Fan Fiction ❯ Killing Me Softly ❯ Bloody Night ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: OK, I have recently decided to make this into a Sailor Moon Crossover, but its only because no one was going to read it anywhere else and I wanted to see what you guys thought of it. But it is going to stay in this crossover section, sorry.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, but I do own Amari


Bloody Night

*Amari's POV*

It was time again for me to do yet again another unforgivable sin. The day had gone by slowly, too slowly, and for me it was the worst possible punishment, because it gave me time to think about what I was about to commit. Murder.

After Harry, Ron, and Hermione had gone back to their rooms, I had silently made my way back to my own. I didn't even register opening my door and sitting on my bed until I felt the soft silk of my sheets against my hands. I looked down to see a red substance on them and my eyes widened a fraction. The blood ran down my hands and I looked down onto the floor, no, street, to see a little girl, her dead eyes still wide with fright.

"No…" I thought as I ran away from the scene. Screams rang out into the night air and I covered my ears to block out the hideous sound. It was as if the devil himself was coming after me, and I just kept on running. I stopped and looked around, taking my hands off of my ears after the screaming had stopped.

Sounds coming from my right made me spin around to see the same little girl, a hole in her chest from where a bullet had pierced her skin. Her face was pale and she started to walk towards me, and my heart beat quickened as I ran the opposite way. She started to chant and I was yet again covering my ears to block it all out, but it didn't seem to work any more. (AN: the tune of this is "its raining, it pouring, the old man is snoring")

I'm falling

You killed me

My soul will never be free

I could feel chills run up my spine and suddenly I was in front of a house. For some reason, I knew it, and I ran inside to escape the chanting still going on inside my head, but it was still there. I turned into the living room, and there she was, still chanting the same thing. "Stop it!" I screamed as I covered my ears and backed into a corner. She walked over to me and tears started to leak out of my eyes.

"You are a murderer, and you're going to hell," she said, her eyes devoid of any emotion. Her hand started to move and I looked down to see a knife positioned at my heart. My reaction was swift and I went to grab the knife away from her, but she reeled back and we both fell to the floor fighting over the object. The sound of flesh being torn made me freeze and I looked down to see the blood of the little girl staining my shirt.

I jumped back and covered my mouth as tears started to pour out of my eyes again. "No! Stop it! This is isn't real! I didn't want to do it!" I screamed out. "I didn't want to kill you Mina!"

*End POV*

Amari shot up in bed and looked around frantically, trying to get her breathing back to normal. 'It was only a dream,' she reassured herself. 'Yeah, one that keeps happening a lot more often.' It was true though. She had been having that same dream more frequently and it scared her. She hadn't had it since…

She shook her head and got out of bed and walked over to her dresser and took out clothes then went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Coming back out, she glanced at the clock which read 12:00 am. 'Time to go,' she thought, striding over and taking out her guns and knives. She hid them under all of her clothes and long trench coat, all of which being black. She turned to her mirror one more time to access herself before sneaking out of the room.

She knew that Dumbledore was no fool, and that he most likely knew when and where she was at all times…but only when she was on the school grounds. She smirked at that thought and silently made her way to the front doors of the school. Whispering voices made her slow down for a second, but she quickened her pace again as she realized it was only Harry and his friends. 'Spying on me no doubt,' she thought, but shrugged it off and kept going. 'They'll get tired of waiting and go back to bed soon.'

The doors were directly in front of her and she opened them just enough for her to slip out, then shut them again.


The journey to the warehouse was short lived and she had been waiting for her victim to show up for at least an hour now. The sound of a car coming up to the building caught her attention and she silently made her way closer to where the car was being parked.

A man stepped out of the car and she silently stood and walked over to him. "Royce Madden?" she asked.

The man turned around in surprise and blinked before nodding, "Yes that's me. Who are you?" he asked, tensing under her gaze. Slowly, she walked up to him and stared into his eyes. "Listen little girl, you shouldn't be out here, its dangerous."

"Which is precisely why you shouldn't have come," she whispered. Realization dawned on his face, and he was just about to reach for his gun when she dug her knife into his stomach. "My apologies," she said as she retracted the knife and put it back in its case.

As he fell, she caught him so that blood would not get all over the floor. 'Can't leave evidence,' she thought. Luckily, the man who had hired her, asked for Mr. Madden to meet with 'him' in the junk yard where they scrapped cars. 'Easy to get rid of the body,' she thought taking off the mans bloodied glasses. (AN: you know, where they compress the cars into the little squares?)

After dumping the body into one of the old cars and making sure it was crushed, Amari made her way to Warehouse 59, which was across town. Jumping onto the roof, she looked down to see two men standing outside of a limo; most likely holding her employer.

She jumped down to them and, startling them, they drew their guns and pointed them at her. Staring at them for only a short time, she asked, "My money?" and they relaxed a bit. The door to the limo opened and out stepped a man dressed very elegantly in black.

"Ahh yes, my dear Slayer. My proof?" he asked, and she threw the glasses to the ground at his feet. He smiled and took out a brief case and opened it. Looking in, she saw that the money was in it and he closed the case before handing it to her. "Pleasure doing business with you again."

Amari only nodded before taking off. It was true that she had done jobs for the man before, but she never knew his name. And she never wanted to know either. She also didn't have to look to see if the all the money was in the case or not. People weren't stupid enough to try and cheat her, and for good reason. She had made that perfectly clear the first time someone had tried to do it.

Hogwarts grounds was just in front of her and she sighed as she noticed that there was blood down her shirt from when she had caught Madden. It was hidden for the most part because it was black, but it was still wet and she no doubt had it all over her hands and face.

Walking up to the front doors, she quietly made her way in. Making her way down the hallway, she stopped when she heard whispers and silently groaned. 'Why are they still up?' she thought to herself. She was just about to walk past them and up to her room when Harry' voice stopped her.

"Why were you out so late?" he asked.

She turned around slowly and looked him dead in the eye. "I could ask you the same thing, though it's already quite obvious why you are. But as for me, it is none of your concern," she replied, turning back around again.

"What's all over your hands?" asked Ron. She sighed and kept walking before Hermione gasped.

"Its blood!" she said, though low enough so that Filch wouldn't hear her. Ron and Harry looked at it with wide eyes before she turned around. Her face, which was also partially covered in the crimson liquid, made their eyes go wider.

"You will speak of this to no one. And I mean no one, got it?" she said in a deadly whisper. The three of them nodded and she gave them a curt nod before walking off again. "Oh and don't bother telling Dumbledore, he already knows," she threw over her shoulder.

Once in her room, she let out a sigh and flopped down onto her bed. She would have to be more careful now. Perhaps lessen her jobs. Tomorrow, she would do her rounds on the grounds and make sure nothing was amiss with it.

Once again, her thoughts began to wander, and they brought her back to her dream. 'Mina,' she thought, but quickly pushed it away before it could go too far.

Walking into her bathroom, she stripped off her clothes before getting into the shower and rinsing all the blood off of her body.

No doubt Harry would be asking her questions now. She sighed again. She seemed to be doing that a lot lately. All this stress was bound to lead to something bad.

With those thoughts she got out and made her way to her room. Putting on some clothes, she hopped into bed and turned off her light.

'Maybe this will all work out for the better,' she thought before drifting off to sleep.


Soo! Who should I pair her with? Harry? Draco? Anyone else? Just pick someone and put it in a review! Oh and do you guys like it? She needs to get someone into her heart now so I need someone to pair her with.

Please give me ideas!

And please review!

LiL Elf