Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts 3, Life goes on ❯ Chapter 3:The Fight Against Sephiroth ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: The fight against Sephiroth

" Cloud...No..matter what..." Leon said then he coughed up some blood

"I' you."

" Save your strength Leon, don't talk anymore or else you'll die faster." Cloud replied

" No...I know..I' one you..Go..Kill..Sephiroth." Leon said to Cloud

Then Leon closed his eyes, and he wasn't breathing or moving at all, Leon died.

" L-Leon" Cloud said silently, then he began to cuss under his breath

Sora was motionless, he couldn't believe that Sephiroth killed Leon. Sora was praying that Leon is not dead, he hopes that Leon will wake up and be ok. Cloud began to burst into tears, Leon was a great friend of his, but now he's dead.

Just then a teenage girl arrived at the Third District. She had brown hair at shoulder length, and had white shorts on with a shorty, tight green top on. She ran up to Cloud, who was crying, then she noticed Leon on the ground, motionless.

"Yuffie, Leon's dead." Cloud said to the teenage girl

"No, that can't be, how did he die?" Yuffie asked

" Sephiroth killed him." replied Cloud

" Sephiroth?, who's Sephiroth?" Yuffie asked

" You know, Sephiroth, he's that guy we fought years ago, remember."

" You mean that guy that has long white hair and has that wing?"

" Yes, that's him, he's killing more people."

" We'll stop him!!!" said Sora

" Yeah, me and Sora are a team." Cloud said to Yuffie

Then another girl appeared. She had long brown hair that was braided, and she had a bow in her hair, she was wearing a pink dress. It was Aerith, Cloud's girlfriend.

" Cloud, are you ok?" Aerith asked

" Leon's dead, Sephiroth murdered him." Cloud replied

" OH no, Sephiroth's back." Aerith was starting to get scared, she hugged Cloud tightly

" Don't worry Aerith, me and Sora can stop him." Cloud said, then he kissed her

" Sora, you can stop him, I know you can like you did to Ansem." Aerith said to Sora

" I'm going to stop him no matter what!!" replied Sora

Then Sora and Cloud board the gummi ship to go to Wonderland, to see if Sephiroth is there.

As they arrived, they fell at the bottom of the rabbit hole. Sora and Cloud were in the bizzare room, they drank that potion to make themselves small. They looked everywhere for Sephiroth, when they were back in the Bizzare room, a gigantic heartless appeared out of nowhere. Sora and Cloud fought it, but all of a sudden, Cloud had a wing. Cloud was flying, and slashing the heartless. Finally, Sora and Cloud destroyed the gigantic heartless.

" Now what?" Sora asked

" We go search at the Deep Jungle to see if Sephiroth is there." replied Cloud

" Alright, let's board the gummi ship!!" Sora said

Then, they went to the gummi ship and took off.

Meanwhila at the Hollow Bastion, Sephiroth was looking at a hologram of Sora and Cloud.

" I'm gonna destroy you once and for all, then I'll be the new keyblade master." Sephiroth said as he looked at Sora

" Darkness conquers everything, it rules the entire universe. I want my wish to come true, I want immortality, so I can rule the universe!!"

Soon Cloud and Sora arrived at the Deep Jungle, they ran into Tarzan, he joined Sora and Cloud to look for Sephiroth. Tarzan had brown that went alittle past shoulder length and he hardly has any clothes on. They found a tall guy that had a gun. It was Clayton, he was going to shoot a gorilla. Sora, Cloud and Tarzan fought him, in one slash, Sora destroyed Clayton. The Gorillas are now safe. Tarzan thanked them for their help.

Soon, Sora and Cloud board the gummi ship to the Coliseum. That was where Cloud saw Sephiroth last.

At the Coliseum, Sephiroth was waiting for Cloud and Sora to arrive he took

out his long sword. Then he stared up at the sky, hoping that his wish for eternal life will come true. Just then, Sephiroth noticed that Cloud and Sora were coming.

" Sephiroth, your going down!!" Cloud yelled

" I don't think so, soon, I might have eternal life, so I can rule the universe!" Sephiroth replied

" I don't think so, where your going to is hell!!" Cloud had his sword ready

" Don't worry, I've been to hell before, but when I get eternal life, there will be no way that you can beat me, then I rule the universe, and I'll be the new keyblade master, after I destroy that runt!! Sephiroth said to Cloud

"No you won't, I'm the one and only keyblade master!!" Sora yelled

" OH, is that so? we'll just see about that!!" Sephiroth had his long sword ready, and Sora had his keyblade ready.

It was gonna be a one on one battle, Sora vs. Sephiroth, it was another bloody battle, Sora did slash Sephiroth alittle bit. Sephiroth used this one firey attack to kill Sora, but Sora used Arcanum to hit Sephiroth, then Sephiroth leaped to the corner and then he ran up, and then teleported.

He appeared at another corner.

" Sin Harvest!" he yelled

" Sora hurry, hit him before he uses that attack on you, it's a deadly attack, he used that attack on Leon, and that's how he died!!" Cloud yelled

Sora charged up and slashed Sephiroth.

End of Chapter 3