Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts 3, Life goes on ❯ Chapter 4: The Search ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: The Search

Blood was starting to drip from Sephiroth's mouth, Sora had blood dripping from his nose, and his left arm was injured.

" So, you still think I'm bluffing!?" Sora asked

" Hell no, Your just a runt that likes to play with a junkie keyblade!!" Sephiroth yelled

Then there was more fighting, Sora and Sephiroth kept slashing eachother. Sora and Sephiroth both had blood on their face. Sephiroth spit out a tooth.

" Well, your pretty good for a runt, but I'm still not impressed, prepare yourself!!"

Just then, Sephiroth powered up, he was then in the air trying to slash Sora. Sora did get slashed a couple of times, some at the same places where he already got slashed.

" Show me what you've got!!!" Sephiroth yelled as he used another strong attack

" Oh man!!" Sora said to himself

" Sin Harvest!!" Sephiroth yelled

Then, Sephiroth was about to use that strong attack again, this time, some kind of pink halo appeared over Sora's head. Sora got hit, he was almost dead.

" Time to finish you off runt!!" Sephiroth yelled

When Sephiroth was about to kill Sora, Cloud interfeared. Sephiroth slashed Cloud across the chest.

" So Cloud, your here to protect your little runt friend!? I feel sorry for you!!" Sephiroth said to Cloud

" Sora's not a runt, he's the keyblade master!!!" Cloud yelled

" So what!!, After I kill him, I'm gonna be the new keyblade master!!" Sephiroth replied

" No way, I'm not gonna let you kill Sora he's my friend, and he's the one and only Keyblade master!!" Cloud yelled back

" Oh, so your gonna stick up for that runt?, then you lead me no choice!!"

Now it was a whole new battle!! Cloud vs. Sephiroth! Sephiroth started off by trying to slash Cloud, he dodged it and used a move where he moves really fast. Sephiroth got slashed alittle bit, but then he used that firey attack again. Cloud got burned on his right arm.

" So, you give up Cloud?" Sephiroth asked

" Never, I'll never give up!!" Cloud replied

" Oh we'll just see about that!!" Sephiroth yelled

Sephiroth slashed Cloud a few times, but then he was about to use that one powerful attack again.

" Sin Harvest!" Sephiroth yelled

Then he used that strong attack on Cloud, he was about to die.

" Goodnight Cloud!!" Sephiroth said as he held up his sword

The blade of the sword was a few inches above Cloud's chest, but then Sora woke up. He had trouble getting up, when Sora got up on his feet, he was limping over to where Sephiroth was about to kill Cloud.

" Any last words Cloud!?" Sephiroth asked

" Stop right there!!" Sora yelled

Sephiroth turned around. All of a sudden Sora stabbed Sephiroth with the keyblade.

" We'll meet again keyblade master!!" Sephiroth said, then he disappeared

Sora saw Cloud on the ground, he was motionless, but he was still breathing.

" Cloud!" Sora yelled as he ran towards Cloud

While Sora was running towards Cloud, he fell. The wounds hurt badly, Sora struggled to get back up. As he got up, he was limping. Sora couldn't hardly walk now, Cloud slowly opened his eyes.

" ok?" Cloud asked

" I'm fine, but my leg badly hurts." Sora replied

Cloud slowly got up to see what's wrong with Sora's leg. Cloud was feeling Sora's leg to see where it hurts.

" Ow!" Sora yelled

" Does it hurt right here?" Cloud asked

" Yes, it hurts badly." Sora replied

" It's broken."

" What!? No!!"

" Don't worry, I can take care of that."

Cloud carried Sora out to the Coliseum gates, he wrapped Sora's leg. Sora could now walk alittle bit better.

" Thanks Cloud!" Sora said

Their journey continued, next, they went to Aladden's world, to look for Sephiroth, as they arrived. They saw a guy that had black hair and a vest on with some baggy white pants. It was Aladden!

" What are you two doing here?" Aladden asked

" We came here to find Sephiroth." Sora replied

" Sephiroth?"

" Sephiroth is evil, he's destroying everything, and killing all these people." Cloud replied

" Jasmine's gone!" Aladden said to Cloud and Sora

" What happened to her?" Sora asked

" Some guy that had blue-green eyes and white hair, and was dressed up in black took her." Aladden replied

" Sephiroth!" Sora said

" That was Sephiroth?" Aladden asked

" Yes." replied Cloud

" Don't worry we'll find Jasmine." Sora said to Aladden

Then Aladden just noticed Sora's leg.

" Hey, what happened to your leg?" Aladden asked

" I got hurt." replied Sora

" He got into a fight with Sephiroth, and So did I, but Sora was badly injured." Cloud said to Aladden

" Are you Ok?" Aladden asked

" Yes, I'm fine." Sora replied

" Alright, me and Sora have to go now and look for Sephiroth, and we'll promise to find Jasmine." said Cloud

Soon Cloud and Sora left.

End Of Chapter 4