Fan Fiction ❯ Killing Me Softly ❯ Nightmares into Reality ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: Well, the two people who reviewed ( and thank you very much for them ) said that they liked Harry/Amari, so since no one else reviewed but them, I'm gonna make it a Harry/Amari.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or the character from the book, however, I do own Amari


Nightmares into Reality

The sun shone in through the window lighting up the whole room. The sky outside was a light blue, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. Amari groaned and rolled over, hoping to block the sun out but to no avail. Groaning once more, she sat up and looked outside with half lidded eyes and saw that Hagrid was bringing animals outside in little cages.

Shaking her head, she got up and pulled on random clothes that were laying on the floor. Since coming to Hogwarts, she had felt more relaxed and laid back. She had no idea what was causing this, but didn't really mind seeing as she never really had the chance to do it before. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the watch on her arm. It was still only six, so she decided to go do rounds outside the castle before going in to eat.

Walking out, she thought about the events that had occurred after she had come back from her job. She had had another dream last night and had woken up screaming. Thankfully, she had sound proof walls, so no one could have heard her. But after waking up, she couldn't go back to sleep. Every time she shut her eyes, she could see the little girl and her dull, lifeless eyes. 'Mina,' she thought sadly. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and continued on down the corridor to the front of the building. Once there, she opened the doors like she had the night before and slipped out without being noticed.

Looking around, she saw that everything was still. Even Hagrid had gone back into his little cabin, and only the sounds of nature could be heard. The wind started to blow making the trees in the Forbidden Forest sway, and Amari found herself closing her eyes and listening to them.

A sound coming from behind her made her alert and she listened as the person made their way down to where she was standing. She smirked when she heard them stop and felt their eyes on her. "Its beautiful, isn't it?" asked the familiar voice of Harry Potter.

She nodded and opened her now green eyes to look at him, and the smirk turned into a smile. "Yes, it is." 'Why do I feel so strange?' she wondered while looking at him. Her heart had started to beat quicker at the sound of Harry's voice, but she didn't understand why.

"What are you doing out here anyway?" he asked making her smirk again. 'He's always so curious,' she thought with an inward smile. 'Wait, why do I care! Why am I feeling these things? I'm not supposed to feel at all!' she screamed inside her head, but her face remained impassive on the outside.

"Checking to make sure nothing is out of place, and that no one who isn't supposed to be here isn't. That is my job after all," she said, still looking at him with that mysterious smirk on her face. His cheeks reddened with embarrassment, or so she thought. Shaking her head, she turned and started to walk off and heard Harry follow her. It was only going to be a matter of time before he started to ask her questions about last night, and she really wasn't looking forward to it. First off, she didn't want to get him into trouble with the people she did jobs for, though it was highly unlikely that they could ever hurt him considering he was a wizard and could take care of himself. Not to mention the fact that he had went up against Voldemort like five times already and was still alive, which was a feat because most people weren't after meeting the Dark Lord.

There was also the fact that she didn't want to expose him or any of the other students to the kind of life she lived. Dumbledore would most likely appreciate it if she didn't say anything either. Besides, Harry had enough to deal with as it was, and he didn't need her problems on his shoulders as well. She sighed realizing that he was still following her and that he was just about to ask her something when she interrupted him. "No."

There was a pause before he replied. "No what?"

She stopped and turned around to face him. "No, I am not going to tell you about last night so don't even bother to ask me again."

She saw him pout before she turned around and started walking again, every so often looking around to see if anything was out of place. "But why not?" She chose to stay silent and kept on walking. Eventually, she tuned him out and concentrated on the area around her. 'Someones been here,' she thought looking at the ground. She stopped and knelt down looking at the grass. There were foot prints in it but they were barely noticeable. 'They look fresh, most likely from last night.'

She straightened and saw Harry looking at her out of the corner of her eye. "Why did you stop?" he asked.

"Because someone's been here recently," she said pointing at the ground. She had no idea why she was even telling him this, or talking to him for that matter. Usually she was silent and stayed in the shadows. Now, she was out in broad daylight and talking to a boy who she hardly knew. It just didn't make sense.

A movement to her right made her head snap up and her eyes widened. The little girl from her dreams was standing a few feet away from her and smirking. Harry looked up and saw that Amari's eyes were wide with fright and looked to where her gaze was but saw nothing. "Amari?" he asked uncertainly, but her eyes still remained fixed on the spot a few feet away from them.

'What do you want from me!' she screamed in her head.

'I want you to die, just like I did. You killed me, and now, I'm going to kill you, little by little, until there's nothing left of your sanity.' She almost fell when the little girls voice came into her head. 'That's right Amari, you've felt it haven't you? Every time you wake up, you feel as if something is missing, some big part of you.'

Amari fell to her knees and held her hands over her ears. "Stop it! Get out of my head!" she screamed making Harry jump in surprise. He walked over to her cautiously and reached out a hand.

"Amari, are you alright?" Her eyed remained closed and it looked as though she were trying to block someone's voice out.

"I didn't mean to kill you! It wasn't my fault!" By now, tears were streaming down her cheeks, and Harry reached out his hand and brushed them away. She froze when she felt his hand on her face and she slowly opened her eyes to see him looking at her worriedly. She looked around to make sure that they were alone before settling her eyes on him again. "She's….she's gone?" she asked shakily.

"Who?" was his soft reply.

"Mina, is she gone?"

Though he had no idea what she was talking about, he nodded his head and put his arms around her. "Yes, she's gone." Amari had no idea that to do. Her thoughts were so jumbled that she just broke down and started to cry into his shirt. She was faintly aware that Harry had started to rock them back and forth and felt as he rubbed her back.

It was awhile before her sobs quieted and Harry looked down to see that Amari was sleeping. 'I wonder who she saw that made her so scared.' It also rattled him when he heard her say that she had killed someone. Was that why there was blood all over her last night? Had she killed someone? He sighed and shook his head. He wasn't going to get any answers until she woke up, and luckily, it was a Hogsmeade weekend, so he had a lot of time to be alone with her.

He stood up and carried her back into the castle only to see Dumbledore waiting for him. "This way Mr. Potter," he said. Harry nodded and followed him until they came to a portrait of a woman in the shadows with what appeared to be a staff with a blade on the end. "Shinigami." There was a brief pause before Dumbledore turned to look at him, "I trust that you will keep that password to yourself Mr. Potter."

He nodded and then walked into the room, the portrait closing behind him, and set the girl down on the bed. Looking around, he found a chair and pulled it over so that he could sit next to her. He brushed some stray strands of hair out of her eyes and for the first time, really got a good look at her. She was beautiful; there wasn't really anything else to describe her as. Instead of the usual smirk or frown, her face held that of contentment and he smiled.

The sun glinted off of something and made him turn to a desk in the corner of the room. He walked over to it and saw that there was knife on it, along with a good many other things. There were some daggers, little tools which he guessed were for picking locks, and…guns? What would she need all this stuff for? Surely not to protect the school. But for what then? A groan made him turn back to Amari who was still laying on the bed, and he walked over to her.

It looked as though she was having a nightmare as sweat started to form on her brow. She started to mumble and he caught , "Didn't mean to," and, "I'm sorry," and guessed that she was dreaming of that Mina girl she had mentioned outside. "Amari," he said shaking her, "Wake up."


She was running again, running from that same little girl who had haunted her for the past 5 years. She saw that same familiar house again and ran into it. She locked the door and sighed as she leaned against it.

I'm falling

You killed me

My soul will never be free

The chanting made her spin around and she saw the little girl. "Stop it! Leave me alone!" she cried falling to the ground.

"But Amari, you killed me! Doesn't that just make you sad?" asked the little girl in a sing song voice making more tears spill down Amari's cheeks.

"I…didn't…mean…to," she stuttered.

"Yes well, we can't all be perfect," she said walking up to her. "You know, you were my best friend Amari, and you see what you did? You shot me right in the heart! Now tell me, what kind of friend does that?!" she screamed.

"I didn't, you got in the way, I didn't mean to!"

"Aww, you didn't mean to, well too bad! You did! And now I'm dead and its all your fault! You're going to hell!" With that, she pulled out a knife and lunged at the other girl.

Amari dodged out of the way, but the tip of the knife still cut into her. She cried out and held onto her arm as blood seeped out of the wound. "Stop it! Go away! This is just a dream!"

That made the little girl laugh. "Just a dream? Then why are you still bleeding?" She looked down to see that she was in fact still bleeding, and it hurt! "Yes, that's right. This isn't a dream. Only you can see me, and I can go wherever you are, and make you hurt just like I did. So that means that when you wake up, you'll still have those cuts all over you body!"

Her eyes widened at that and she made to run to the door when a sharp pain tore through her back. "AHHH!" she screamed. The feeling of blood running down her skin made her sick and she wanted to puke.

"Uh uh uh Amari, we can't have you getting away so easily can we?" Mina asked as she made her way over to the fallen girl.

"Stop it, please," she cried. She saw Mina raise the knife, and just as it was about to pierce her…

End Dream

She jolted straight up in bed and screamed before falling back down and started to sob. Harry tried to calm her but she kept on wailing. It had freaked him out when she started to get random cuts on her body and he had no idea what to do, so he had run into her bathroom to get hot water and a towel. It didn't help matters that Madam Pomfrey wasn't there; she had to go to St. Mungo's to get a healing potion.

He had cleaned the gashes in her arms before she had jolted upright and he saw that there was another one on her back. She was still sobbing, so he picked her up gently and held her to him. "Shh, its alright, I'm right here," he soothed. Her sobs got quieter and soon, she was just hiccupping. "I'm…I'm sorry," she said shakily. "I…I didn't…"

"Shh, its alright Amari, just calm down." He rubbed tiny circles on her back, making sure not to touch the gash that was there, but caught it when she winced. "Here, take this off for me," he said tugging at her shirt.

She nodded and tried to take it off, but had to bite back a cry when pain laced through her. "Here, let me help you," he said. She lifted her arms and he took the shirt off and threw it to the floor. His cheeks turned pink at the sight of her in her bra but he quickly pushed them away as he made her lay down on her stomach.

Turning back to the water, he took the towel and dipped it into it before cleaning the blood off of her back. It took awhile, but after he was done, he went and got the bandages that he had also found in the bathroom and covered her wounds with them.

Once finished, he sat back down on the chair beside her bed and brushed some locks of hair out of her face. He had a lot of questions to ask her, but they could wait until later. She was in no condition to answer them right now anyway. He made to get up and leave, but her hand caught his and he heard a muffled, "Stay," and sat back down.

Her eyes, which were now purple, looked at him with unshed tears. "What's happening to me Harry?" she asked, which totally threw him off. Wasn't that what he should be asking her? It puzzled him that she didn't know, but it also made him feel bad for her.

"I don't know, but I can promise you that I'll always be here for you." He had no idea why he had just promised her that, but in his heart, he knew he would be, and that he would always keep that promise. His heart felt lighter and it almost made him gasp. He hadn't felt like this since before Sirius had died, and it felt good to have something to live for again.

"Thank you Harry…stay the night with me?" she asked. He nodded and looked outside. Sure enough, it was night time. 'I've been here that long?' It hadn't seemed that long, but oh well. He saw her move over and pat the bed beside her. Getting up. He discarded his shoes and got into the bed beside her and started to draw tiny circles on her back again. For some reason, it made her relax and soon enough, she was asleep, Harry soon following.

For the second time, the sun shone in Amari's eyes making her groan in protest. She rolled over and snuggled into the big pillow beside her. Wait a minute, pillows don't breathe! She opened her eyes and looked over to see Harry sleeping peacefully beside her and she smiled. 'He's so cute when he sleeps,' she thought. 'Oh my god! I did not just think that!'

Her thoughts suddenly strayed back to the day before and she frowned before shaking them off. Taking the bandages off of her arms and back, she found that the cuts were gone just like she suspected they were. 'Hmm…being a demon sure has its advantages!' she thought. (AN: ha! I know none of you thought of that! I only put subtle clues in here but she is a demon)

Movement next to her made her turn to see Harry waking up. She smiled again and realized that she had changed in the short amount of time that she had been there. 'Must be the magic and stuff. Probably Dumbledore too…' But it didn't bother her as much as she thought it would, she rather liked being…happy again.

Harry's eyes opened and he looked confused for a second before looking at her and realization dawned on him and he smiled. "Hey."

Amari smiled back at him, "Hey, sleep well?" she asked.

"Better than I have in a long time," he said before he noticed her arms no longer had cuts on them. "What happened to your arms? The cuts are gone."

"Uh…yeah…heh heh." He looked at her suspiciously and she gazed innocently at the ceiling. 'Now I know why I've been acting strangely. I remember when me and Mina used to be happy. I remember being with mama and papa until 'they' came…' she thought. Harry's voice brought her back to reality and she sighed.

"You're hiding something," he stated rather than asked.

"Yep. And I'm guessing you want to know what it is right?" she asked and he nodded. "Well…you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Not even Dumbledore knows, at least, I think he doesn't."

"It can't be that bad."

"Oh I never said it was bad, I just think you wont believe me," she said, having no idea why she was about to reveal this secret.

"Try me."

"Ok, I'm a demon. A kitsune to be exact, which means I'm a fox demon."

Harry just looked at her like she was crazy until he said, "Ok, prove it."

Well, she hadn't been expecting that. Usually when people found out, if they ever did, they would think she was crazy or something. No one had asked her to prove it, so she just shrugged her shoulders and released the spell hiding her true form. She saw his eyes widen when her ears became pointy and she grew fangs. Her finger nails became sharp claws and a tail sprouted out from behind her. All together though, she was quite alluring to him.

"Believe me now?" she asked, amused at his still shocked expression. He only nodded and she smirked. "That's what I thought. So, what do ya think?" she asked getting up and spinning around for him.

He had no idea why she was so open and nice to him all of the sudden, but he liked it. "You're beautiful," he said without thinking and turned a bright red when he realized he had said it out loud. There was also a little pink tint to Amari's cheeks, but to cover it up, she walked over to the bed and looked down at Harry before straddling him.

His eyes widened and he gulped when he saw a seductive gleam in her eyes. "I think you should know, kitsune's are sexually active creatures… ," she said before grinding herself against him. It was true though, kitsune's were constantly 'going at it'. It wasn't their fault, it was just the way they were. She heard Harry groan and rocked herself against him again. It was always easy to push away those urges when she was 'human', but now that she was in her true form, it was quite hard, and so was Harry by the feel of it.

She heard him groan again and pushed him down onto his back and watched as his eyes closed and he reveled in the feel of her rocking against him in mock sex. His hands were on her hips and she could tell he was fighting for control by the way he was gripping her, but was losing terribly.

She bent down and licked his lips making him gasp and his eyes snap open. She used his gasp to her advantage and thrust her tongue into his mouth. Their eyes stayed locked the entire time and she began to run her hands all over his body all the while making the kiss more passionate. His eyes finally closed and she could feel his hands slide up her bare back. She had forgotten that she wasn't wearing a shirt.

She rocked her hips exceptionally hard and he took in a breath and clenched his eyes shut as much as he could. He was close and she could smell it. Smirking, she rolled off of him and started raking her hands down his chest. He opened his eyes just as she reached the button to his jeans and his breath hiked again as she undid it and pulled the zipper down.

Just as she was about to relieve him of his frustrations, a noise from outside alerted them. She looked out her window to see Harry's two friends, Ron and Hermione. "I'm sure he's fine Hermione. But if it makes you feel better, we'll look for him."

Harry too had heard them and groaned making Amari chuckle. She bent over and kissed him on the lips. "We'll finish this later, but right now, I think you need to sprint up to your room and get a nice long cold shower."

"That is not funny you know," he said and she laughed again. It felt really good to do that…laugh.

"Aww, I know, but if you want to beat them there, you had better leave now." He nodded and gave her one more quick kiss before running out of her room and down the hall.

She sighed as she watched him leave and thought back to what had almost happened moments ago. 'Why are these feelings coming back to me now? I was sure that they had gotten rid of them. Especially after Mina died…I never thought I was going to be happy again.'

Just then, a light formed in the middle of the room and she saw something start to form. When the light cleared she gasped and backed away. "Hello Amari. Please don't be afraid of me, I didn't want to do what I did to you, but I had to. It was the only way."

"What are you talking about? You tried to kill me! In my dreams you even tried to Mina!" she screamed.

Mina smiled sadly, "Yes and no. I did hurt you, but it was so things would go the way they did. I had to do things so that I could push you to where you needed someone else's help…Harry's help. But did you ever stop to wonder why you always woke up before it actually got too far? It was because I was never going to do it."

"But why? I don't understand."

"Yes you do. You just said so before, you haven't been this happy since I died. I knew that, and I know that you didn't mean to do what you did. But I also know that you never would have gotten over it had I not done something. So, I made a deal with…some very interesting people. They needed help here in the magic world because some things they did not plan for happened… like the death of Sirius Black. But since they needed Harry to have something to live for again, and I needed you to be happy, I made a deal with them."

Realization dawned on Amari and she realized what the other girl meant. Harry was in pain because of Sirius and had started to become bitter. She had helped him realize that Sirius's death had not been his fault, just as he had helped her when she thought she would be lost to insanity. She looked back up to see that Mina was gone, and in her place was a single cherry blossom. "Forgive me." She looked up, but no one was there.


It was another day of training. She had no idea how the other girl did it. Mina was always happy, and after a time, it had rubbed off on her too. She remembered how the other girl would always tell her, "Let's leave the past in the past and looked forward to the day when we're free."

Of course, she had meant the day that they would finally get out of the hell that they were in. Mina had come from a small but happy family in Japan, just like she had. They had both been little kids at the time, no older than 3 when they were stolen from their homes and taken to live at an underground base where they were trained to be assassins. It was always hard, and Amari had become just that after a time.

But when they both reached the age of 6, they had met each other and had become instant friends though they were the complete oppositev of each other. They had no idea that this was part of a plan that the Sigishi brothers had made up to form the perfect assassin for their company.

Over the years, they had trained and went on missions together, but one day, they were set up, and it was the day two lives ended.

Jenji Sigishi had been 'captured' by one of the dealers in the town and Amari and Mina were sent to get him back. When they got there though, Jenji had been standing in the room with his brother Kenji and they had laughed and told the two girls the whole story of how they had been set up. Confused, they were both unprepared for the attack as the two men had brought out their guns and started to fire upon them. They both dodged the bullets flying at them and when Amari saw that Kenji was about to grab Mina, she pointed her gun at Jenji and threatened that if he didn't let her go, she would kill his brother.

Smirking the whole time, Jenji shot his gun off startling Amari into doing the same, missing when Kenji pushed Mina in front on where Jenji was. The bullet went straight through her friends chest…

It took only seconds before Mina's death registered in her mind and she screamed in pure rage before charging at the two men, killing them with two swipes of her claws. The last thing they saw were blood red eyes looking at them…

She had taken Mina's body and buried it in the cemetery, sending a letter to her family telling them that she had died, and a fake story to go with it. She had also went in search of her own family and found that she was a kitsune by watching and listening to them. She had never made contact with them though, never wanting them to know what she had turned out to be…

And that's how she ended up living as a hired assassin for the government and criminals alike. Her feelings, she thought, were obliterated, and there was no reason to live anymore, so she just figured she would kill until killed.

End Flashback

"I forgive you a thousand times over Mina," she said to the wind, "and thank you a million times over that…"


Well, now you know about Amari's past and Mina…and that will be the end of Mina I guess. And now Harry and her are kind of a couple! But did you like this? I hope you did, it took me a while to write it.

I actually did plan on stopping it after the two of them went to sleep, but decided not to. The last part does suck I have to admit but it was late! And Amari is a demon! Did you ever think that?? HA! I bet ya didn't lol But now I have no idea what to write for the next chapter! Help!!!!!!

Well please R & R!!!

LiL Elf