Fan Fiction ❯ Killer on the Loose ❯ You don't know me ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Big thanks to all that reviewed! I love ya!
I'm posting this fic also in under the name Towa no Mirai. So I'm not copying from the author… ^_^!!!
Chapter 3
“Hi, I'm Valentine Keiichi, but you can call me Keiichi!”
I stared at the new guy in shock. He'd sat next to me.
I couldn't believe someone had actually sat next to me.
Usually my glare scared them away, but I think I forgot to glare at the boy.
“Hn,” I huffed and turned my head away from the beautiful boy who sat next to me.
“Eh? Anti-social are we?” that boy, Keiichi, asked or more like acknowledged,
“That's fine by me.”
I twisted my head to face him in slight shock and he only smiled sweetly.
“My sister is also anti-social…” the blonde said, then his smile disappeared,
“At least to me she is…”
I decided that I like him more when he smiled.
“Call me Kuro,” I said, using the name everyone's called me since I started school. Kagomi actually started… that bitch gave the name to me! No one knew my real name, just calling me Kuro or the ones who did know my name called me that just to annoy me.
The smile was back.
“Nice to meet you Kuro-kun.”
I stared at him again in shock and his smile disappeared again.
“What? Oh I'm sorry if I said something offending!” he stammered.
I just shook my head and looked away.
“I'm just Kuro. Or the others just call me that. No -san or -kun in the end. Just Kuro…”
I felt something on my shoulder and my reflex was to shove it away.
“Why?” Keiichi asked quietly, looking slightly hurt, because I pushed his hand away.
Why would he look hurt?
“Hey Kei-kun! Why are you sitting with him? Come over here before he gives you the gay,” someone called out from across the room suddenly.
My eyes widened and I scanned the crowd of kids staring at us. There!
Hitsu Kao. The smart ass of my class. He sometimes says things like that when I get too much attention for his liking. He was in the same group of friends as Kagomi. Popular.
I hate that word.
“Now, now,” scolded Taketo-sensei softly,
“That's no way to talk to your classmate.”
Kao glanced at our sensei blankly, then smirked at my way
“He may be in the same class as me, but he's no mate of mine. I'd never hang out with a fag!”
Note to self: Stalk Kao and kill him as soon as possible.
“Hitsu-san, off to the principles office,” Taketo-sensei ordered in his soft yet commanding voice, pointing towards the door,
“And tell Fujita-sama I said hi.”
Kao grumbled under his breath as he rose from his seat and walked out of the door.
Waiting until Kao closed the door after him, Taketo-sensei clapped his hands together and smiled,
“Today we'll have a quiz! This way I'll see how well you've done your homework.”
Everyone groaned, turning their eyes to the front of the class, but I could still feel Keiichi' eyes on me.
I turned my head to face him and asked in a bored voice,
He blinked a couple of times and blushed, turning his head to look at the blackboard in front of us quickly,
“Oh, Gomen nasai!”
I also turned my head away slowly, and I was confused.
“Are you really into guys?”
The whisper came out of the blue and I turned to face him again to deny it quickly, but he cut me off before I even started,
“Because I don't mind it if you are or not.”
He turned his head towards me and smiled that sweet smile again as he probably saw my mouth hanging wide open,
“Either way, I want to be your friend.”
I stared at the boy in front of me, but had to turn away as the quiz started.
Is this guy for real?
Though school had ended, I sat on the front steps of the torture building' entrance.
I just sat there, thinking to myself.
Of course, I didn't want to go home either, but there was another reason for my musing today.
“Are you really into guys?”
“Because I don't mind it if you are or not.”
“Either way, I want to be your friend.”
“Heh,” I chuckled, drawing one knee to my chest, as the other lay limp next to my school bag,
“That kid is seriously playing with fire…”
And still I couldn't stop thinking about those words he said. Those three sentences that had made me feel something. Something I've never felt…
“Hey Hiromi-chan, wanna go on a date next Friday?”
I instantly recognized the voice.
I watched as the bastard walked after a girl with long black hair that landed somewhere to her mid back, though it was in a high ponytail.
As the girl turned to face Kao, I could see her face.
She was actually quite pretty, her bright light brown, that looked almost yellow, and red lips coated with blood red lipstick.
Ooh… My favorite lipstick color on a girl…
But there was something wrong in the scenery.
“No I won't Kao! Now, please leave me alone!” the girl yelled and was about to stomp away, but Kao took a hold of her by her frail looking arm and made her turn to face him.
“But why not?” he sneered into her face, adding more pressure onto the girls arm.
“Itai! Kao! Hiji ga itai desu!” the girl whimpered and tried to struggle out of the grip on her arm,
“Hanase Kao-kun!”
“Not before you say you'll go on a date with me…” Kao said and leaned closer to the girls face, probably attempting to kiss her.
Ok, this is going too far. That prick won't harass some innocent girl. She hasn't done anything wrong. Not to me that is, and she's perfectly sane. I can see that, because she refuses to go on a date with Kao, one of the supposedly popular guys in this school.
I got up to my feet and was about to go over to Kao and give him a few chosen words, when I saw a blur of blond.
Next thing I knew, Kao was sprawled on the ground, holding his angry red cheek.
“Who-?” he stammered, looking up at his attacker, then smirking,
“Oh, it's just you. You're the new kid who sat with Kuro today aren't you? For a fag wannabe you sure have a mean right hook.”
Keiichi glared down at Kao, his light yellow hair falling slightly to cover his mesmerizing eyes.
“And you're the idiot who went to the principles office today for calling Kuro a fag, ne?” Keiichi shot back, glaring down at Kao,
“Do you do that often or just everyday? Acting like a fucked-up idiot, that is.”
Kao's eye twitched as he rose to his feet slowly, rubbing his still aching cheek.
“Watch your tongue newbie, or you'll regret it later,” Kao threatened, then turned back to the girl named Hiromi,
“Really, go on the date with me. I promise I won't-“
“That's just it!” Hiromi yelled at him,
“All my friends have told me how you treat your girls. Going out with them, fucking them, then dumping them. And all in the same day! I won't have it!”
With that, Hiromi stomped off, heading probably for her home.
“Hiromi-chan!” Kao hollered after the girl and was about to go after her, when Keiichi placed a foot in front of Kao's.
And Kao tripped over the foot.
Lets just say he's not a ballerina…
“Fuck man! Why'd you do that?!” Kao yelled at Keiichi from the ground, jumping to his feet quickly,
“You wanna fight or something?! Trying to embarrass me in front of the ladies?!”
Keiichi shrugged his shoulders.
“I don't care about you. I just helped a damsel in distress,” he replied and turned around to leave.
But Kao wasn't having that.
“Damsel my ass!!”
As Kao's hand grabbed Keiichi's shoulder to turn him around and tried to slam his fist into the beautiful boys face, but Keiichi grabbed the hand and ducked, twisting the arm as his body twisted to the same direction (in other words: he threw him over his shoulder).
The result was Kao. On his back. On the ground. Once again.
“Wha…? Kisama-!!!” Kao exclaimed, getting up to his feet once again and aiming a fist at Keiichi' face.
This time the blonde was unprepared and the fist caught him straight on the nose.
He backed up a few steps, holding his sore nose.
As he looked at his hand, he saw his own blood. He put the hand under his nose again and hissed at the pain it caused to touch the bloody body part.
Kao took advantage of the distraction.
He made his hands into one fist and slammed it down hard on Keiichi's head.
The blonde was knocked unconscious instantly.
That's when I interfered.
“Kao, you just bought yourself a ticket to Hell.”
Kao looked up at me and smirked.
“What? Angry, because I beat up your boyfriend? Sorry, but I don't give a fag,” he said and kicked Keiichi's side.
I pushed Kao harshly away from the unconscious boy and glared at him darkly.
My fist connected with his left cheek, the other with his chest just a second after. Kao's breath could be heard leaving his body in a loud whooshing sound.
I backed off, letting Kao catch his breath.
Kao recovered fast though and attacked me with his foot, aiming for a sweep at my feet,
“I'm not going to get beat up by a fag like you!”
I avoided the foot, instead grabbing it and twisting it until I heard a promising crack.
“Ahhh!!!” Kao yowled in pain as I let go of his broken ankle,
“Fuck man! You broke my ankle!”
I stood up straight and looked down on him, my face emotionless, but I knew my eyes were blazing hate like the flames from Hell.
“Next time I see you beating on Valentine-san, you're punishment will be worse than a twisted ankle…” I warned and spat on his twisted ankle.
“Why you-!!!” Kao exclaimed, but yowled in pain again as his ankle couldn't hold his body weight.
I turned to Keiichi's unconscious form.
“What am I going to do with you?” I said aloud to myself, while picking up his body and starting to walk away from the schoolyard.
“Hey! How am I going to get out of here?! Call an ambulance or something!!!” Kao's voice yelled after me, but I didn't even turn when I answered his question,
“If you don't own a mobile phone, the nearest pay phone is in the corner of the schoolyard. I do hope you have change…”
With that said, I walked out of the schoolyard and headed home.
I looked down at Keiichi's still unconscious face.
He was even prettier when asleep.
I could feel something again. I slowed down slightly and placed Keiichi's feet on the ground for a second while touching a hand to my cheek.
Why were they burning hot all of a sudden?
I shrugged, picking up Keiichi into my arms again, this time so he was in a more comfortable position and continued my way to my house, hoping that my brothers wouldn't be home.
There's no knowing what they might do to Keiichi if they saw him.
I smiled down at Keiichi.
“I'll protect you.”
I could've sworn that a ghost of a smile touched Keiichi's rose red lips.
So, what do you think?
Good? Bad?
R/R and let me know! ^_^!!!
- Sakura