Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts 3, Life goes on ❯ Chapter 7: Sora's Sacrifice ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7: Sora's Sacrifice

" Riku are you ok?" Sora asked.

" Some guy went into my body," replied Riku.

" Where's Kairi?" Sora asked again.

" She's right there," Riku replied.

" Kairi!" Sora said as he ran over to her " Kairi, Kairi open your eyes!"

" She lost her heart," said Cloud when he walked over to Sora.

" I know what to do," replied Sora.

Then Sora saw the keyblade Ansem had, on the ground.

" Sora you need to seal the keyhole!" Cloud yelled

Sora smiled then all of a sudden, he stabbed himself with Ansem's keyblade. That keyblade unlocked people's hearts. The princesses got their hearts back, even Kairi.

" Sora!" Riku said in shock.

" No!! Sora!!" Cloud said in a fright.

Sora was sacrificing himself for Kairi and the other princesses. Kairi woke up.

" Sora!" she yelled.

She try to grab Sora, but he disappeared.

" We have to get out of here!" Cloud yelled.

" No, not without Sora!" replied Kairi.

Cloud and Riku were starting to head out.

" C'mon Kairi, the heartless are coming!!" Riku yelled.

Kairi ran to catch up to Riku and Cloud, tears were starting to fill her eyes, Sora was gone. Back at the Grand Hall, There was a heartless that went to find Cloud,Riku, and Kairi. Could it be Sora? The Heartless went to the Entrance Hall, there was Cloud, Riku, and Kairi. The heartless went up to them.

" Back off you damn heartless!" said Cloud when he got ready to kill it.

" No wait, that might be Sora, because remember when he was a heartless before. I can tell this is Sora," Kairi replied.

" Yeah, this heartless isn't hurting us so it's Sora," said Riku.

Soon heartless were surrounding the gang, Kairi was protecting Sora. The heartless were about to attack her, but just then they got killed by who? Sora!! He was back to his own self again. Sora hugged Kairi.

" Thanks Kairi," said Sora.

" This time I was protecting you," replied Kairi.

" Ah they do make a great couple don't they Riku?" Cloud asked.

" Yeah, alright guys no time to make out, we gotta get out of here!!, Now!!" Riku yelled.

Everyone boared the Gummi Ship and left the Hollow Bastion, and headed back to Traverse Town. They went to the Small House in the Third District, There was Yuffie and Aerith, but Leon wasn't there, because he was murdered by Sephiroth.

" The Heartless are getting stronger," said Yuffie.

" Well we can't just stay here," replied Sora.

" We gotta get back to Hollow Bastion to seal that keyhole." said Cloud

" Cloud I was worried about you." said Aerith as she went up to hug Cloud

Cloud kissed Aerith and then hugged her. Sora was getting ready to go back and seal the keyhole.

" Cloud you ready?" Sora asked.

" Yeah I am," replied Cloud.

" Wait Sora!" said Riku " I'm going with you."

" Alright Riku welcome to the team," replied Sora.

Soon Sora,Riku, and Cloud went to the first distirct to find Cid, he had short blonde hairwith a white shirt on and some jeans, and up close, you can see a toothpick sticking out of his mouth.

" Hey Cid." said Cloud.

" Oh, I see you found another Gummi," replied Cid.

" Cid, we need to get back to Hollow Bastion," Sora said.

" Don't you know how dangerous it is out there?" Cid replied " You don't know who you'll run into next or what."

"But Cid, we have to get back to Hollow Bastion so we can seal the keyhole, and we have to beat Sephiroth," said Sora.

" What!? Sephiroth's back!?" said Cid in a shock.

" Yes, he's going to destroy all the worlds if we don't stop him," replied Cloud.

" Damn, I can't believe it, wait here while I go install the Gummi Ship so you guys can get back to Hollow Bastion," said Cid.

Then he went to install it. While waiting, Kairi arrived at the First District.

" Sora!" she said.

" Kairi, you can't come with us it's too dangerous," replied Sora.

" I know but I wanna give you something," said Kairi.

Kairi gave Sora her lucky charm, it was actually a keyblade, the Oathkeeper.

" It's my lucky charm remember, make sure you give it back," said Kairi.

" I promise to give it back," replied Sora.

Then Sora kissed Kairi on the cheek. Kairi began to blush.

" Oh Sora," said Kairi.

Cid returned to the First Dictrict.

" OK the ship is ready for blast off," said Cid.

" Thanks Cid," replied Sora.

" Yeah Thanks," said Cloud.

"Your Welcome," replied Cid.

Then, Sora,Riku,and Cloud boared the Gummi Ship and set off to Hollow Bastion. As they got there, they had to fight a whole bunch of heartless on their way to the Grand Hall. The Heartless multiplied by a minute, there were more heartless than last time they were here. Finally they arrived at the Entrance Hall. More heartless appeared.

" Crap, there's too many heartless," said Riku.

" They are coming from that keyhole we need to seal up," replied Cloud.

" C'mon let's stop talking and fight!" said Sora.

Then they fought more and more heartless. They kept fighting until they arrived at the Grand Hall. Sora, Riku, and Cloud went inside and fought this big gigantic monster that had a horn on it's forehead and had two huge tusks. Sora and the gang soon defeated the giant heartless.

" Alright Sora, you need to seal the keyhole," said Cloud.

Then Sora used the keyblade to seal the keyhole. Finally it was sealed. After that, they saw Yuffie and Aerith.

" Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Cloud asked.

" This is our childhood place, remember?" said Aerith.

" Oh yeah," replied Cloud.

" So Sora you finally sealed the keyhole all you guys have to do now is destroy Sephiroth." said Yuffie.

End of Chapter 7