Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts 3, Life goes on ❯ Chapter 6: Sora and Cloud vs. Ansem ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6: Sora and Cloud vs. Ansem

The fight began Cloud and Sora vs. Riku. Riku jumped down and almost slashed Sora, luckely Sora dodged it Cloud was doing a fast attack and slashed Riku. Then Sora was slashing Riku a couple of times. Blood was starting to drip from Riku's left arm, then Riku slashed Sora on his hurt leg Sora screamed in pain, Cloud got so mad that he slashed Riku a bunch of times.

The battle was still on, blood was starting to drip from Riku's mouth then all of a sudden, Riku was down on his knees Sora and Cloud were seeing if Riku was ok. Riku got up,he spit out some blood.

" Sora, there's no way you can beat me!! My heart is too strong!!" said Riku.

" Riku you've lost your mind, your heart is gonna be swallowed up by darkness," replied Sora.

" Fool!, my heart is too strong to be swallowed up by darkness!!" said Riku

" Look Riku we're serious about it, it's true sooner or later your heart will be swallowed up by darkness," Cloud said to Riku.

" You Fools!!!!!" Riku yelled

Riku was slashing Cloud and Sora nonstop, but then Sora blocked Riku's attacks Sora was limping, since Riku slashed his leg. Cloud had his wing, and was flying in the air and slashing Riku. Riku fell to the ground, he was badly hurt, then he was motionless. Sora ran over to Riku.

" Riku?" Sora said as he looked down at Riku.

" I think we killed him," said Cloud.

" NO Riku!" Sora yelled.

Then Riku slowly opened his eyes, he was coughing up some blood.

" S....Sora," Riku said silently.

" Riku your ok," replied Sora.

" You...broke...the...spell," said Riku.

" What spell?" Sora asked

" on me," replied Riku.

"Riku, why did Sephiroth put a spell on you?" Cloud asked

" The...reason...was that..I...refused to fight you...and..Sora," Riku replied

All of a sudden, Sephiroth appeared, he jumped down from the stairs of the entrance hall.

" You two will pay for this!" Sephiroth said as he carried Riku to the Grand Hall.

Sephiroth disappeared into the darkness, Sora and Cloud continued to find Sephiroth. Meanwhile Sephiroth arrived at the Grand Hall with Riku in his arms. Ansem was there, guarding the princesses, then he noticed that Sephiroth was carrying Riku. Sephiroth set Riku down.

" Don't worry son, I'll heal you," Sephiroth said silently.

Then Sephiroth used some type of power to heal Riku. Soon Riku opened his eyes.

" Huh, where am I?" Riku asked.

" Your at the Grand Hall you were hurt very badly so I healed you," replied Sephiroth.

" Oh," said Riku.

" So the boy is now fully healed," said Ansem

" Ansem, now's the time to pocess Riku's body," replied Sephiroth.

" Alright," said Ansem.

Then all of a sudden, Ansem was inside of Riku. Now Riku was stronger and he had a different voice, sounded like Riku and Ansem talking at the same time, like their fused together.

" Now Ansem, all we have to do is wait for those brats to show up," said Sephiroth.

" I'm ready," replied Ansem.

Back at the entrance hall, Sora was limping, his leg was bleeding very badly.

" Don't move Sora, your leg is badly injured again," said Cloud

Sora sat on the stairs.

" Let me see that leg," said Cloud

Sora put out his leg for Cloud to see, Cloud got out some wrap and some medicine. First Cloud put the medicine on the wound, then he wrapped it.

" Alright, your better now we need to find Sephiroth," said Cloud

"Alright, let's go," replied Sora

Soon, they left to find the Grand Hall. On their way to the Grand Hall they fought off the heartless, they kept going until they arrived at the Grand Hall.

Soon, they finally arrived at the Grand Hall, when Sora and Cloud got to the keyhole Ansem arrived.

" Well, I see you two survived through all this and arrived here," said Ansem

" Riku where's Kairi?" Sora asked.

" Well if you want to know, you have to get passed me!" replied Ansem

" Wait, your not Riku," said Sora.

" Enough talking, the keyhole is almost completed, and when it is , it'll lead me to everlasting darkness," replied Ansem.

" Who are you?" Sora demanded.

" It is I, Ansem, the seeker of darkness," Ansem replied.

" Ansem!!, but how I killed you a long time ago," said Sora.

" Well, I came back to life!" Ansem said.

"You going down Ansem!!" Cloud yelled.

Another fight Sora and Cloud vs. Ansem. Ansem slashed Sora before he can hit him, Cloud did slash Ansem and so did Sora.

" Now it is true power!" Ansem said as he powered up.

Ansem was now a lot faster and stronger he did slash Sora and Cloud a little bit. Sora used " Ars Arcanum" on Ansem and slashed him a bunch of times, there was blood all over Ansem's chest and his right arm.

" Open your heart to darkness!" Ansem yelled .

Then Ansem used his most powerful attack, Sora was almost dead so he stayed in the corner until Ansem stopped using that attack. Cloud healed Sora with a Hi-Potion, and Sora healed Cloud with magic. Cloud then had his wing and slashed Ansem. Ansem had blood on his face.

" Open your heart to darkness!" he said again.

Ansem used that strong attack again Cloud got hit by it, and was almost dead. Sora healed Cloud with magic again. Sora was almost out of magic, so he used an ether to get his magic back, Cloud kept slashing Ansem, he was now almost dead. Then Sora finished Ansem off with "Ars Arcanum", Ansem has been defeated!!! Ansem was now out of Riku's body, and disappeared forever. Riku was motionless.

" Riku!" Sora said as he ran over to Riku.

" Sora! You need to seal the keyhole!!" Cloud yelled.

Riku opened his eyes, he got up on his feet, Sora gasped.

" Sora," said Riku

End of Chapter 6