Fan Fiction ❯ Killing Me Softly ❯ How to Live ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: Hey, well no ones reviewed which sux, but I am going to continue this fic because I really like it. So I hope if I get more chapters out then you guys will read this and actually leave some reviews.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter


How to Live

All was silent as Amari walked through the gigantic castle, her laptop under one arm, and a staff under the other. Though she had only arrived yesterday, she knew her way around well enough that she knew how to get to the Great Hall. She sighed in relief as she reached the massive room and walked into it.

As she looked around, she saw that no one was awake yet. It wasn't a big surprise considering it was only about five o'clock. The students woke around seven so she had a few hours to get some things done without being interrupted. She walked over to a table and sat down, opening the small computer and turning it on. (A/N: She had Dumbledore put spells on her stuff so that it will work)

As soon as it was on, she connected to the internet and started her search, which mainly consisted of the jobs she could do while staying in England. She had done a few jobs over seas before and the pay had always been good, so although she wouldn't get as much this time, she still needed the money for when she got back to Japan.

She clicked on her media player and started to play Numb by Linkin Park, then went back to her search. It went on like that for about an hour when she finally came across a job that had a good amount of zeros on the end. (A/N: srry to bother you guys, but yeah we're gonna pretend that there's a website for this that's blocked unless ur a really good hacker heh heh)

She saved it on a disk then put on another song, this one by Dido. White Flag. She got up, taking the training staff with her. Cracking her neck and stretching out her muscles, she began to do a series of moves and jumps with the staff, the whole time looking like she was dancing.

She heard movement come from her right and looked out of the corner of her eye to see the boy from last night. 'Malfoy was it?' she thought. A small smirk appeared on her face, but disappeared as quickly as it had come. Noises from down the hall made her become more alert and she stopped what she was doing. After all, she wasn't here to impress, she was here to protect…and kill.

She sighed and walked back over to her computer and turned off the search site and took out the disk and put it in her pocket, aware the whole time that Draco Malfoy had made his way over to her and was now standing directly behind her. "Are you trying to intimidate me Mr. Malfoy?" she asked quietly.

"Not really. But if I am, its all the better. I think you should learn your place before you get too comfortable here." She smirked. 'Oh you young child, how little you know,' she thought. "After the stunt you pulled last night, I think you ought to know who you're dealing with." Hmm…she had already researched those who she had seen last night. She knew all of their names, and their stories. Draco Malfoy and his two lackies, Crabbe and Goyle. All of their parents were Death Eaters and were after a boy named Harry Potter, also one of the six people she had met the night before. Malfoy's father Lucius was one of the Dark Lord's most loyal and trusted servants, and young Draco it seemed was supposedly following in his fathers footsteps.

Harry Potter. At age one, he and his parents, Lily and James, had been attacked by the Dark Lord and only little Harry had come out alive. His parents had died to save him.

Harry's two friends, Ronald Weasly and Hermione Granger, had been fighting along side him since their first year, and during their fifth, they had made a defense group called the DA, or Dumbledore's Army.

She was brought back to reality when she heard people shouting behind her. She turned to see Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy at it once again and she shook her head. "It's rather annoying after a while I think."

Amari turned her head to see Hermione standing next to her. "How so?" she asked. Hermione looked at her, eyes a little wide as if she had not expected her to respond, but quickly recovered.

"They're always fighting about the same thing. It doesn't matter how it starts, I always ends up with Malfoy saying he's better than Harry and Harry trying to beat Malfoy to a bloody pulp. Honestly, I don't know what to do any more." With that she walked off, presumably to her table.

Amari looked at the to bickering boys before she walked up to them and put her hands on both of their heads and pushed them away from each other. "You do realize that you both look like complete idiots right?" she asked. They both blinked before looking around, seeing that everyone was staring at them.

Harry got a sheepish look on his face and she heard a faint, 'Sorry,' before an angry Malfoy turned to her with a look of pure anger on his face.

"What the hell is it your business anyway?!" he exclaimed. "As I recall, I just told you where you stand here.." He did not get to finish however as Amari turned to him with a bored look.

"And I recall, Mr. Malfoy that I did not pay any attention what so ever to any of the things you have said to me all day. Now if you do not mind, I am going to go outside."

She walked off, leaving a stuttering Malfoy in her wake.

*Quidditch Field*

She had wandered around the grounds for a few hours before she had come to rest on the bleachers of the quidditch field. It was around lunch time, but she wasn't hungry at the moment, and so just sat there, thinking about the upcoming job she might do. She had yet to call and that would only lessen her chance of getting it.

Soft footsteps made her alert to any danger and she listened more closely. She sighed when she smelled that it was only Harry; she really hadn't felt like killing anything at the moment. He sat down next to her and sighed. They sat like that for a while before he spoke up.

"Did you ever play?" he asked gesturing to the field. She continued to stare at mothing for a moment before replying.

"No, I have not."

"Oh," he said. After a moment, he asked another question. "Well do you play any sports?"

She sighed as some of her 'childhood memories' came into her head, but she shook them away. "I never had time for games." Again, silence.

"Would you like me to teach you?" he asked, staring at her intently.

"Listen Harry, I'm here to protect you and the other students. I don't have time to be learning things like games," she said looking at him. "I am not a witch either, so it wouldn't matter, because I can not do magic."

"Well, that's another thing that I wanted to ask you. Why did Dumbledore hire you if you are not a witch? I mean, muggles aren't supposed to know about us, not yet any way."

"Well, there are some things that you do not yet know or understand Harry, but I am sure that in time, you will." He nodded at her and stared at the ground. She could see a sadness in his eyes and it made her feel bad for him, which was strange, because she did not feel.

She guessed it was because of the death of his god father Sirius Black. "You know," his voice startled her at first, but she quickly recovered, "It's really hard to do those things anymore any way. I don't have any reason to do them. I used to though. I almost even had a girlfriend once too but that didn't work…I guess because she cried too much," he chuckled at that, despite the silent tears that made their way down his face.

He wiped at them and turned to her, "I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I guess its because you don't know me and can't judge me."

There was silence before her voice cut through the air. "All I can tell you is, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no body's watching, and soon, the pain will go away."

When he looked back up, she was gone.

*Later on*

It was almost nine o'clock when Amari entered the Library, her cell phone in hand. She looked around and smirked before flipping the phone open and dialed a number. There was a short pause before someone picked up. "Yes."

"I'm calling for the job offer."

"And you are?" asked a masculine voice.

"Slayer." was the short reply from Amari.

There was a pause before the man continued. "Alright, you have the job. Do you have any questions?" he asked.

"How many go?"

"Just one."

"Do you want it done specifically?" She hoped that he didn't want anything that would make her all bloody. It would be kind of hard to explain that to someone of they caught her on the way back.

"No, just get the job done and get rid of the body."

"And the pick up."

"Warehouse 59." The phone went dead after that. She flipped the phone shut and was making to walk away when suddenly she stuck her hand out behind her and grabbed at something and pulled.

"You should not be sneaking around in the middle of the night you know," she said handing the cloak back to a very surprised Harry, Ron, an Hermione.

After getting over their shock, Ron asked the one question that she had hoped they wouldn't. "What was that about exactly?"

She eyed them warily before she spoke. "You may want to leave, Filch is coming down the hallway."

Those words made them jump and they all dashed for the door, throwing the cloak over them in the process. She smirked while making her way back to her room. 'Suckers.'


Hey! Well that was that one. Next chapter I suppose I'll write about her 'job'.

I hope you guys review! Cause I don't kno if ill continue if you don't : /

Please R & R!

LiL Elf