a nod from the annoying twerp.
I shut my eyes and grinded my teeth together in anger.
“Yes, he told me. And it's a good thing he did! What on earth is the matter with you boy?!” Yashi yelled at me, making me cringe.
He was really tired. Usually he was cool and collected, but when he hadn't slept more than and hour in a week, his nerves snapped pretty easily.
Addressing Keiichi, Yashi calmed his voice,
“I think you should leave. My ototo is going to get punished and you might not want to see it.”
My body froze. From the corner of my eye I could see Keiichi nod his head once and hurrying out of my room.
“Yo-you're going to punish me?” I internally kicked myself for stuttering.
I kill people. A killer does not stutter!
Yashi smiled maliciously, making me shiver in dread.
“Yami, you better leave,” Yashi said over his shoulder.
With that, Yami was gone. I wish he'd listen to my commands that easily. I always had to beat him to get him to stop annoying me with his presence.
It's a shame I can't kill him…
After Yami left, Yashi walked over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Do you know why you're going to be punished?”
I dropped my gaze to the floor with a nod.
I felt us leave my room. In an instant we were in a desert. Just sand in every direction nothing else. It was just Yashi and I in the desert.
“I'm going to punish you now.”
After Yashi said that I knew that I was in for pain.
Usually he just asks if we know why we're punished.
Suddenly I felt pain in my shoulder. It started out small, and then it grew and grew.
I knew what it was.
It was Yashi's fire. He was scorching my shoulder from the inside.
I fought not to scream, but as Yashi continued to burn the muscle in my shoulder I let out a pained cry. I could feel the flames of the fire start to generalize and I found myself on my knees hitting my arm to try and put out the fire that was inside my skin, though I knew it wouldn't help.
Yashi held onto my shoulder with a strong grip, his eyes focused onto my shoulder. He seemed to be in a trance like state.
His golden gaze slowly moved to my other shoulder and I could feel both my shoulders ablaze now.
I screamed in pain again and stopped moving. I glared up at Yashi and barked at him in anger,
“I get it already! You don't have to scorch me alive!”
Yashi blinked his eyes, snapping out of the trance. He let go of my shoulder and immediately the fire died down. But my arms were burned from the inside and they were useless to me right now. I couldn't move them.
Yashi smiled down at me reassuringly, back to his normal self again.
“Lets get you to Yami.”
Someday that brat was going to die a slow, torturous death…
So, what do you think?
Good? Bad?
R/R and let me know! ^_^!!!
- Sakura