Fan Fiction ❯ Killing Me Softly ❯ Help ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Authors Note: im just trying out this plot thing, ill only continue it if you like it….
Now I just want to tell u, my character might seem a little bit of a Mary Sue in the beginning, but its only because I havent gotten into the story yet to show her faults, and besides, shes kinda trained to be a perfect soldier type thing like Heero Yui.

Disclaimer: I don’t own any Harry Potter characters!


Killing Me Softly

Stormy eyes looked up into the dark sky watching the stars above, their light twinkling like a beacon oh hope. Too bad that faded out for her a long time ago. A sigh escaped her mouth and her eyes averted back onto the street . Her long, black coat and waist length brown hair swirled around her as a cool breeze swept by. The eyes of the girl averted to the left as she heard a sound come from the alley next to her. She could see a young girl curled up in a box shivering. She quietly walked over to where the other girl was sitting and looked down at her. The child looked up and gulped, but the she just smiled and threw some money on the ground at the girls feet. The child looked at the ground where one hundred dollars lay, then looked back up to where the older girl was standing, but she was gone.


Amari Kysami sighed as she walked up the stairs to her apartment. She took out her key and unlocked her door, looking around outside one last time before silently making her way in.

The apartment itself wasn’t that big, but it served its purpose well enough. She walked into the sitting area and sat down on one of the sofa’s. She stayed silent as she took guns out from inside her coat and put them on the small table that was in the room. Among the guns, there were also knives, some with blood on them. After all of the weapons were out of her coat, she went to work on the ones hidden in her hair.

She stared at all of the weapons on the table before getting up and going over to a small closet door. She opened it and took a rag out along with some polish before returning to the couch and sitting down. As she cleaned and polished all of the things on the table, she thought about what had happened only hours before.


A blade swung through the air, its swiftness making it sing out as its master swung it again and again. The deadly combinations almost making it look like a dance. Amari moved swiftly around the room, the couches and table pushed to the far wall where they would not get on the way.

The sound of the phone ringing made her stop all movements. She stood for a second before going over to her phone and picking it up. The sound of her voice was the only thing to be heard throughout the apartment.

“Moshi Moshi?” she asked into the telephone, hoping that it was someone who had gotten the wrong number.

No sound came from the other end for a few moments, but still she listened. “Slayer.” The voice was bone chilling and you could tell that it was a mans, but that’s not what had disturbed her so, it had been the word he spoke.

“Who wants to know.” It was more of a statement than a question, but it made the voice on the other end of the phone chuckle and she frowned again.

“I have a job for you. I am willing to pay you as much as you want, but only if you guarantee me that it will be thoroughly accomplished,” he said. She hesitated only a second before she replied.

“I’m listening.”

“I want you to go to the Hamatsu building. There will be a man there at eight o’ clock tonight, his name is Hyrashi. I want you to slay this man as a message. Make sure they know not to come snooping around the Takashi Party again. And make it specific. I will leave the money outside the Himoto school area with two men. Do what you must to get the job done, and make sure you leave an example for me.” She knew what he meant, to leave the body behind and make an ‘example’ of him. Most likely, the man was caught spying for the Hamatsu party, and the leader of the Takashi party had found out and was now making sure that they never tried anything again, lest they want something worse to happen.

She sighed before answering. “$80, 000. No more, no less, and make sure you’re there on time, because *I* don’t plan on being late.” With that she hung up the phone and went to get dressed.


It had only taken her about fifteen minutes to get to the building by roof top. She spied the man, Hyrashi, standing by a silver Mercedes. She leapt off the roof of the warehouse and hid herself in the shadows. She made her way around to the back of the building so that his back was to her and removed a knife from within her hair.

She stalked silently up to him as she contemplated on how to kill him. She crawled up next to the car and waited for a few seconds, just listening to him breathe. She got onto the ground as quietly as she could and maneuvered herself under the car, putting the blade next to his ankles. With one swift movement, she slit the skin there, Hyrashi falling to the ground crying out in pain.

She got out form under the car and walked around it casually, her black coat swaying softly in the breeze. When she was on the other side, she stood over the man still whimpering in pain.

Her eyes were no longer a stormy blue, but an emerald green. The man started to whimper more as she pulled a gun from the inside of her coat and turned the safety off.

“Please! Please don’t kill me! I’ll give you anything! Anything, just please don’t kill me,” the man pleaded, bending over so it looked like he was praying to the girl in front of him.

Amari looked down at her feet where the man lay, her face emotionless. “Say goodbye.” The sound of her voice made his head snap up. His gray eyes searched hers for any sign that he might be able to change her mind, but her eyes stayed emotionless.

He didn’t have time to ponder his thoughts, though, as the echoing sound of a gun shot rang out through the tall building. Hyrahsi’s lifeless body fell to the ground, blood pooling all around him from the gaping bullet wound in his chest. As she put the gun back into its holster, something stirred in her, but she just pushed the feeling back and shook her head.

She looked at the lifeless body of Hyrashi once more before taking out the rubber gloves in her pockets. She put them on and walked over the where there was a pool of blood next to him. She ran her fingers through the thick, red substance before she brought it to the wall closest to her. She ran them over it and soon, you could make out words.

She stepped back as she finished and looked at the message now written on the wall. Some of the blood was running down it, making it look more grotesque. She hadn’t realized how long she had been sitting there until she heard a car starting to pull up.

She quickly ran back into the shadows and jumped back onto the roof of the warehouse. She was vaguely aware of the shouts of two men behind her, but tuned it out as she made her way to the high school.

End Flashback

Amari was so deep in thought, she didn’t realize that she had walked into her room. She walked over to her dresser, taking off her shirt and pants on the way and throwing them onto the floor.

She opened one of the drawers and took out a t-shirt and shorts, quickly putting them on. A slight noise to her right made her jerk around suddenly, and she got into a defensive stance, but dropped it upon seeing that it was only a barn owl that had come in through her window.

Its brown eyes watched her as she walked up to it. Seeing an envelope attached to it leg, she untied it and looked at the address on the front. One of her eyebrows rose in question but she opened the letter nonetheless. As she read the contents, her eyes widened a little, but it was barely noticeable.

Amari Kysami
Apartment 18 of the Cherry Hill Hotel
Sakura Lane
Tokyo Japan

Amari Kysami,

Though I am not quite sure if you will believe this or not, I am asking for your help. My name is Albus Dumbledore, and I am the headmaster here at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You see, I am writing this letter to you to ask for your help to protect my students and fellow colleagues. We are not fairing well in a war that has been going on for the past six years. But not only are the dark forces from outside the school hurting our students, the students themselves are hurting each other. I fear for the safety and future of our school, which is why I have taken to writing this request to you. I only ask that you take this into consideration and that I await your reply.

Yours Truly,

Albuse Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts

She wasn’t as surprised to hear that there was a magical world out there, because quite frankly, she wasn’t. What had really surprised her was the fact that someone was not asking her to kill, but to protect. She set the letter down and thought about the proposition for a few moments before going over to her desk and taking out a piece of paper. She grabbed a pen and quickly scribbled down three words. ‘When and where.’


It hadn’t taken long to get another letter back from Dumbledore. He gave his gratitude to her, but said that she had to find the school herself, kind of like test. ‘All the more fun,’ she had thought. But it turned out that she didn’t have to work hard to find the school. It was located in England somewhere, most likely out in the country, so that was the first place she had started.

Amari looked up at the giant castle in front of her and smirked as she walked up to the front doors and slipped inside. She looked around and listened for any kind of sound. She could hear voices coming from somewhere above her and made her way up the stairs. She looked around her before making her way over to a pair of double doors and listened. It sounded like someone was making a speech.

She quietly slipped into the room without anyone noticing and hid herself in the shadows. The room was made up of many tables filled with kids ranging from the ages of eleven to about eighteen. She looked up to the man who stood in front of them all and deduced that this was Albus Dumbledore.

Behind him were other people, most likely the teachers. The students, she could see all sat at different tables, and they had different patches on their robes. Some had ones with an S on them, while others had a G, H, or R.

She jumped up onto one of the large pillars in the room and onto one of the flags with a snake on it without making any sound, and listened to the speech that Dumbledore was making.

The ceiling she had also noticed, looked like the sky outside. It only held her attention for a few moments before she brought it back down to the man in the front of the room. “And remember, the Forbidden Forest is off limits, hence the name.” He seemed to be looking at three students in particular as he said this. She looked to where he was and saw a boy with black hair and a lightning bolt scar, another boy with red hair, and a girl that had bushy brown hair. She stored away the information and then averted her attention back to Dumbledore.

“Well, with that said, Amari, would you please come down now?”

‘Hmm….interesting,’ she thought. She got up and jumped down from the flag on which she was sitting and landed in a crouch on the floor in front of Dumbledore. “How did you know?” she asked, her emerald eyes showing with amusement.

Dumbledore’s eyes only twinkled and he smiled mysteriously. “May I have your attention once more before we eat,” he asked. As soon as everyone had quieted down again, he began, “This is Amari, and she will be helping to protect this school. I suggest that you treat her with respect, and as you would like to be treated. She is doing us a great favor in helping us with her… ‘gift.’”

Amari wanted to snort at that. ‘Gift my ass,’ she thought. But instead of voicing her thoughts, she merely bowed and turned back around to face Dumbledore. He smiled at her and gestured to a chair behind him. “Tuck in!” was all that she heard before Dumbledore followed her to the two empty seats.

Chatter started abruptly and she could hear some of the comments made, most were about her and not all were nice. She just shook her head and sat down, Dumbledore doing the same. He turned to her and opened his mouth to speak, “Was it hard to find the school?”

She shook her head and replied, “No, not at all actually.” He smiled and shook his head also. That was all that was said for the rest of the evening between the two.


Dumbledore had given her a piece of paper before she left the Great Hall and she was now wandering down the long, endless corridors, looking for the room she was going to be staying in. Voices coming from down the hall made her pause for a moment before she sighed and followed the way from which they were coming.

At the end of the hall she saw six figures. On one side she could make out three of them wearing the patch with the S on it, and the other three were the ones she had seen in the Great Hall earlier when Dumbledore had made his comment about the Forbidden Forest. She watched them bicker for a few more minutes before she stepped in between the two.

“Problems?” she asked. They all looked at her before a boy with blonde hair answered her.

“Does it look like its your business?” She saw his hand going to the inside of his robe and knew he was going to take out his wand.

“Well actually, it is. And I suggest you keep your wand where it is, lest you want specific body parts to be missing in a few seconds.”

He only snorted, “Like I’m afraid of a little girl. A Mudblood even!” The two boys behind him started to snicker and she just raised an eyebrow. Mudblood was a pretty much self explanatory word so she didn’t have to guess what it meant, but it didn’t bother her.

“Well I suppose you can’t be afraid unless you’re shown something to be afraid of,” she said quietly. But before he could even react, she had a knife up against his throat. “Afraid?” she whispered into his ear. His icy blue eyes widened and his breath quickened.

The other students in the hallway gulped and backed away, but she released him and sighed. “I was put here to protect you, not to kill you. But don’t make me change my mind.” With that she walked off in search of her room again. She could distinctly hear the people behind her go their separate ways and smirked.


Amari came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around herself. It had only taken about five minutes after she left the group of kids in the hallway that she had found her room. She had immediately threw all of her clothes off and had taken a shower. She sighed as she flopped down onto the bed, staring at the ceiling for a few moments before getting up and taking out clothes to put on.

‘This might be a little harder than I first anticipated,’ she thought, but then smirked. ‘All the more fun.’ And with that, she got into bed and went to sleep.

*Elsewhere in the Castle*

Dumbledore sat in his office chair looking out the window. ‘I hope this works, because by god, if it doesn’t, we’re all doomed.’

End Chapter One

So what’s Dumbledore so afraid of? Find out, but only if you review!!!!

Oh yeah you can vote on couples too…just put it in the reiview who you think Amari should be with! ^^v

R &R!!!

LiL Elf