Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Come ❯ Strength of the Small ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Elias walked outside, hearing soft strains of music soaring out towards the heavens. Turning, he realized that the music was coming from Lucien's room, and immediately tried to put it out of his mind. This was aided by the sudden appearance of Ardana, who jumped on him with such force that he would have been knocked over, were it not for a nearby wall. "You're up!"
"Shh," he whispered.. "My head still hurts and you're not helping it." She remained rather quiet for a while, before promptly discarding the idea. "We're going to see the founding of New New Silversea today!"
Clearly she meant the new town that would be located where the burnt down one had been. "Why not just Old Silversea?" Her lips curved into a slight frown. "It's not actually using any of those names. Dad said it would be named Crystal Life."
"That doesn't sound bad at all. .. Wait, not Faust?"
"The town isn't under him. He wants to stay in New Silversea, since he oversaw its construction. They might drop the `New' though, since there isn't an `Old Silversea' or even `Silversea' left. The area's been all cleared. Those nice Engineers came and simply sliced off all the burnt ground and buildings. Tossed them to the side in a neat heap too. Some people are looking around it for anything salvageable. There isn't likely to be anything good left, but I guess it would be worth it if someone finds a small locket or something that was overlooked. I think that those bandits took nearly everything. Why, the nails are only there because the hammers were looted too quickly. In fact .. where are you going?"
"Well if you're going to be like that .. "
Eldon looked out of his window, down into the town square where his children were arguing. "I still can't believe that you didn't tell me about it yesterday."

"Enough of that," said Althea firmly. "There was nothing you could have done, and it was nothing big anyway."
"You call that nothing? It involves me, or would have if you hadn't waited to tell me."
Althea took a look out of the window. "What's done is done. Honestly, its not like you to angst over things that are over already."
"I'm just saying it better not happen again."
"Ok .. ok .. I'll tell Elias not to lose consciousness again."
"That isn't funny," he said, relaxing as he saw that Elias was fine. Even from behind him, Althea could see the tension leaving her husband. "I'm sure he just had too much sun and excitement, that's all. See, there's no need to worry."
"Well, I suppose you are right. It's just .. you know .. "
"Yes, yes, I understand. Come on, you better have lunch now before - you - feel lightheaded yourself!" She pulled at his arm, trying to lead him towards the door.
Eldon chuckled as he turned around and followed her. "Only because you asked so nicely."
Elias tilted his head slightly, looking up at the empty window. He was sure that someone had been watching him. Dismissing the odd thought, he went inside to see if there was anything to eat. "Oh hello there Tobie!"
"A little late for breakfast, aren't you? I thought you were at Faust's place."
"About that .. erm ..
"Why don't you stay for something to eat? I'm sure your father wouldn't mind."
"Uh, I wouldn't want to impose on you or anything. Thanks, but .. "
"But it's a pleasure to have you around. Especially mine," with a decidedly unsettlingly sincere smile.
"Er, hey! Is that Ardana?"
"Hi! Did you come to visit? I'm about to have a late breakfast, and Elias here .. gah! Just ran away."
"Lets just say it took a while to leave."
"To leave? It's not like they were trying to keep you there or .. ?"
"Food. Please?"
After finishing his light meal, he went outside to watch the daily sparring session. He wasn't allowed to join for the day, however, he wouldn't want to miss the learning experience.
"Where did he go? We'll be late if he doesn't come soon." As Lucien looked out of her room, she could see Eldon leaving in the direction of Crystal Life. Ardana pushed her slightly, trying to look out herself. "It looks like we're late already."
"It's all his fault. Where could he be? If he makes us wait any longer … !"
"What did you do to him anyway?"
Lucien acquired a pink coloration with amazing speed, and hurriedly busied herself with the mirror. "What did I what?"
Ardana was not fooled, however. "You know what I mean. He left your place rather late. I know he always gets up early."
"So what if he does? It's not everyday one collapses on the floor you know. And he took that medicine too."
"Aaa.. getting defensive are we?" She prodded Lucien, who gained a deeper flush. "You're lucky that we need to hurry along now, or else you would run out of evasions."
"I wasn't evading anything!" Lucien insisted as they left her room. "I would convince you of that, if we didn't have to go so quickly." They continued in that vein while walking quickly along the beaten path to the site of the new town. Since walking there casually would take about two hours, if they hurried they should be able to reach just behind the …
"Stop right there!"
Ardana gasped and grabbed Lucien's arm as four large, and armed, men stepped out from behind a large dead tree and several nearby bushes. One had a bow, arrow on string. Moments later, a fifth climbed down from another tree, this one still green, with sword in hand. The two of them looked around desperately, but found no one else around.
"We don't have anything on us!" she squeaked instinctively. The five men said nothing, but carefully examined them thoughtfully.
"They can't be anyone important," said one quietly, slipping his hand axe into his belt. The bowman nodded slightly, but did not put down his bow or take his eye off the two girls.
"You're wrong Teiy. Look at their clothes. At least one of them should be worth our while," whispered their leader.
"You sure Clim?" said the one with the bow.
"Sure I'm sure. At the worse we waste a little effort. It's worth a try. Since you think they're unimportant Teiy, go and get hold of them."
"But there are two of em!"
"A man like you handle two small girls? Oh I can't seem to remember when you lost your - "
"Whatever, ok I'll get them." Clim chuckled slightly as Teiy strode towards the two small figures, reaching them in a few seconds. The smaller one screamed as Teiy grabbed her arm, and then the other one suddenly jumped on him and bit his arm. "Gah! Why you little .. !" He swatted her with his left hand. Clim looked straight at Jav, and pointed at Teiy. Nodding, Jav dropped his rough club and ran to help his teammate. Teiy accidentally let go of the girl he had grabbed and she ran off at top speed. The man next to Clim drew his bow and aimed at the fleeing figure. Turning to him, and shaking his head, Clim pulled the arrow off the string. "That's not as good an idea as you think," he said, receiving a surprised look and then a short nod in return. "As you say."
A minute later Jav and Teiy returned with Lucien. "Since you didn't shoot the other one, I suppose you didn't intend to take her along too?"
"Whichever one we have will do. Now we just need to see if there is any response. Back to base now." Jav carefully secured their impromptu companion and lifted her. "Off we go!" he commented cheerfully. Clim handed their last group-mate a small slip of paper. "Get this to the main base," he whispered. "We've got ourselves a distraction." The man nodded, tucked the piece of paper away and began to run to the north-east. "Looking to the west, Clim eyed the other four. "Lets hide before we're caught out in the open!"
Elias peeked over the top of a burnt tree stump, watching the five figures leave, frowning as a sixth made off in the opposite direction. It appeared like the raiders hadn't left the area, finding a small decorated knife, which he took while wondering what to do. After a moment he followed the larger group. They were very careless, leaving behind a trail that was obvious enough to him. They had to carry one of their number, slowing them rather significantly. He followed them for several hours, all the way to the rock formations that lined the west side of the Silversea bay, and hid himself as they entered a large fissure. Peeking out he saw that there was no one around. Several long minutes after, he was creeping slowly toward the entrance, hoping to find out more about the strange bandits. He could hear some faint voices - how far in did that gap go? Moving even closer he caught more of the conversation.
"Are you sure this is a good idea? You'll bring them all down on us!"
"That's the point .. and they won't catch us anyway."
Elias quietly sneaked away, pondering what he had just heard. It was obvious that the people he had just heard were intending to make themselves a distraction. Perhaps there were even more raiders than they had thought of. But in that case ..
"Stop right there!" Turning around slowly, Elias saw one of those men standing a few feet in front of him, carrying a crossbow and a smirk. "Came back to save your friend did you? Ha ha!" Another one exited their hideout, and looked at him piercingly.
"Vardi you idiot," the newcomer said. "That one was a girl, moron!"
"Never mind that Teiy, we still got two for the price of one."
"Well, we have to take this one anyway. I'll check with Clim."
The one with the crossbow pointed at Elias as his companion reentered the cave. "You heard the good man, go in. Slowly."
Knives out of reach, though hidden, Elias had no choice but to enter the dry cave, with the crossbow at his back. The narrow passageway continued for a while before opening out into a natural room. Another two people sat around a small fire, eating bread and fish as the sun went down outside. One of them jumped up, grabbing a wooden club. "Teiy! How did you catch the other one?"
"You're as stupid as Vardi," he replied, bending over to pick up a coil of rope. "Apparently no one seems to notice this one isn't a GIRL damnit!"
"I did." Everyone turned to look at Clim, who was the only one without a drawn weapon. "Anyway, this is unimportant. Tie im' up with the other one."
Teiy quickly tied up Elias and picked him up, heading for another smaller crevice in the room. "Wait," said Clim, taking notice. "Check for weapons first. Don't be careless. Though its unlikely that one kid could suddenly jump out and slaughter us all." Walking over, he patted down their prisoner, and then pulled off his shoes. A small blade clinked as it hit the stone floor. Clim kicked it away as Teiy carried Elias further in before placing him in a small dark room. Some light could be seen from their fire, briefly blocked when Teiy left. Vardi was warning the others of the consequences of drinking his beer while he went to hunt their dinner.
After a while, Elias' eyes adjusted to the dark, and he saw another figure in the room with him. Rolling over, he nudged it. "Hey! What the ..?" A clink was heard as one of the men outside put down his bottle before looking in. "Better get acquainted .. you're going to be there for some time," he laughed, returning to his drink.
"Lucien?" Elias whispered. "How did you get here?" She moved herself slightly, and spoke softly into his ear. "Idiot. Like you of course. How else?"
"Well I'm sorry you managed to get yourself caught," he rolled his eyes in the dark - even now she was like that! "Do you still have your knife on you?"
"I don't think so. I think it fell out when one of them knocked me out."
"Oh .. okay, then it must've been yours." Elias paused when the light was obstructed by another one of the bandits, who came to check on them.
"You mean the one they found on you?" whispered Lucien.
"No, that's nothing special." Elias twisted around a little. "I've got mine, and yours, but I can't reach them like this."
"I see."
"They're just above my ankles," he explained in a low tone. "On the inside, so that Clim guy missed it."
"What's the plan?"
I always did like her decisive person. "Try and move one out of the sheath. I'll shake it around until it falls out."
"Good idea." Again one of their captors came to see what they were doing, then left for his bottle. Moving against the wall, Elias propped himself up a little.
"Try and reach it."
After a little while, he could feel her fingers near his knee. It tickled. "Not there," he told her. "It's a little further .. yes that's it. Try and pull it free." Once the small knife was free, he shook his leg, moving it until the blade fell out. Holding his breath, they waited to see if anyone outside had heard. There was the light breathing of their sleeping guard.
"Pick it up," he said, letting himself drop to the floor. "Try and cut the ropes on my hands."
"Why don't you do mine first?"
Elias hesitated. "You're holding the knife silly. Now hurry!"
Fumbling in the dark, Lucien managed to get a good grip on the handle. With her other hand she reached out and felt around until getting hold of her objective. As she slowly sawed through, every now and then Elias would make some small sound, but refused to say anything. It look another half hour to cut through most of it. Elias snapped the few frayed cords left. Bending over, he took the knife from Lucien and cut the ropes on his feet. He freed Lucien and then took out the other knife, handing it to her.
"This is yours," he said. "Now we wait until one of them comes in."
The two of them waited in the dark for some time. Every now and then, one of the men outside would walk past the entrance, but none actually entered. Eventually, Elias fell asleep, having walked a great distance earlier. Hours later, the sun began to rise outside. Then one of them walked in and grabbed a sleeping Lucien's arm. "Out you go," he said, pulling her up. "It's time for .. what the?" He dropped her back to the floor, realizing that her hands were free. Waking up completely in those few moments, Lucien grabbed at her knife that lay, unseen, beside her. Jav jumped on her, trying to subdue his small prisoner as she thrust with her knife. He got his arms around her and stiffened. Lucien struggled and freed herself from his grasp. She could feel a warm wetness spreading down her chest. Elias was there next to her suddenly, pulling the dead man to the side. He moved further into the shadows, and they waited.
"Jav? What are you doing?"
Another man, carrying a hunk of bread walked in. His eyes fell on Lucien, who was sitting, very much free, in front of him, and then on the dead man next to her. He took another step forward as she pulled out a knife. From behind, Elias jumped on him, attempting to slice his throat. As the man turned, the dagger stabbed into his shoulder. Jerking backwards, he slammed Elias against the wall, and awkwardly dragged his hand axe from his belt. Lucien slashed his arm. The axe fell clattering to the ground. He turned and backhanded her across the face, and she followed the axe down, dropping her knife. He jumped on Lucien, grabbing her neck and choking her, despite her violent struggles. She kicked him as hard as she could.
The bandit went limp and fell forward on Lucien, eliciting a loud squeak. Elias kicked the new body to the side after retrieving Lucien's and his knife from its back. With a small bow he handed over her knife before poking a head out. "Clear," he said, returning. He searched the room, finding the hand axe in a corner. Armed with that and his dagger, he stepped outside. A man, sword at the ready, stood at the only exit. "It looks like you're better than I thought."
Elias rushed as him, axe swinging. His opponent took a step back and parried. Then counter-attacked. Elias' attempt to parry brought his small axe flying to crash into the wall. Not taking his eye off, Elias transferred his dagger to his right hand, taking a step back. The man swung his sword and Elias took another step back. He turned aside a thrust and retreated back into the small room. The man tried to swing his sword but realized that the passageway was too small, dropped it and took out his long knife. Elias thrust while he was thus occupied, but his attack was dodged. Elias took another step back, right into the wall. As he instinctively turned to see the obstruction, Clim attacked. Elias screamed as the sharp blade bit into his right shoulder. His dagger dropped from numb fingers. Clim reached forward to grab his disarmed foe. Elias shrank back against the wall.
Clim dropped to the floor, staring at the crossbow bolt that stood out from his left thigh. In the outer room, Lucien dropped the crossbow that she had shot and fell to the floor. Elias slammed a fist into Clim's face, sending him sprawling on the floor. Snatching up his dagger, Elias pounced on him, sending the dagger neatly into his throat. Gurgling, he went still. Elias scooped up the dropped sword and ran to Lucien. "It's alright," he told her softly. "Everything is alright now." He held her in silence for a while then helped her to her feet. From the outside, there was a scraping sound. Elias sighed, realizing that there was still one more left. Looking at the axe, Lucien picked it up. Elias tucked his new sword into his belt, and held his dagger in his left hand. The last bandit stepped through the door, bow held casually in one hand, a couple of rabbits in the other. "I've got meat!" he announced heartily, stepping in.
Unhesitatingly, Lucien swung the small axe with both hands, catching his bow and breaking it into two. Elias darted behind and swiped awkwardly at the bowman's leg, hamstringing him. "RUN!" he shouted, exiting the cave. "There's no one left!" Lucien followed him out, and they ran out of the cave. Taking a quick look behind, Elias saw the man staggering out of the cave, carrying something. He lifted it and aimed. Without pausing, Elias turned and slammed into Lucien, sending them both to the ground as a bolt whizzed overhead. Cursing so loudly it could be heard across the empty space, the man worked at the winch on his weapon. Elias tried to pull Lucien off the ground. The winch caught, and the man pulled out a bolt and loaded his crossbow as Lucien got back on her feet. He leveled his crossbow and aimed.
THWACK! He staggered as his crossbow exploded in his grasp, showering him with sharp wood splinters. Far away to his left, another bowman cursed and jerked another arrow from a full quiver. Lucien got a look at the man just outside the cave and collapsed onto the floor. A second arrow shot through the air, catching Vardi in the neck and killing him. Elias ineffectually tried to shake Lucien back to reality with one hand as their saviour made his way across the grassy plain.